Spring Skirmish is over again. Check Big Lees blog for a show report. (
LINK ) I shall do my show report tomorrow (I hope). Until then here is my loot (not much) from the show. I would have bought more but there was little I wanted at the show.
Only 2 stalls I spent money at.
Debris of war where I got 2 "Flying stands" This should push my 28mm Dieselpunk idea further.
Colonel Bills. 3 Lewis guns.... I hope to show them in place soon.

2 pots of paint. These shall be used and not detailed, Just a grey and a brown, boring but vital colours.
And just 1 pack of bases. All wargamers need bases and I happened to need large rectangular ones at the moment!
I have FINALLY finished reading these rules. (Last night) Yes I know they are old (very old) but I have a fresh unused copy and I really do like them. So you may see them again soon.
Thanks for looking and with luck something better soon. All the best Clint