Well a week has gone by without an AAR about the game at the club. And to be honest I have forgotten a lot of the details so this will be very sketchy.

Graham and myself played a game of "Square Bashing" the Peter Pig WW1 rules. As Graham has Russian Civil War figures we both took random opposing armies. Which gave me a "Red Army Shock Assault Force". I usually am happier in defence then attack but decided to "go for it" in the pregame. The result of the pregame was that I was 30 points ahead of Graham which meant he had to roll 8 d6 for each unit to determine if that unit would arrive and if so in what condition. The result was that most of his troops would begin the game off table.
The first few turns saw me take 1 of the 4 objectives in the game and prepare to assault two more objectives. My off table artillery brought down a barrage and stopped any White army reinforcements arriving until turn 3. Alas both my assaults failed and Graham inflicted heavy casualties on both forces as well as pushing my elite troops back to my base line.

I did manage to regroup and my cavalry forced Grahams command from the table. They then attacked a single mortar. Two Cavalry battalions and somehow the mortar won and the cavalry had to retreat. But they passed all there morale checks and were able to join in asulting the second objective along with my now returned elite unit and a militia unit from the flank. This time the dice favoured me and Grahams objective was beaten. He could not retreat due to my cavalry and thus took more and more damage instead.

I did manage to take the third objective but for the loss of my 2 armoured cars. But Graham was able to bring his reinforcements up and reinforce objective no:2. And then we ran out of time.

Overall a really good game and a Minor victory for me, but with very heavy casualties. From my point of view the off table artillery was the decisive factor in my Victory as they disrupted Grahams efforts to reinforce and even sent a unit from the battle field due to failed morale checks. They were also able to keep objective no:2 Pinned down and having to take morale almost every other turn. Grahams Armoured Train did very little in real terms but I was worried about it's potency so did not even attempt to attack the 4th Objective. This was more my reluctance that it's effectiveness in combat. And as the first time we had used the train was an interesting addition to the game.
Additionally I picked up a few goodies from Tim (Frontline Wargaming and IT miniatures) Some of which are already painted and Pictures sent off to Curt and the painting Challenge which shall no doubt be put on his web site later today.
Not going into details at this stage but you should be able to work out what I have submitted based on the picture and knowing that it is the Vehicle Bonus round.
As of last night I have a War of Spanish Sucession game planed for next Sunday so I am putting the 10mm Ansar to one side yet again to do some lace covered frilly figures in 15mm. So expect them in the paining challenge this week.
Thanks for reading and more in a couple of days. Take care and have some fun.
All the best Clint