Let me start by saying I had a fabulous day everything went well, there were no problems and we arrived in time and set up without any distractions. The first two pictures are of the game the club and myself put on. The scenario was that the British fleet (controlled by Graham and myself) were blockading a Dutch port and the Dutch were trying to get a merchant fleet out. Dutch I know someone will say that's an unusual choice! The reason being that Graham had not got any Spanish turn cards with him. Anyway who cares, Peter and Rob were the bad guys! The game went well but you do not put a game on at shows with the main aim of getting a result but of meeting and talking to fellow wargamers, discussing rules, figures and other related things. That side of the day was very busy for me and greatly enjoyable. Every time I stopped and chatted the other guys took over my ships and carried on playing. (Or when talking to Fran (Angry Lurker) at the start of the day they did try to keep me involved. ) I can't say I was paying too much attention, but I did have a plan and was determined to stick to it. The plan being that I would cover the left side of the board. Graham had his own plan, a more aggressive plan as it turned out!
Cutting a long story short Graham split the Dutch fleet and pulled off some good dice rolls while I blocked the path and managed to halt the merchants on my side of the board and get in a few flukey shots which did things like start raging fires or disrupt their command of command or stop them being able to steer. I did get through most of the game without much damage and when Peter and Rob had the choice of targets always seemed to select Graham. Which I was very happy about, talking to people does have it's advantages you see. The final result was that Peter and Rod conceded mid afternoon both with very battered ships barely afloat or steering and with about half the Dutch fleet de-masted. Graham was pretty badly mauled but still able to fight, move and steer. Other than the Dutch ships we would have captured I would had we continued been able to snag a couple of merchants as well so all good prize money from the Admiralty and enough to keep my captains in comfort for a few years to come.
Other games at the show are as follows.
The London Privateers did a WW1 Game about the Falkland Islands. A club that only play naval games which I found interesting.
SELWG actually had three games there but as a bigger club I can see the reasons for this. The first was a WW2 Game. A slight change from the norm as it was set in the Pacific as opposed to Europe. Nice looking and the guys were chatty and friendly.

There second game was a 28mm English Civil War game. I know nothing about and have minimal interest in this period. I could get tempted into it but only at a skirmish level and it would need to be about witch hunting or something equally unrealistic. So for me this is a wargames period I am not likely to venture into. As such I did not get too much of a chat with these guys.

A Dystopian Wars game. Again I did not chat with these guys, yes I'm a wargames snob and if it does not interest me I just can't be bothered. The reason this game does not appeal to me is that it seems to be trying to do too much, land, sea and air steam-punk. Just one of those areas and I could get interested. The Spartan games models are nice yet somehow leave me cold. This game at the show also left me cold. They simply had too much on the table. This just leads to an unfocused free-for-all.

Peter who runs the "Gamers Hub" only 19 years old and bags and bags of enthusiasm always puts on a Warhammer game usually 40k but this being Fantasy. A really nice guy and I think if he retains that level of enthusiasm will become very well known in wargames circles.

The Third SELWG game was "Saving Captain Windsor" an Afghan war 28mm skirmish participation game. The guy in charge did admit they signed in as a different club because 3 games by one club at such a small show would have been a bit much. I think that speaks highly of the guy frank and honest and if other clubs don't want the space more power to them.

Some 40k game going on I was running out of time so I did not stop for longer than to take the picture. If nothing else it does show diversity in our hobby. It looks pretty good and in my youth I would have been interested, but now I am approaching "Crusty-hood" it simply does not!

Paul and Ian from "Crush the Kiaser" doing a WW2 game for a change. Russian Front Mid to late war judging from the tanks involved. Had a nice chat with the guys about a Game idea I want to explore and perhaps put on at Broadside '14. There is a future blog post on about this proposed game so when I fail to get any painting done I will fit it in there.

Medway Wargames Club (Dave and Paul) put on a game of Dust Tactics. It is a game they have put on at the Rainham club a couple of times and while I have not played it yet I may well get around to it in the future. It is just one of those games which costs a lot from what I have seen. So while I might have a go my pennies will be going elsewhere.

The last game I have seen at a couple of shows but somehow it still does not register to chat with the guys and find out more. I feel I am missing out but sometimes you just budget you time better. I shall try to make an effort next time. There was also a bring and buy, a painting/modelling demonstration, re-enactors and traders. I had a deep pockets day and the traders suffered I was only parted with £9.60 in total so I will not be doing a "Loot Post!" this time around.
Overall a nice diverting day out with a few really good chats with some decent chaps. And that was the best part of the day for me. On that final thought thanks for reading I hope you found something of interest or amassment and if so I'll post again in 2 days time.
Best wishes Clint.
That's a nice variety of games Clint. I think my personal favourite would be the WWII Pacific Theatre as I am fascinated by it.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you had a good time and that your demo game went well!
I agree Anne it was one of my preferred games as well. The whole day was good and there may be some news springing from the show.
DeleteA pleasure as always my friend.
ReplyDeleteChatting with you was one of the best parts of a very good day. Hope you are having a good Birthday today. And I hope you got the pressies you deserve.
DeleteNot really but I'm old!
Delete"Growing older is inevitable, growing up is optional!"
DeleteGreat photo's Clint. Unfortunately I missed Skirmish this time as I'd already promised to take the wife to Chatham Docks for their 1940's weekend. Its been such a busy summer I'm amazed more things haven't clashed.
ReplyDeleteNo worries mate. The only question is will I see you on Sunday?
DeleteQuite a diverse range of games there and your game looked the equal of the the others
ReplyDeleteThank you Jo.
DeleteCool selection of games. I know what you mean about dust tactics it does look nice but to pricey. I have to agree about Dystopian Wars as well some stuff looks great others not so and does look like a bit of a mash up.
ReplyDeleteThat sums up my feelings about both those games very well. One of the guys does not worry to much about price though (good for him) as he spent £1500 on a kickstarter. Well out of my price range.
DeleteSounds like a very good day. Sadly, I don't get to go to that many conventions.
ReplyDeleteIt is a small show and as much toy soldiers than wargaming but there were a few bloggers there and enough people and other clubs to have a good chin wag with. I enjoyed it very much.
DeleteAh, my comment seems to got lost and never posted :(
ReplyDeleteTo sum it up, I'm a big jelly to see all the cool conventions you can attend and yes, I fully realise I keep saying that! :P
As for the games, looks good. I never liked dustactics (love the idea and all, but a bit too "tech" for my taste). I almost started dystopian wars but chnaged my mind as there were no models I'd really like. Its same with infinity. It got really popular in my club, but I can't justify 6 pounds per a miniature I don't like. As weird as it sounds, that quality is just too good. I only semi-liked ariadna as a faction.
And as for civil war (which I find interesting that you don't care about it...you seem to know all about time forgotten countries that brits occupied through history! :D), its all about political power, kings in decline and "democracy" in rise. It was "preluded" by Bishop wars, which are really important, because savage barbarians were occupying the glorious city of Newcastle, and that is not nice at all. Savages!
It is hard not to say Geordies are savages (hee hee)!
DeleteI guess some periods of history draw us in while others push us away. And that is an individual and personal choice. For me ECW is one of those eras that I just can't get into.
I do agree about Infinity as well. Thank you Mathyoo it is so gratifying to note that even in different countries the truth about Geordies being barbarians is well Known. (JK)
Thank you for the tour. I really like tours of exhibitions I can't get to you.
ReplyDeleteYes It's always good to see things that go on in other places. It would be folly indeed to try to get to all the wargames shows in England.
DeleteThank you Irqan