The building is by PMC games, an eBay seller. It comes in two parts ready painted and at a reasonable price. Personally I think it's great and intend to get some more when money allows. It is not without problems though. Historically, architecturally and structurally it's all wrong, but only if you are being pedantic. For example the overhangs should be smaller, no more than 1/4 the floor beams length, which you can clearly see in the top picture (left hand side) is out of proportion. You will also notice (in both pictures) that the timber framing (which should be the structural skeleton of the building) is interrupted by the windows. In real life you would never weaken a building in this way it would make it unstable and likely to collapse. Still enough of that it still looks good and I can't see any of the Rainham players worrying about it, well now that they have read this they will, but normally they wouldn't.
I will not be going to Skirmish on Sunday two shows two weeks apart is too close for me as I need to work through the purchases I made at cavalier first. Talking of which I have some 20mm Taliban on the paint table and with luck should be able to share them with you on Monday. That's it for now, have a good weekend and take care, I'm off to watch the rugby on telly!. Cheers Clint