Yes some more Back of Beyond figures. Well that is to say my first actual troops. I woke up this morning feeling as if the Back of beyond needed an armoured car. I am sure I will bet tanks eventually but for now this is my heavy armour. So having woken up in the mood to do an armoured car for the back of beyond I grabbed my old (and trusty) Rolls Royce armoured car and gave it a new paint job. Which is why you are seeing this vehicle again, but this time with a BoB camo scheme. It has already been painted twice so let's hope this is the last time.
Personally if you are going to have an armoured car what could be better than a Rolls Royce.

Additionally here are the first actual troops. More will be along soon I am sure. In the back of Beyond these can either be Red Russians or White Russians as the uniforms were so similar that it really did just come down to insignia in the Russian Civil War.

Al the figures and the Armoured car are IT Miniatures (
LINK) or Frontline Wargaming (both are the same company in reality as about 2 years ago Tim bought all the IT miniatures molds). As I only need 1 platoon per person (MAX) more than 1 armoured car might seem a little unbalancing, so I shall stop at this for now. IT Miniatures sell these in packs of 24 so for me that is enough to get started. These are listed as White Russians, however in the BoB they can easily be either. And if you choose to paint the uniforms grey instead of green they make passing Chinese warlord troops. Anyway I have (due to pack size) settled on 8 men to a squad and 3 squads to a platoon. Thus 1 pack and a few extras will get me a force. Which means this is the 1st squad all finished and ready to go.
When the force is complete I will detail points etc. and then ask what the second force should be. All in all I am excited by this project so expect some more SOON>
Monday is next post and It will very likely be LotR.
Thanks for looking have a good weekend all the best Clint