Sunday 11 May 2014

Villa Citroen..... err not quite!

Well being honest I did not get the figures I was expecting done. I an now on the basing and the hooves and tidying up, so chances are I will get them done tomorrow at the very latest, maybe even tonight. However I do need to get this blog done (while they are drying).

As such I have decided to get some of the buildings I bought at Salute done. These are all 10mm (1/200th Scale) from a company I had not heard of before The Square. Probably my ignorance in not knowing about them, but had I known of them I would not have gone to Kerr and King! While the Quality of these is not as good as Kerr and King the price is so much better. I think they may be a new company as the web site is not fully functional yet. But click the link above to go there.

These buildings will do a dual purpose for me. The single story one I will use for my 10mm Sudan and the larger buildings I will use for my 10mm Spanish Civil war along with the single story buildings. The Square also do some dedicated 10mm Spanish Scenery so expect them painted in the coming months. They also do some Sci Fi Scenery and plants so quite a range of stuff and I will be getting some of those no doubt once my stalled SCI FI 15mm forces get on the go again.

That's it for Today, only a very quick post but sometimes it has got to be. I shall try to show some painted figures next time out. Until then thanks for stopping by and take care.

 All the best Clint


  1. They look just fine, Clint. The Martian desert scenery is a nice contrast for them.

  2. Nice work Clint! I think I bought some flags from the Square once???

    1. Cheers Ray. I believe they do flags so quite possibly.

  3. Small and Unexciting, but necessary. Thank you Loki

  4. A right little metropolis you're building there Clint.

    1. Thank you Michael. It will appear more when I get the Spanish Buildings done. But given that the buildings may be scattered across a 6 foot table. It will hardly be noticed.

  5. They look nice for a modest post, and very important for a battlefield!
    Without key terrain features, it's just a vulgar little brawl! ;)

    1. You are right of course. Thank you David.

  6. 10mm terrain is never very detailed getting more for your money will make a nicer 10mm table in the end.

    1. Welcome aboard Robert. I think you have the truth of it.

  7. They're very effective Clint and whilst they may not be that exciting compared to what you've been producing, they are fairly essential.

    1. You are right Joe. Thank you for keeping me focused. Now about this new project...


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