These are 15mm Battlefront ww2 Japanese. Painted and based or 3omm squares for PBI the ww2 company level game by Peter Pig. (
http://www.peterpig.co.uk/ ). It was cheaper to buy a Battlefront company pack than to try to buy individual packs from any other source. Trust me It is something I looked at! So getting a deal at a show (Cavalier) in February I have slowly completed the company.

The wounded markers are Peter Pig and while no one wants dead/wounded markers for their own troops they are vital for the game.
leaders have a 10mm strip at the rear of the stand to clearly Identify them (and name them if you choose). As yet I have not named them and am not sure I will.
The reeds are bristles from a Wilkinson's Wall paper brush. which I bought a few years back for the pricely sum of 99p and as it has just about been used up I fear I will need to buy another and I suspect the price will have changed.

I have shown the WHOLE company as I know several of you like to see complete "armies" all in one place. Ahh but is it complete? That answer is NO of course not, there are still things to add to round out all the options.
Lurking in the background are a few more additions. But for today I am only looking at the 3rd Platoon. It is comprised as follows.
- Platoon Commander
- 2 "Knee" Mortars
- 2 LMG stands
- 6 Rifle Stands
Much like previous platoons. This was the most efficient use of the figures and I was able to get the Whole Company out of one box with no extras. I cannot guarantee that every one will be able to, but it did work for me in this instance. And Yes I did manage a few more stands than those shown... just one or three and they are currently in Paint!
I still have a few things waiting in the wings to get painted but I have at least reached a critical mass with which to face my US troops at a Pacific Island from now on.
Still waiting to be completed. |
That is it for today. Have fun and get busy with the painting. All the best Clint