I usually do not do WIP shots but we all make exceptions, and this clearly is mine (or one of mine).
I bought the German starter fleet and here are most of the models. (2 small ones are not included as I simply forgot them them undercoating)
2 "Blucher" class dread noughts. These need the most tidying up as you can see the decking colour has slipped/run onto the hull. Being readnoughts I am hoiping they will be able to take and dish out a fair amount of punishment.
The flags were tricky so I might strip one of as well and do it again. (Blast you clumsy fingers).
Two "Koln" Class armoured cruisers. While they are called "Armoured" Crusiers I fully expect the armour to be paper thin and prone to rust! But should they turn out to be tough I will happily eat my words.
Should I paint Matts British I will ask him what colour he wants though they will after all be his fleet. But if he wants "Paisley" he will need to pay me a LOT! (You are warned Matt).
Lastly (for now) we have two SA15 Class Patrol Nef. as you can see from the final pic these are a LOT smaller. I have also left out the flags and the masts. Sorry I found them too fiddly on this size ship. Yes they should have masts, But as they are not for steering or to carry sails and thus provide motion AND as there was not any pre made wholes for them O simply left them out.
That in itself does not make me a BAD person so don't complain!
Thanks for looking. All the best Clint