Got home from Salute last night at about 7:20pm Trains were a nightmare! And thank goodness The "Rejects" gave me a lift half way or it might well have been longer. I won't go into details. Just Nightmare!!!

Still home now and the obligatory shot of my Salute '14 Swag. Not all of this is for me...... but most of it is. So what's in the Box? I know I know its actually a simple pre-show order from Kerr and King and yes I got a deal on it, simply a 10mm Arab Village. Some more 10mm terrain from the Square, a company I don't know a lot about but I think I now have enough buildings.
Talking of 10mm I had a pre-show order with Pendraken... More SCW, More Samurai and More British Sudan figures. 2 blisters of Dixon miniatures (ok I'll put my hands up and say impulse buy), I box of 20mm Boxers (From Harfields) another pre-order. Although soft plastic I got them as a trial following Loki's blog. And lets be honest Boxer Rebellion may well become a new project only time will tell. Two Resin Crystals for some Science fiction gaming, Nice that these are cast in clear coloured resin at the same price as normal resin. This gives me the option of either paining them or not! Salute Dice and Salute figure, I got more dice than I needed as I have promised to send some to Slovenia. (Yes Mathyoo I did get them for you). I also managed to pick up the "Donnybrook rules" yes another impulse buy, But that's what happens when you watch "New Worlds" on the telly! And finally chatting to a guy in the Cue before Salute I was given a SAGA Key-ring. There are a few Saga players at the club so I'll pass it to one of them!
Talking about the cue before Salute, I was also told that the old Tabletop games rules are going to be re-released, mostly as PDF formats and updated for a modern audience. But given that several players at club level have bemoaned the current trend of glossy wargames porn type wargames rules which emphasis style over substance. This may be a welcome return to a simpler more credible form of rules. Which is not to say that all Tabletop Games Rules were of the highest standard, but they were affordable and if they did not suit you easy to buy another set. The first releases will be from the Tabletop Micro Games range as this does not infringe copywrites or so I am told.
Thanks for looking Next post Tuesday and with luck another Salute report! All the Best from Clint.
Post Script: I would like to say what a joy it was to meet all the other bloggers.