Showing posts with label Zombies.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zombies.. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 October 2018


Yes my last Zombtober post (this year). Another of The Walking Dead All out war!" Starter set done. Just a zombie a young teenage girl zombie. But 28mm hard plastic Mantic Games and not really a huge amount else to say.

Final picture is all Zombies and survivors painted this season. I know It is not much but real life got in the way.

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Zombtober 18-02

Patrick (Singleton I believe) now finished and ready to join the ranks of the Survivors as my latest Walking Dead All out war figure by Mantic . He is Hard plastic and 28mm in size so fits in well with the rest. I know the Pics are dark. It's raining and I am in need of natural light so if you can't see him I apologise. But As I shall do a Pic of them  all at the end of this years Zombtober I feel sure in the long run you shall get to see them OKAY.

Not sure who or what will be painted next for Zombtober so It is a surprise to me as well.

What I can say is that My spears for Lion Rampant are coming on well and should be finished this week. Then I may start the Crossbows That I am sure you all want to see and then another Men at arms unit on foot. Although a lot depends on what I spend my pennies on at the SELWG show. (The list keeps Changing)
 I shall be doing some (1 or two) preorders just to make sure I have the bits and bobs I need for some future projects but a LOT depends on what I feel like on the day.

Anyway that is it for today thanks for looking and more again soon. All the best Clint

Post script I may take the photos again when it gets lighter! WEll only if enough complain and make me feel bad about it!

Sunday, 7 October 2018


Yes another Zombtober. So a chance to paint more zombies and survivors.

This is a figure by Mantic for their Walking dead all out war range. You have guessed it! It came in the box set, the starter set. The base set.

As such it is hard plastic 28mm and does have a character card.

I went for a very simple survivor paint scheme as I have had relatives here all morning and wanted to get him done before I missed the first blogging post of Zombtober. As that is now I have made it with time to spare.

It was painted in a hurry but looks OK so no repaint is immanent! Sometimes you just have to be content with how it turns out!

That is a very quick one for today, more again soon and so Catch you later guys!

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Zombtober (5) and LOOT

yes another of the Walking dead from "All out war" by mantic games. I  have struggled of late to  get much painting done at all. Mostly not in the mood so and I mean no offence to any involved I am glad that Zombtober is over. Maybe I can go back now to well you know! Or maybe you don't know.

Anyway here is the last of the Zombies for Zombtober I am pleased to have taken part but I am glad it is over for another 11 months. Although I do hope to take part next year.

The pics are dark because I took then before sun up this morning as I knew I would get no other chance.

Still another one done and put away and ready for a game now and all is right with the world. (or at least my very little corner of the world).

 Last Pic is one for each week, just for contect and to see them all together and in one place. Not by any means a huge horde but just the start of a small herd. I hope next time to be in a painting mood and to get more things done, but I shall not beat myself up over the few I have managed.

And Finally and UNRELATED to Zombies I picked these figures up from Tim this morning for my first Bob force. It should be enough to get me a large enough force to get a game in, maybe 2. The figures are all IT miniatures and as I am a friend of the owner (Tim) I got quite a bargain. These shall go in the painting queue promptly and I look to have them all finished NEXT month.

That's it for now more again soon.

All the best Clint

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Zombtober (4), Selwg loot and Oh My God what have you dug up now!

Firstly here is my Zombtober zombie no 4. Like all the rest it is part of the mantic Walking Dead all out war game set. Like the others it is hard plastic and very well sculpted and cast.  Personally I really like it.

I have painted her in the cheap uniform suits that lower management have at supermarkets. She has to wear the uniform, which means she has to wear this colour and style of suits and sometimes life just bites so she just has to bite back.

I will do a show report tomorrow (fingers crossed). Untill then here is my swag. With a list of what I got and from which trader and what I intend to do with it.

Theer were other things I had anticipated getting but they were just not available. So alas I just did not get them. I may even put a list of what I shall paint this week if I am feeling brave.

The Selwg loot left to right top to bottom.

