Tuesday 14 January 2014

Got to have bad painting days ...Painting Challenge WIP (3)

To appreciate good ones! Well the picture really does sum it up for me today. Had a great day at the club on Sunday could not get my act together at all yesterday and today all that I am working at is going to slime. Ahh well sometimes it just happens. No big mistakes but lots of little ones.

20mm Vehicle for the Painting challenge bonus round is looking rougher than barbwire underpants I only got it on Sunday and Now I am going to have to strip it back and start again..... Not that I am a perfectionist but it is seriously rough at the moment and needs to be started again.

15mm PBI Halftracks now they are slowly getting there but I realise just how much extra work I need to do on them so they are not going to be ready this week. But at least the base green looks OK at this stage.

10mm The Sudan/Marhdist figures ran out of white primer while spraying these, I'll get some more tomorrow. Which means that only one side of them is primed. 10mm Samurai two of the figures have come off the base and pulled all the filler/texture with them and it then crumbled. They can and will be salvaged but it has put them back a day.

So all in all nothing to share today as everything I attempt is going wrong. Like I said nothing major but lots of little things. Stiull I am enjoying all the little cock ups today and I hope I can get them all out of the way in one go and then just crack on tomorrow!

I think I shall leave it for the rest of the day and go and do something constructive, like watching "Day of the Triffids" on DVD.

Thanks for popping by, all the best and feel free to laugh at me! (I am laughing at myself and not taking it seriously! Just one of those days.)

Cheers Clint


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah we all have them. I forgot to say above that the conversion I was trying fell apart as well. It really has got to the stage where it is funny.

      Thank you Fran.

  2. At least you can laugh about it, Clint. It pays to have a sense of humour. I shall not be laughing at you but thinking "there, but for the grace of God, go I!"

    1. Thanks Bryan. Sooner or later it happens to us all. It will come round to my turn again soon.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh yes As I said in Bryans comment it will soon come round to my turn again. Sometimes these things just happen.

      Thank you Simon.

    2. And I just broke the wing off my Predator Falcon!

  4. Clint
    My plan A and plan B for the vehicle challenge are both on the backburner and I'm scratching my head for plan C.

    1. Peter, good of you to drop by. Believe it or not this was my plan C. Plan A was the PBI US Halftracks and Plan B might now become my favourite character. If I put a 4 Ground Wagon in this bonus round you will Know I am now on Plan D! I am wondering If I can put more camels on and call them ships of the desert..... That will be plan E. And Clear desperation.

      Cheers Peter I appreciate the comment and understanding.

    2. I love the motivational poster. Hopefully you look as good as she does.

  5. We all have our bad days when the best thing to do is stop painting and plonk yourself down on the sofa to watch a film.At least it's not as bad as some I've seen posted about - you didn't accidentally pick up a can of black primer instead of matt varnish!

    1. Yep we have all done that in the past, but mine was white primer not black. As I have said it's all small things and nothing major. Thank you Tamsin.

  6. Don't worry Clint! It happens to everyone, sometime! I've been stuck at work until about 11pm every evening last week and yesterday which has torpedoed any plans of painting my vehicle! So I shall be fortunate to produce a small metal wheelbarrow by the end of Saturday as my Themed Contribution for this round !!! You just have to enjoy the good times and get through the bad ones! Best of luck with the rest of the week!!

    1. Not at all worried about it. It was just my turn to have a bad painting day.... it does not happen often. So really not a biggie.

      Thank you Sidney

  7. Just sent some Pics of 10mm Sams to Curt. I wanted to get a lot further with a few things on the painting table, but at least I got one thing done.

    Thank you Loki. Hope you day picks up.

  8. I think we all have one of them days every now and then Clint!

    1. Absolutely It has just happened to me today is all. No biggie, no stress, just trying to force it does not work for me. So now stopped for the day.

      Thank you Ray.

  9. Yep, shit happens. At least no-one was injured or anything like that ;-) .

    1. In the grand scheme of things just a hiccup. Nothing at all serious.

      Cheers Hugh. Just need to remember how trivial it all is.

  10. These things tend to happen most when you're up against a deadline. Barbwire underpants,,,,I like that phrase.

    You did not update on my blogroll and I stayed awake till 8:00 a.m. waiting for you.

  11. Please don't wait up as there is no guarantee I will blog anyway and there is always the blogger timing issue which seems to have a mind of it's own.

    I hope life and the weather are both treating you well. And I fear you are right that deadlines increase the possibility of mishaps. Still it is only a little frustrating and not life threatening so nothing to worry about.

  12. Just not your day, but good shout on the Triffids, I must see that again!

    1. Yes sometimes you win... others you don't. Such is the joys of life,

      Thank you Michael

  13. About time you took a break and let those brushes cool down.

    1. Nope not at all. Push on while I am in the mood. Thursday will be a day off! Thank you Joe.


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