Tuesday 12 June 2012


You may have already noticed a Poll in the top Right hand corner of the blog. It will be running for a little over two weeks. Please vote on what you think I should start as my next project. All views will be considered, and may well sway me away from one thing and on to another. I should be clear though I will retain the final decision.

That said I can see merit in each of the above ideas.

I shall finish the Saga Force (vikings) I have started probably by the weekend. And have a number of other things to concentrate on as well all at the same time.

The historical options are much more focused at this stage with regard to look and feel, at least in my mind. If I was to say War of the Roses as an option (Not on the list of options) then the project has a clear look and feel. There would still be a lot to decide on, rules, scale, number of figure, any special terrain requirements etc. However we all know roughly what it would look like. I cannot say the same about Sci fi or Spy-fi. Here the opposite is true, I know the rules and scales but not the look I would be after. Which at least to me creates an interesting dichotomy.

The ideas in detail:
  1. Wild West. As mentioned yesterday I bought some 15mm Apache figure (both foot and mounted) and I can see a game set in the Hollywood wild west genre. The rules I think would work best would be Peter Pigs "Patrols in the Sudan" obviously I would have to tweak them to make them more specific to the setting. For terrain I would need to build not boards but free standing pieces.
  2. 7TV/7ombie Tv. This option really is wide open to a vast interpretation of ideas. In this option only the rules are really set. I should make it clear that I will not be building a city if this is selected, so don't just see the word Zombie and think "Oh Great another Zombie infested city". Loads and loads of unfocused ideas on this one, but at least I know the rules and scale.
  3. British Colonial. While at Broadside I chatted with Guy Bowers (editor of WSS) and we both agreed that you tend to see very little variety in British Colonial games they tend to typically be either Sudan or Zulus. At Broadside there was a Maori Wars game, which is what prompted this discussion by the way. So it would be one of the lesser played British colonial games.
  4. Sci Fi. Another really wide open idea. Several people at the Rainham club have mentioned 15mm Sci Fi in the last 6 months. So forget the 40k high fantasy science fiction, and think more Traveller 2300. Rules yet to be determined, possibly Stargrunt possibly Gruntz. Setting also to be determined. I see enough Desert worlds and Ice worlds at shows, and they look good. But I am sure there are more options.
So those are the options, have a think, make a choice, and have some fun.

All the best Clint.


  1. Ray and Fran. Your choices are noted.

    And hopefully the poll is a bit of fun as well.

  2. Colonial - At one point or another us Brits have fought everyone in the empire so I guess there are lots of untapped options to choose from.

    1. More than I first thought, that's for sure. And some we fought more than once in different eras.

  3. My first choice would be:
    1)Wild West
    2)Sci Fi

    1. Thanks for the votes. I'm enjoying the poll Hope the rest of you are as well.

  4. Cowboys and Indians. Would like to see to see that in 15mm.

    1. Noted. And after 7 votes Wild west is in the lead, but only just.

  5. I gave a vote to Sci Fi, as 15mm Sci Fi seems to be among the most rapidly expanding niches. I don't play it, but I love seeing what others can do with it.

  6. I can easily follow that logic. No clear winner yet.Still anyones game.

  7. Use the Apache figures in a sci fi setting?

    1. I can't see that happening, but I like the way you think.

  8. 7TV/7ombieTV is my vote, as I'm about to start that myself and would be interested to see how you progress it Clint

    1. At the moment it's a mass of ideas could be either 7tv or 7ombie Tv or even both!!!

    2. Whichever you prefer is good for me!

  9. 7TV, no need to play zombies. I don't own it, but as far as I know, if you've seen Bond films, you could get into 7TV. I don't know what else you got, but this is probably something different from what you've done in past.

    1. The banner at the top of this page was made for 7TV. It's really quite a versitile set of rules. And really appreciate your input.

  10. I voted for 7TV/7ombie TV, not because I like zombies, which I do, but because I want to see what you can come up with to give it a unique twist. If it's more Jame Bond than George Romero then that's fine with me too.

    1. It does not have to be James Bond setting, although that is one of my options. It could be any film or TV setting from the mid 60s-mid 80s. Which is such a wide spectrum of posibilities. Thanks for voting. I am really enjoying everyones input.


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