  • 3 packs of 28mm figures from Ironclad miniatures. These are the "Brand new German stormtrupers.  Pack 7 is German officers and petty officers.(2 Figurse). Pack 9 is 4 German stormtrupers with rifles. and pack 6 is 4 German Stormtruppers with Pistols and sabres. (Sabres just sounds more Germanic than swords) I may have the pack numbers wrong but you can get them here LINK
  • Then 2 pots of paint from Colonel Bill (LINK) White because I am close to running out and Chestnut brown because I always need brown paint for bases if nothing else. It must be the colour I use most.
  • 2 packs of MDF bases and one pack of counters. The bases are mostly for the triumph and tradegy rules (More of them soon I promises my precious... oh stop it!) But the large bases perhaps for some diesel punk cars while the small ones are for 20mm figures. Having checked prices they were cheapest on the day here.(products for wargamers) Yes that was another link.
  • 2 Packs of Ainsty Castings (You guessed it another LINK) These are for 28mm Diesel punk games and for that I make no apologise.  1 pack is some tyres and 1 pack is some modern/sci fi Barrels. Not greatly exciting but they should add something to the table.
  • 1 Pack of peter Pig Bases, 30x30mm sq. ( Yet another LINK ) Again not a huge outlay and one I do use a LOT so worth it I deemed.
  • 1 set of rules. "The Triumph and the tragedy!" A set of Skirmish rules for the interwar period. I  am particularly excited by these as it will let me use my 20mm Afghan boards in a different time period. They are quite slim so I do expect them to be read in an evening by most people or a week by me. These were purchased from Empress Miniatures (Can't think what this may be why not click it and find out?) The absolute joy of Back of Beyong is that there are several armies that can be used depending on your own political religios or whimsical desires. You can use anything from Red Russian Cossacks to Chinese Warlord armies. from British forces in India to Turks or French Foreign Legion or White Russians or even Japanese! You can almost use any force in central Asia in a back of beyond setting. Yes Ray you could use Yeti's if you really wanted to... (No Okay that is a bit of a stretch but) I think I counted 16 armies that could all be used and still be historically correct. (stop wondering if anyone makes 20mm Yetis! Stop it!)
|So that was my spends.

So finally here is a RADDISH that I dug up yesterday. Shall we just say it is something ONLY the grower could love. If it was a child you would think it was a "Cabby Patch Kid" toy dolly. But for me it is quite lovely. Look I know what you are thinking stop giggling and pointing! I won't say it again.

For seeds I used a "French Breakfast Radish" That's just the name of the seed I do not know if they taste better at breakfast or not or If the French like them. All I know is it is the first Radish I have grown and while it may not win any beauty contests I for 1 like the look of it.... Will you stop giggling? If you don't stop I will send you out of the room. So quiet now!

That is my hand holding it before you get smutty!
Just to show the scale.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Zombtober (3)

Yes just 1 more zed today. Or Walker if you prefer. It is 4am at the moment, (well a little after) so you will need to forgive the photography.

This is another Mantic Hard Plastic "Walking dead all out war" figure as I slowly get them all finished.

Not a huge amount more to say just 2 more weekends to go and I am still working on them. There will be another next week.

All the best Clint

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Zombtober (2)

No I am not late this time. But the photos were very dark. None the less here is another Zombie!

I will take more photos at the end of Zombtober. this is just so I do not miss the DEADline again. (Pun well and truly intended)

It is another of the plastic Mantic Zombies from "All out war" the walking dead games. Much more closely based on the comics that the TV series.

That's it very short today as I have some paid painting to do.  And I have put it off far to long already.

yes some more Burpas coming this week.

All the best Clint.

 Have a good weekend.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Zombtober 1

My first ever Zombtober and guess what? I was without internet connection all day Sunday. The issue is solved for now so here is my first ever entry.

With luck the organisers will forgive my tardiness. If they don't there is nothing I can do or indeed could have done so oh well!

Only 1 zombie from Mantics "All out war" the walking dead game. cast in hard plastic this single 28mm figure was about as easy to paint as I could hope for. But given the fact I was at the club yesterday and had been up and sorting thimngs out (as a care giver) since 3 am again I hope I will be forgiven.

