Well the turn sequence meant British repairs were carried out before anything else. Which meant they did not get ant worse due to enemy shooting before the end of the turn. If (or more likely When) I do this again I will have a more regular turn sequence this way works great on face to face tabletop games but is a little clumsy in a Play By Blog game or so I have found.
Anyway, this turn nothing really went the Spanish way. Indeed it is fair to say that not a single Spanish gun fired this turn while 2 British ships did. (Yes only 2 due to arch of fire !)
Starting back left and moving anticlockwise to end at the far right of the overhead picture.
Meccedes suffered two broadsides at LONG range. but due to accurate firing from HMS Cutlass and somewhat less accurate firing from HMS Agamemnon she lost a whole mast in a single salvo. but has now taken refuge behind HMS Badger, Unicornico the Other Spanish frigate has turned and moved out of range and is now heading for HMS Pachyderm.
HMS Agamemnon and HMS Cutlass, are not crashing or trying to board each other and due to sail settings will pass without incident next turn. Unless they want to try to board each other, but that just would not be cricket. If they were enemies I feel that it would. They do need to give each other some more sea room though!
San Francis has turned around and looks like she might be coming back for seconds. As El interceptor and SS Guano head for the open seas. Or are they both chasing HMS Challenge?
HMS Challenge and SS Pina colada will probably exit the board next turn. There to await the outcome of the battle and determine in SS Pina Colada becomes an English prise or a free Spanish ship. Capitano Millsy may start to engage and be engaged with HMS Pachyderm if they continue in this fashion!
La Venganza de Serria failed to take HMS Pachyderm in the boarding action and has now been boarded its self and been taken as an English prize. Whether Captain Lucky Lee decides he wants to keep it is of course up to him. The morale of this action is that you should not try to board a bigger ship as they tend to have more crew and more marines. Hard Luck Loki!
Well I am out all day Saturday and all day Sunday so the next post is most likely on Monday. needless to say those captains still in the game I will need their turns BY 8am Saturday the 7th December.
But just before I go. My 2 anti-heroes for Curt's Analogue painting challenge have now arrived. And that picture is just to tease you as I am aware that Bombshell Miniatures are not commonly known. So don't all go looking to see what anti-hero I have selected to do. But I will give you a clue it is the nickname of a well known blogger! (Saying no more!)
Thanks for looking again today. All the best Clint!