There has been some illness in the house of late so painting is on the down low. Everyone is fine and will recover so don't worry about that. But thank you for your concern anyway. As such the only thing ready to share is a single type 27 pill box in 10mm (1/200th scale).
This model comes from "Last Man Last Bullet" a new company to me and he's obviously concentrating on the things he wants and where there are gaps in the market. Click
HERE for a link.

I only bought one of these having met the guy at a show and asking if he would sell a single item. He agreed and gave a price and the money changed hands. It is a single piece casting and is very clean and clear by wargaming standards. No flash or Air bubbles and finished to a very high standard. From what I have seen of their products I would recommend them. They do (at the moment) a little bit in 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, and 28nn so perhaps they might be worth a look for you as well.

The Type 27 really is a basic pill bow. One door and a firing slit at each face. Because it is so basic I will use it for the Spanish Civil War game I have planned. I have seen no actual evidence of the type 27 being used in the SCW but the bunkers and pill boxes that were used do not seem to be as sophisticated as those in late WW2. So while this may not be totally correct, it will be close enough for me!
Thanks for looking today and I hope to have a little more come Tuesday this week. So until then take care, have fun and get a little painting done.