Wednesday 21 November 2012

Apaches (2)

Not so much to share today, but here are 4 stands of Apaches on foot. I am still learning how to paint them, getting the colours and shades right. It takes me a little while to get comfortable painting new armies, I am just not the kind of painter who can start a new army and feel comfortable painting them straight off the bat. I just need time to settle in to it. I will be painting up more Apache Indians before too long partly to keep my hand in so I don't forget the colours I use and partly to chip away at the project.

I am currently batch painting the German Askaris by It Miniatures and will try to get them finished to show on Friday's Blog. I am not a huge fan of batch painting as I get bored very easily. Call it a character flaw by all means but the repetition just seems to make it feel like work to me. That said I do want to get them finished so I am willing to put up with the process.

The "Caen Campaign" is slowly progressing, at a planning level. I had a chat with Kev one of the club members yesterday. I don't think I gave too much away, but have lent him the rules to read so I hope to have a few players with at least the basics of the rules.

That's it for today thanks for reading next blog post on Friday. All the best Clint.


  1. Nice painting Clint, looking forward to the Askaris!

    1. Askaris may not be on Friday, depends on how much of a fight they put up. At this moment they are winning!

  2. The Apaches are looking good Clint.

    1. Cheers mate. They put up a fight as well. But finally got the hang of them!

  3. Very nice mate. I know exactly how you feel any more than three figures the same and it becomes a chore in my mind. Keep your chin up look forward to Fridays post.

    1. I have just hi-lighted the Asakari's uniforms this morning.. 22 in all. Webbing is the next thing. So am on schedule.


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