So that is my start to Zombtober. Good luck to all involved and while I am not intending a massive out- put it does get the ball rolling for me. And I have published as swiftly as I am able given internet connectivity.

Changing the Subject!

I had a few extra gifts while at the club yesterday. See the very bottom photo. 2 Ironclad miniatures (Part painted (But you all know I will have to start again. ) Victorian Science fiction steam tanks.
( While they may not have been the ones I would choose for myself they are very welcome additions. Cheers Bob. (I will admit I have considered buying the green one in the past but always had other things to spend the money on).

Additionally: 2 extra Pack mules for WW1/ late colonial form IT miniatures. Thanks Tim.

Also from Tim 2 additional 15mm jungle buildings. I now have enough to start playing WW2 pacific  games of PBI. Which is not saying I have enough troops (I do but If I say that I may have to stop buying and not continue to round out the collection) but at least I have enough Jungle buildings. So expect them to be painted very swiftly. I may even start today.

And A big thanks to mat for printing off some Aeronef cards for me and some ship name tags. We can probably get a first game in reasonably swiftly now. Cheers Mate.

It was (In my opinion) a good day at the club and I will do a report in the next day or two.

And the games were more Beau Geste/Legionaire/ten tall Men/march or die. Than the were "Sons of the Desert" or Carry on Follow that camel (I think I have mentioned enough films). Despite Peter calling out "Mustava leak!" frequently. (I promise to have the correct name spelling for the game report)

All the best Clint out

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Another Zombie!

Yes the post title is much more about me than anything else. I just cannot, for some reason, get going this week.  Only 1 Zombie finished.

The figure is by Mantic and part of the Walking Dead starter box set. I have tried to make it look like her tights are ripped and laddered. Also  that she did at one time work in a diner. If this is your take o how the figure is painted brilliant. If not I am sure you have in your head a back story for her.

As with the majority of these zombies they come with wounds already and most often a deformed limb as well. On this one her left arm is broken and hangs at a strange angle. They all have something though so expect to see more on the next one.

I am still very much enjoying the walking dead game but am finding the starter set very limiting. Which clearly it is designed to be as they want you to send more and even more on it as time goes by. For me though after 2 playing sessions (or 7 games) the "Shine" is wearing thin.  This does not mean playing will cease or the painting will stop, just that it is not as new and exciting as it was when I first got it.

I have no painting fr Matt at present ad have nearly finished the stuff (I do not show) for Peter. So no plans for the next post just yet. It will need to be a surprise. Maybe the last 2 German Aeronef ships, maybe the start of the Dutch fleet. If I am very lucky I will find the cattle I know I bought but seem to have hidden as they will be the start of a newly revised project taking over from Saga. We still all (well most) have the figures so perhaps it will re-start.

That though is it for today. Al the best Clint

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

1 More Zombie

Not a huge amount of figures today, in fact just one. For those that play the Walking Dead All out war this should be a familiar figure. yes it is a  28mm Mantic Zombie. Without being racist it is clearly a black zombie so as a strong contrast I went for a white (OK Off white) Tee shirt. This had the duel effect of showing of the blood effects very well. Perhaps there could have been more blood but it is always easy to over do the look so I stayed back and tried to keep it somewhat resaved. When I was younger the red stuff would have been everywhere.

Clearly the zombie is missing his left arm and also his right ankle is very badly broken. Which means he drags his foot behind him. This is something I do like about the Mantic Zombies, the fact that they have missing and broken limbs. This clearly means that thy must have suffered some pretty violent demise.

I did worry about the skin colour as well in zombie form but I think it has turned out OK.
There is another zombie on the painting table so that one should be finished in the next few days as well. I must say I am a fan of the plastic that Mantic use as it paints very well. The sculpts are also top notch so overall they are a joy to paint. I do not want to invest too much time in this though as the basic set is pretty basic and as such does lack a lot of options. That said I am going to paint it all and even think about making a dedicated terrain board. IF I do I will show it on my blog.

Until next time do not get bitten and do not accept any invites to the deserted well at midnight.... yes that sounds like a "Scooby Do plot!" Just take care do what you are doing and with luck the weather will break and we can all sop being sweaty and perspiring with the least movement!

