Just my opinion of the mech and I do know when played well it can be effective, But if you are going to have an assault mech you want a brawling mech and not a multi role mech. Well that is how it has always played in my games.
Not a very exciting post today. But I am trying to clear the work bench as I have several things started and nothing much near compleation.
Currently on the table is a piece of terrain that I hope will come out good enough to cast in resin and that is taking it's time. 10 Burpa Cavalry, Some 20mm Russian civil war figures, and a few 15mm Sci Fi figures that I bought at the Selwg show and a single Sikh in 28mm . So lots of things started and nothing finished except this mech for now. But with luck next week there should be a few interesting things finished.
Before I go Roy has been publicising the Klintanistan game. Click this link to find out just a little more. LINK ... This was put on By Stu at Col Bills I am told and that is not actually the Klintanistan flag officially. But I am happy for it to be labelled as such and you are welcome to make your own flags up for Klintanistan given it's fractured state.
That is it for today. Thanks for looking. All the best Clint