Firstly here are he remainder of the BoB Punjabi Indians that I have purchased. As with the others they are IT Miniatures and 1/72nd scale. Or 20mm if you want it in wargames speak. (
here is a link)

8 in this batch making 24 in total. Which should give me a platoon strength os as close to it as I am likely to get. Only 3 different posses this time, but when mixed in with the others no one will notice. No Officers as at least 1 platoon should be NCO led. Just to make it realistic!
I hope to do a group shot of the whole force sometime soon.
As for what is next there are several things on the painting table so It could be nearly anything. (sci fi , Fantasy or Historical)

Secondly and mostly for a laugh here is my last Radish dug up this year. I call it Franken-Radish. It is real, it is editable and I dug it up on Friday Morning!
The figure being a 20mm tall miniature is just for scale. I have not been terribly successful with Radish this year. They taste fine but look damn ugly!

It grew in 2 bursts hence the strange shape. And this is one of the ones that does not look RUDE! Most of the rest did look rude. But they taste OK and that is the main thing.
I still have Carrots Beet root and Cabbage to dig up! I have no idea what they will turn out like! My first time with all three of those.
Lastly Have a great Crimbo and I will post again soon. I KNOW I will be getting 2 things for the passing of Christmas (I know because I bought them). So In a few days I will do a loot post.
Until then, take care have fun pull a cracker, graon at a bad joke and do your best not to eat and drink too much
Cheers Clint