Again not a lot as my wallet is nearly empty.... actually I did take about £90 but carried most of it back home. That is not to say there was nothing there, I could have used it all up but I hardly got out from behind my table. However.... (dum dum dum! Dramatic music) I did have a very good time and met some great people, and perhaps made a few new friends. I may have even persuaded some to come to our club and some were fantastic bloggers and meeting them was one of the highlights of my day.
Yeah OK cutting the waffle, this is what I bought:
1 Zvesda BTR 80 kit. I did want a pack of Team Yankee vehicles, but could not find any at the "Right" price, so that will be an eBay purchase in the future
3 Pots of paint, just to replace paints that were running frightfully low.
6 metal 28mm figures from Colonel Bill, which are waiting for the next Analogue Painting Challenge!
1 Resin 15mm destroyed M113 Apc. This will go with my 15mm Cold war game which is in the planning.... so guess what the US troops will be driving!!!! Yeah that's right!
Other highlights include being given permission by a figure manufacturer to write a set of rule which they intend to make figures for. (And I will say no more about this until they are written OR Not written.) ..... So feel free to ask, BUT know I will make no reply on the subject.
A very Brief chat with Simon Miller about Samurai armies in his "To the Strongest" rules. he has the army lists already published and I have 2 Sam armies ready to go. He was playing a very interesting game about American Indians and Dinosaurs...... But I still am not sure I believe him when he was telling me he did not know the film "Valley of the Gwangi" one of Ray Harryhausens stop motion monster flicks.
A brief chat with Karl of Crooked dice and it looks like I will be back on the forum soon. Well quite soon after I have both changed my email address AND forgot my forum password. He said he will set me up with a new account!
And of course walking around and seeing everyone and for a few hours NOT feeling like some outcast circus freak because I was among like minded fellows.
Thanks for reading my waffle I will TRY to do a show report tomorrow!
All the best Clint