Well here are a couple of shots of my 10mm Pendraken British Army Heliograph. I will talk about the terrain later, but for now I shall just concentrate on the figures. Inall I have 3 of these heliograph teams but as I only need one have only painted 1. The reason for this is that I may want one in a desert khaki colouring for the later Sudan. By leaving 2 unpainted I retain the option of going either way regarding the colours. Like the majority of my colonial figures they are on a 20mm by 20mm base. And as such will fit in the box assigned to them with little difficulty.

What follows is a random set up of my 6mm Modular desert Terrain. It was build about 30 years ago and at the time simply used what was available to me. As a result there are a variety of colours. This really does not bother me too much, ideally it would be all the same colours, but I don't live in a perfect world. Not even a model perfect world. All the boards were hand made from 5mm and 10mm foam board. And as they were all hand made they don't fit together perfectly. As you can see there are some gaps. But overall these gaps are acceptable top me. I have some more 5mm foam board so expect some more of this terrain coming soon.
This is most of my terrain, in my memory there was more! By most I mean about 3/4s so there is still enough for variations and I can almost guarantee that it will not go back in exactly the same way! The River and water sections were done for Battletech but have never been used.

Originally this was made for 6mm WW2 Western Desert. But now as I have a couple of 10mm Sudan armies I will need to replace the buildings (honestly these ones are too small). I have bought sufficient 10mm desert Buildings while at Salute, so that will be a very quick job.
And there you have it, I suspect the terrain will work perfectly well for the change of scale and other than the buildings see no changes that desperately need to change. If I get picky I can always re-paint each board but have no plans to do so at this stage.
Thanks for looking today. Have a good few days and I shall post again on Saturday. Have a good one folks.