Firstly the tanks swam in real life, not the models. I feel If I don't say that then there will be a comment from someone trying (and failing) to be clever.
The Ka-Mi Tanks were real ww2 Japanese tanks. And rather than being developed by the army were developed by the navy. Here is a link (
LINK). Being developed by the navy they were mostly used on pacific islands. As such I am not sure they were ever encountered by the British army.
Yes that is a real life pic of one swimming. I knew if I did not include one I would be doing the tank a dis-service.

You will note the model tank has a taller turret. Clearly it is a bolted on section to stop high water from waves getting in. As is the funnel over the engine. When they had landed several part and flotation areas could be detached and a more normal tank would bee seen. If you look at the model the front two and rear 2 sections (where the diagonal groves are) dismount as they are flotation devices and offer minimal protection but do make the vehicle harder to steer around tree/building.
The models did not offer the choice of swimming and land based vehicles. The turrets all came in the larger format and the hulls all came with flotation devices. The funnels did come separate but seriously what would be the point of leaving these off.

As you can see, the picture on the box shows 3 tanks on the front and back however when opening it turns out there were indeed 5 tanks included. When you buy things online you can't always tell until they turn up, and to be honest for the price I paid I would have been happy with 3 tanks. Let us be honest with each other the models are great but in real life the tanks were not. Do not expect them to win battles on their own. They simply will not. But to round out my Japanese ww2 forces I am more than happy.
Thanks for looking and more (but no idea what) in a few days. All the best Clint
Remember to paint if you can and play when you get the opportunity.