Slow off the blocks today. Took me a long time to get going. Sometimes we all have days like that. Anyway here are 13 28mm Empress Miniatures Spanish Civil War figures. They have been painted to be Very British Civil War (VBCW) figures for matt. The last pic does show them all together as I know by now that people do like a group shot.

broken down into one lot of 5 figures top and 2 lots of 4 figures each. Theer are more on the painting table and I plan to have them finished on Saturday (sunday at the latest)
Weapons are a mixture bur mostly rifles as well as 2 SMGs and a pistol and one I just do not know what! (Middle figure top pic)/ I bet some of you have taken a look just to tell me. Great if you have and even better if you have not.

All the clothes are civilian clothes and in a variety of colours. Well the helmets are old military but what did you expect. We could go into detail about what a Spanish Civil War figure should be wearing but the truth is that for a Very British Civil War all the rules are out of the window as it is a fictional war so seriously anything could have happened. It is all down to you.

The last Picture shows them all together and what a mixed lot they look too. As I know matt wants to use these as socialists I have put red ties on them where appropriate but I have tried not to over do the colour as then it looks artificial. Which honestly it is but as Walter Gropius once said "Less is More!" (which did start a verbal debate among architects to which my favourite reply was "Less is less", but you really have to read all the replies to get the full meaning of that comment some 80 years later.)
Guess who had to write an essay on it! yeah you guessed.
Not sure there will be another blog post in 2 days time. Nothing even nearly finished. But Japanese Tanks started (and abandoned until I get the correct colour paint.... I can't mix enough) as well as another lot of these and even another ECW figure. So no ideas what will come next. It really could be anything.
All the best Clint.
Paint if you an and the mood and the weather takes you.