Wednesday 27 February 2013

SWAG (Cavalier)

As mentioned on Monday here is a quick shot of the Cavalier loot. I did not stick entirely to my planned spend but I will say there is nothing I am unhappy with. So what did I walk out the door with?
  • 7ombie Tv Supplement "For Ghouls and Colleges" Not only the rules but also the cards. Being honest I can't see myself using the majority of this rule supplement as most of it is not to my taste. I am glad to have gotten it, but it will probably never be used. I know a couple of other club members will want a look though and perhaps they will take something from it that I have missed.
  • Osprey fortress series: D-Day Fortifications in Normandy. On my list I had thought to get an Osprey book of some kind. Given my Architectural background and my interest in wargaming Osprey Fortress series always have something of interest for me. It was not until Monday night that it occurred to me that I might find something useful for my Caen Campaign. Given that this book concentrates on beach defences there is little I can use in reality for the campaign though, unless I do a flash back mission. It will be read and digested and the information used at a later date no doubt.
  • 1 Pot of Dark elf Green "Coat d' Arms" paint. (I can always use dark green paint!
  • A complete 15mm War of Spanish Succession British army. (all the packs centre left). I had asked Black Hat to bring one for me to look at as I would rather see what the figures look like in real life than via the interwebb thingie! I glanced at two packs and immediately decided that I liked the figures so much more than the Bacus 6mm ones.  I passed Mike Lewis my hard earned and went round with a smile on my face all day. I will say I really do like these figures in 15mm, I can't stress that enough. I also bumped into one of the Kirke's Lambs Re-enactors (the group now disbanded), whom I had actually been to school with. This may have influenced me... Nah!
  • 2 Packs of Bases from Peter Pig. (30mmx40mm) Having spoken to Ray Rousell about his 15mm Beneath the Lilly banners base sizes these are just fractionally bigger. This should be enough to get started. These bases are the same size an my Apache bases so we can both guess where any spare will end up. 
  • 2 Resin Miscasts. Both these resin pieces are 20mm in scale and fit the criteria of farm out buildings given the very least amount of work. This work estimate will of course change the moment I want to use them of course.
  • 2 Packs of SHQ 20mm French resistance. One with a pistol one with a shot gun and the last with a bren gun. Perfect for VBCW.
  • 1 Pack of Artisan Cowboys from Second City. Yeah these were more an impulse buy then anything, but I was looking for a single cowboy figure but could not find the single figure I wanted. But all three are very nice sculpts and with a name like Clint Cowboys are always an option! Perhaps it's a weakness. If I had been Christened "Kirk" no doubt Star Trek would float my boat (it doesn't).
  • Last but not least a gift from Crooked Dice another Fembot. Was offered it free by Karl because he really likes a game idea I suggested and because I gave him some of the fudge I made for Ray and Fran. (I am not suggesting good quality food is a way to a wargamers heart.... you can make your own assessment!)
Well that's the haul that made it home with me. But the best thing I walked away with was the smile and feeling of well being the show engendered in me.

That's todays post folks. next post Friday. Until then take care and paint if you can and plan to paint if you can't. All the best Clint!


  1. Lots of cool stuff, for lots of different projects then. Look forward to see some more your VBCW stuff.

  2. Yeah everything has a purpose!!! Well almost everything!

  3. Yes, leaving a show with a big smile is always a good sign. For me, I loved getting stuff that I didn't know existed but immediately liked as soon as I saw it. An unexpected surprise! Sadly, it has been years since I last attended a wargaming convention.

    1. To my mind that is the best thing about Salute. Companies you don't know doing all sorts of odd things. Not at Cavalier but sometimes it is cheaper to go than pay the postage to a wide selection of Companies.

  4. A veritable feast of wargaming goodies!!!! Nice one Clint! The fudge was very nice BTW! Fran pigged most of it!

    1. A smattering of lots of little things (and one big one, well big for me.... not for all you rich rejects).
      Should I be able to make it on 16th I shall bring something edible.

  5. Gren eyed with envy for most of thar.

    1. Buying it is one thing, doing something with it is slightly harder. But my intention is there. And Thank you, always nice to hear I'm going in the right direction.

  6. I love seeing pictures of loot! Picked up the 7ombieTv supplement myself the other day and I have to same I'm tempted!

    1. This supplement is not as good as the first one. But as a whole 7tv is a good game, simple versatile and fun.

  7. I've got the book on the D-Day Fortifications, its a really good read. Nice haul there mate... Like Ray I was also able to get a single piece of fudge from Fran...very nice!

    1. A single piece! That's preposterous! Should I be able to make the 16th, as mentioned under Rays comment I shall bring something edible. Feel free to let me know what foods Fran does not like!!!!! (JK)

  8. Those Black Hat figures are nice - I've used them for my own WSS project.

    1. Thanks Al. Let's hope I can do them justice with a decent paint job.


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