All the best Clint

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Yesterday at the club

Well I was not there long.  But while there I was able to play the walking Dead all out war 3 times.

The first game was mostly a dry run though to give the players an idea of the rules and the set up and just how the game worked.

Let me start by saying Ian won the first game. WE only played the basic set so really no frills at all. Just basic rules a few figures and I was referee.

Not our game just an Internet image.
I forgot the camera again
But a cool Thank you
to whom so ever posted this image
on the internet
The Second game (Yay I won) as a 3 way battle just grabbing loot and getting off of the board. very simple and very apt.

The third game was a similar set up but we moved the figures around so we all had different characters. This time I had Rick!

It was the only game where Rick got bitten by a Walker (Must remember not to say ZOMBIE!) got infected and died on the table! Guess who was controlling Rick. yeo me.

Kev won this game.

Conclusion: If playing 3 player games the "THREAT TRCKER" climbs the scale fast. Seriously fast. It was a joy that players realised quickly that making noise could be an offensive action as could running.  As if done correctly It could drag zombies into the melee and when facing 3+ zombies you were very limited in what you could do. And the chances are you would lose the melee.

Overall it was a very good game and a game we will play again. But first I need to get painting the figures as several times we were having trouble telling Walker from survivor as they were all the same colour plastic.

Changing the Subject:

I have also volunteered to paint some 28mm figures for a LOCAL show game. These will be Nappies and I do not usually paint Nappies so it will be a steep learning curve. 12 figures to a unit so I will try to get 2 units done. (3 IF I can... but aiming at 2 Units) Just to take the pressure of off another club member. SO if/when you see Napoleonic troops on this blog you do not have a fit with your leg up you now know the reason.

Additionally: Only 1 of my Purchases from my prize have so far turned up. Yes I am inpatient and am itching to get on with it. BUT hopefully a little more will arrive this week and I can do a blog post all about it. I just put this bit in as one of my club members was unaware of my win.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Mommy iz a Sombie too!

 Well I was gonna go to a car boot sale today but I am not going so here is a Sombie instead!

The figure is 28mm by mantic part of the Walking Dead game. As I showed an older gentleman last time here is a younger lady.

I went for pink jogging/Yoga trousers and a light green top. Not spending so much time in a gym I am not convinced these are the colours a young lady would pick to work out in. The Pink trousers I get and the lime green contrasts nicely and that is why I selected it. They are more likely I think to be in another pink top. But too much pink people is just not good.

I do realise I only have 3 figures painted for this at present, but It is getting done. I promise to do more as soon as I get the chance and the painting table gets a little bit clearer.

So just another zombie. No big lots of historical figures or any Bengal lancers or any WW2 stuff. Although they are all on the painting table as I type this.  With luck something finished either today or tomorrow night.

That's it for now have a good Sunday.

All the best Clint

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Grandad iz a Sombie

yes I Know I spelt it wrong. here Is my latest Zombie. Part of the Walking dead game by Mantic.

One of the things I did Like about the Walking dead is the Zombie Child in the first episode. I would like to see more (NO NOT A ZOMBIE CARL). So in that vein I was delighted that the Mantic game has a mix of both male and female and old on not so old.  Therefore I painted this zombie up to be one of the old ones. Killed in the first few days.

Not played the walking dead game yet but I have plans in a couple of weeks, I really do need to get them all painted up pretty soon.

Also shown is a pic from the back. Plenty of gorge/blood and guts. Maybe his own maybe that of other people. His cardigan was repainted as I did try it in a pale green and then mucked it up. I am just being honest!

All the figures in the Mantic game are hard plastic and I have yet to see one repeated. So I am very pleased with them as it stands. I already have players asking to play Darrel Or Marl or Neagan or The Governor bus as I have yet to purchase them I don't see it happening for a while.

Anyway I apologise for not posting on Monday, Time just got away from me. I still have a lot on the painting table in a multitude of scales (10mm, 15mm, 20mm and 28mm). So I have no idea what will be next.

