Yes that nasty real life has gotten in the way for a while! Still that said it all happened AFTER I finished the Burpa Cavalry so you can see them as I start the massive tidy up as a shelf system collapsed and I have games and about 3 yards of books to find new homes for.

As you can see they are all foundry 28mm with a variety of weapons and posses! In the top 3 pictures the central character is some kind of leader or noble or some such. Just going by his armour an equipment. He actually has quite a lot of gold paint on him and it took 4 coats in all to get him that colour. And that is just one reason why I hate painting gold!
The other two characters are sword and spear armed and far more modest in their armour! However they were the last 3 to do so the whole batch is now finished! On Sunday Matt will no doubt (I hope so) give me some more to paint of something but as yet I know not what!

I shall I hope be in a far more positive mood, and with less to clear up on Thursday, With luck a parcel may have arrived. More of that if it does arrive.
The last two photos are of the whole batch together. 10 in all and they should make a complete unit or maybe they will all get split into several units I know not!
I was hoping to start the Jungle adventures today, as 2 players have already got back to me but the shelf collapse has delayed that. But they shall start soon. Feel free to treat that as a warning!

So until next time. Take care, have fun and paint if you get the chance!

All the best Clint