Wednesday 11 September 2013

MHWC Open Day

As well as the zombie wild west game on Sunday, on Saturday I went along to the Milton Hundreds Wargames Clubs open day. I know what you are thinking where is the Milton Hundreds? Well for those of you who don't live within 5 miles of them it's the Sittingbourne club.  Not sure why they think Milton Hundreds Wargames club sounds better than Sittingbourne wargames club but as the founder and president is a local history buff I have always fallen asleep when he replies to that question. Anyway what follows is a very quick report.

The first game through the door was a "Rapid Fire" late war game set around the Germans trying to escape the Falaise Gap. A very enjoyable fast moving to watch. Simon the games organiser always puts on a very well structured game well thought out and balanced. The Germans started one side of the river with their escape route over the other side. The inevitable fighting over bridges and fords was to take place all day. Overall as WW2 games go a very nice game to watch. Phil and Alex as the Allies and  Steve and American Bob the Axis.

Keep scrolling down there are a few more games to get through.

 The next game by Richard, Gary and Clive was a WRG 6th edition ancients game. I did have a good chat with Richard and Gary who used to be in the Rainham club (the club I go to). I think on a technicality Richard is still the Rainham club President as we have never voted in a new one! Yes we are that organised! We are still going though after all we don't need titles and to get all official. Anyway back to the Game Gary and Richard are very traditional wargames as demonstrated by their choice of rules and the age of the lead on the table. Absolutely nothing wrong with old rules and armies and it does demonstrate a wide spectrum of activities at the club so it is good to show such diversity.

The next game was put on by the Maidstone Wargames club, who were there as guests of MHWC. Several Maidstone players are members of the Sittingbourne club so they do have very strong links. Crickey the Sittingbourne club even consider me a member! As you can see this is an W-Wing bash and they had told me they would do a different space game later in the day. "Starmada" I think they said but I can't be sure.

 Additionally to the games being played they had s number of tables set up ready to go. Again to show some of the diverse games that are sometime put on at the club.

Saga. Nuff said.

This was an odd one! Speaking to Mark the MHWC secretary he did admit the game was set up for 3 musketeers, but he realised that he had no suitable figures for the game when he got it to the hall so placed a few Dr Who figures into place to make the display more interesting. What was VERY flattering is that I was later told that the buildings and scenery were purchased after I put on a 3 Musketeer game on at their club 2 years ago. I have promised to return (hopefully later this year) and run it again as it was a giggle!

 A wild west setup. I do Know they sometimes do put on a game set in this period and as you all should know I am very interested in this type of game. Everyone needs to play wild west games they are just so much fun.

 The other game they had set up and ready to go was a WW1 game using "To the Last Man" rules by Chris Peers. Belgium's attacking a German position. With very smart Belgium Cavalry and a couple of Belgium WW1 armoured cars, all well painted by Mark (as mentioned above). I wanted to get a tutorial for these rules and that was one of the reasons for me going. However Mark (secretary) and Alan (club President) were too busy meeting and greeting and making trips to the refreshments that the Women's Institute had supplied. I must say I did enjoy the sausage roll for 30p so I can see why they made more than one trip while I was there!

Lastly for today here is the nessercary "loot" picture. Armourfast supplied some free tanks and I was invited to take a couple. As the choice was either Cruisers or Jadpanthers I took 2 Cruisers as I do not think I have ever owned any of these tanks for my entire life! The two magazines were 50p each and gave me something to read on the train going home.

That's todays post I should have some figures ready for the next post on Friday. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon.

Ah before I go, I have just noticed I have tipped the 100 followers. I am both humbled and flattered by your presence and would like to say how much I appreciate every one of you.  I do not do any giveaways or competitions to try to attract more followers. This is very deliberate it means you are here because you want to be and not for any greed or freebies which makes you all far more valued to me than I would feel had you just joined in the  hope of getting something for nothing!

Cheers All I appreciate it! Best wishes Clint


  1. Thanks for the review of the show, couldn't make it due to work bullshit and congrats on the followers too!

    1. Hardly a show at all, but it was good to see a few games being played and chat to some friends. And FREE TANKS! Thanks for being one of the followers. Without you all it would be far less enjoyable to do any blogging.

  2. Yep, shame we couldn't make it, real life keeps getting in the way recently...damn it!
    Well done on the 100+ followers

    1. Agreed it would have been nice to have seen you and Fran there. Maybe next time. As for the followers, I would rather have quality than quantity. And I think they are all quality!

  3. Looks like it was an enjoyable day indeed and what a nice compliment that you're 3 Musketeer game was an inspiration to someone.

    Congratulations on the followers Clint!

    1. Absolutely, I feel very chuffed about the 3 musketeers game compliment.

      It's another milestone. Not a large one to many people but worth a mention I think. Thank you Anne.

    2. I suspect that your Weird West game will give rise to others like it. All your followers seem intrigued by it and hope it succeeds.

    3. Everyone likes something a little different to the norm. As it get's their creative juices thinking about other things along parallel lines. An American Civil War game with zombies also appeals or French Indian wars or Roman and ash zombies from Pompeii or any of a million other ideas sometimes we just need to think without boundaries! I would consider it most flattering if someone took an idea and ran with it!

  4. I agree with Anne. Seems like a fun show. I think I'd enjoy coming to one.

    1. If you have not been to a show before I would recommend having a look. This was one club's open day rather than a show, but enjoyable none the less. One trade stand selling WW2 books so a very limited spending. I am in no way running it down but I would recommend going to a proper show as there is so much more variety.

  5. It sounds like a very laid back show with the emphasis is the games which I applaud.

    Like you, I don't actively pursue followers but I'm always grateful when I get new follwers giving comments, congratulations are definitely in order to reach a milestone of 100 !

    1. Thanks Jo. Just a local club open day one club showing what they do and trying to get new people interested.

      I am very glad to have so many followers/members. I like the way that people either stumble across it or word of mouth or more likely on another's blog roll. And then like it enough to join. It's very rewarding that way.

  6. Lots going on there then! Free tanks is just great.

    1. No idea what I can use the free tanks for but somewhere along the line I will find a purpose. Given that MHWC has about 15 members they do make a good crowd and experience.

  7. Great looking games; love the camo on the German halftracks. Best, Dean

    1. I believe that the camouflage pattern is a local variation on "three colour Ambush pattern" All Simon's late war German armour has the same colour scheme. German armour camouflage patterns were not very prescriptive and were adapted to suit local conditions and for the most part applied by the crew themselves. At least that is what I have been led to believe by other far more knowledgeable.

  8. Great games there Clint and it looks like a very enjoyable day

    1. It was a cracking little event. Thank you Peter


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