While the Mojo has not returned it is slowly coming back. I wanted to paint something different and that was generally useful but not too taxing and that I was happy to muck up if need be. I did not muck it up!
So here are 5 (I think) Foundry medieval Peasants! Well I know there is 5 of them I am just not sure they are foundry but I will claim they are until someone tells me other wise.

All the colours are from the artist Pieter Bruegel (a Dutch renaissance painter circa 1525) and as he was alive at the time I am going to trust his colour choices.
Why am I painting peasants?

No I am not thinking about Wat Tyler, instead it has occurred to me that the game of "En garde!" we played a weekend or two ago did not have all the possible options. I was short of servants ruffians and general low value troops and I know a couple of people in the club DO value quantity of troops over quality of troops. So some farm larbourer types were always a good idea. So from left to right they are armed with : a side Axe (think hatchet but for trimming "Green Wood", Adze, pitch fork, felling axe, and wooden club. All of which would exist on a large medieval farm or timber yard so all are perfectly suitable for improvised weapons. Rummaging through the lead pile it seems I have a number of peasent types so I have prepped 5 more ready for paint. Mostly scythe armed so they should be along shortly.
The final picture is JUST to embarrass my cousin. I made her some Fudge and those that have had some will know that it is extremely rich so she has had her sugar rush for the day, that is for sure.