Mostly I have been painting in my spare time and not progressing the Klintanistan game. But It is slowly progressing and I hope to finish 2 more players turns this evening.... that is of course until the football comes on and then sorry I will be glued to the TV. However until the kick off here are a few more figures to entertain you.

Yes more 28mm Foundry Sikhs above is a group shot of all the ones painted this week. 2 Flag bearers as well as officers (both European and native officers) non commissioned officers and enlisted men. I have split them into smaller groups so you can see them more clearly and not just a bunch of kahki clad figures.

The Flags are from a famous Irish regiment and not Indian at all. But a lack of Indian flags are produced commercially so I just went with what looked good. For the historical perfectionists among you I do apologise and do indeed look forward to you sending me replacements. What you are not going to send replacements well in that case hard luck I am not changing them.

As part of the Empire they are entitled to carry the Union Flag (only called a Jack when it is flown at see). Two of the officers wear sheep skin coats to keep the cold out in the chilly night of the high mountain passes, all the other troops are in uniform Which in this period is Khaki. I am told when the army swapped from red uniforms to khaki they dye was sent as a powder in tins and the instructions were not totally clear so many different shades were produced due to the local water and the amount of dye that was added. So as far as I am concerned any Kharki is right for this period. If you know better I would be happy to hear from you.
Well that is the painting done for this week now I need to get typing.
All the best folks and I should manage a post either Sunday night or Monday morning.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Bye from Clint