Saturday 9 March 2013

Painting the Sea.

As you can see I have started to paint the seascape boards. Rather than paint the sea a single blue I will and have been using 2 different blues. To this end I have used a wet on wet technique firstly by adding patches of one colour and then before the paint is dry applying a different shade, again in patches. I continued to patch paint each board and blend the blues together where they abut.

Two coats were applied in this manner. Although I suspect a third and possibly a fourth coat might be required. The board to the right has two coats, but at some places the board can still be seen beneath. This method of painting, I hope, will give the boards a more dynamic and vibrant feel to the sea. Whereas painting the boards in a single tone might give a very "flat" finish more suitable for an interior wall than a seascape. While not deliberately trying to leave brush makes nor am I trying to banish them, which is why I am using a brush in preference to a roller.. At this stage they will give the boars a very slight texture and as such I have endeavoured to keep all the movements in one direction on the main boards.

The same method of painting has also been carried out on the two coastline boards with sufficient gap for a "beach" to be added later. I have tried to keep the lightest shade of blues closest to the shoreline and with an additional coat will reinforce the light colour. Care was taken to make sure all the boards had the same shade of blue at all the edges so that all the boards will fit together without it looking "odd"! On these two boards I have for the most part tried to follow the coastline with my brush strokes except at the very edges where I have used straight brush stokes so they will fit with the main boards.

The last photo shows a single board slightly closer and at a higher angle. You can see where I have sourced the blue paint as well as the other materials. Two large tubes of blue paint, clearly seen in the photograph are from "The Works" and should be sufficient for the whole project with plenty to spare for use on other later projects Also in evidence is my palette (an old soup bowl) and the paint brush which was part of a set from the 99p store. So you can see everything is accomplished on a limited budget. As time progresses I hope to turn this board into a small fishing village with a protected harbour not sufficiently large for a frigate let alone a ship of the line. Only time will tell if this comes to pass.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading and I will blog again on Monday. All the best Clint.


  1. (second attempt at posting)
    You're making good progress with this. What scale of models are you going to be using ?

    1. Ahhh scale, that's the rub! I'm not totally sure yet. My options are 2400th or 1200th scale. Both have advantages. Edging towards 2400th scale though. Expect a blog post later this week with my solution.

  2. Replies
    1. LOL yes I might rock on and do the cliffs today.

  3. I am looking forward to the finished project, looks like a real good start!
    I will be taking notes, as I have a shoebox filled with the CCG ships from that pirate game a few years ago. My kids still love to play, but a terrain board is soooo much nicer than a dinning room table and plaid tablecloth! ;)

    1. I think I will have the whole board and ships done within a month. I have made the cliffs today (fingers crossed that they will dry how I want them.)

  4. Cheers Ray. Must say I'm looking forward to next weekend.


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