Until then all the best and take care Clint

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

A mixed bag

yes a real mix of projects today. Yet one thing they do have in common is the photography is terrible. Not making excuses it is just one of those things where nothing has worked!  Oh well.

So starting with some air support for my Japanese in 15mm. This is an Academy 1/144th scale Japanese Zero. The model was just a couple of pounds on eBay. It was easy to put together. But not all that easy to paint. The actual colours went on OK no problem there. The problem comes when trying to get the right colour green. Let me explain. Aircraft modellers will tell you tat the correct Japanese green for Aircraft is a bit of a mystery. Because the colour faded so fast when applied there is no definite answer to what the "Proper colour" should be. Indeed white may be as authentic as green as the colour faded and bleached in the tropical heat. Yes you do see some Navy planes painted white, but army planes as far as I am aware should be green. So this may well be the wrong colour green. But I will not be getting a Munsel diagram out to find out. It is close enough for me in a game where it only appears occasionally

Then we have some 10mm Spanish Civil war regular army light machine guns. I will be also doing some militia LMGs as well but this gets them finished for the regular ARMY. So that is one side finished for Bayonet and Ideology. Although you can hardly see them the figures are Pendraken and in army uniforms. Green clothing but with grey helmets.

Finally here is a single Pic of my first figure from "the Walking Dead"  game finished. A single walker.  the figures are very nice and I will be doing more as soon as time permits. The figures are hard plastic and paint very well. Each of the Walkers is different so the first thing you need to do is work out how long they have been dead and paint the skin appropriately. Therefore I will be painting a variety of skin tones to represent those killed very recently and those killed during the out break.

Well that#s it for today. with luck my get up and go will return soon and I will be able to carry on with gusto!

All the best Clint

Saturday, 29 April 2017

The last of my....

"I am not going to Salute!" spending.  Firstly a small order from Pendraken Miniatures  (LINK ) Just some more Spanish Civil war stuff. And so far the only thing I have finished painting is shown to the right. It is quite the ugliest vehicle I have ever painted. Which is not to say it was not well cast but is to say the design of this type of Republican armoured truck is like a sink on wheels. In fact I have called it in my head either the sink or Bathtub of doom! As vehicle designs go it is not all that inspiring.

Just to show you how bad it is here is one more shot.  In the game (Bayonet and Ideology) it comes in pairs and can only more 1 space per turn while off road...On road it can motor! Needless to say these were not built in factories in the Spanish civil war but garages. I have not put it in any particular colour scheme or with slogans as I want it to be used by militias of each side.

Other than the sink of doom I mostly purchased light machine guns as I had none and in the rules I plan to use there can be 1 per platoon . Which is far less than you would usually get in a WW2 game. But that is the Spanish civil war for you.

The other Purchase is The Walking Dead (all out war).. Yes I like zombie games and saw a few play throughs on uTube  before spending any money. I plan to build a battle board and terrain, but that will be on another blog. (28 Dice Later) I may even intend to platy a few games, but that is for the future and not yet. There is nothing As yet on that blog.

That is it for today I am just waiting for paint to dry on some Russian Civil war Cossacks as I type this. So they should (fingers crossed be finished this afternoon.

Thanks for looking today, have a good and long weekend and with luck see you soon.

All the best Clint

Friday, 18 March 2016

Dead Girls Are Easy!

 As the painting challenge draws to an end I am trying (and failing for the most part) to get back to blogging on a regular basis.

Having now finish all the things I wanted to get done for the challenge I had a bit of spare time and enthusiasm. And while this was submitted it was never planned to be.

It is of course a West Wind Production Biker. I bought a pack of these a few years back but never  got them painted. As I am re-enthused about zombie games I thought to get one done.

I was going to write "Dead girls are Easy!" on the petrol tank, but instead settled for green flames. It was semi successful and a second attempt will no doubt prove a better finish so that is my plan, but with 8-10 Bikers to do they can not all have flames on the bikes, that would just look silly!

Still with luck this will get me back in the saddle again.

Club on Sunday so an AAR on Monday of whatever game I play! And at this stage it could be anything. I have suggested a Vietnam game but that is NOT looking likely at present!

Cheers for looking, more soon.