Yes more VBCW figures for Matt and his Anglican league. Posted a day early as they were to be finished tomorrow, but it is either post this or watch naff TV!!! So we have to secular clergy, one in a brown suit and one in grey as well as a Verger. Yes the Verger does have a lot of similarities with a character from Dads Army. However he is carrying a Flag of the city of Rochester. The last time I claimed it was a flag of Rochester the figure was carrying I was wrong, This one I am more confident of though as it does have a white "Invicta" horse in the top left.
There have been some slight amendments to these figures post photography as I remembered to put a cross on each helmet and a armband on the brown suit! That's all done but batteries for the camera are low so I will not re-take the pictures, but will do a group shot when they are all done this week. (Hopefully Saturday).
I am unsure of the make of the figures but the flag I believe comes from Solway. A head swap had been carried out on at least one of the figures prior to paint being slung at it so very possible that the figures are from more than one manufacturer. Matt will most likely email me the truth tomorrow when he reads this. But 28mm VBCW figures based and painted by me (aka Paint Monkey).
Thanks for looking today. Take car and have fun Clint