The scene is set and the showdown
of the facial hair would be decided! |
Yesterday at the club 5 of us tried the "En Garde!" rules out. As a first run out of course we made mistakes but or rereading the rules last night I must say only 1 leaps out and that was the same for each person so not a big mistake AND I have already emailed the guys and told them.
Dusk in the village as two bands of blood thirsty kerrs approach |
At the club you can arrange games and Tim and myself had done so and I was sure Matt would join in as he had expressed an interest a few weeks earlier. But You never know who else will want to for on reason or another. And Yesterday Pete and Bob were both looking for a game. Luckily I had already worked out 2 100 point Cardinal Guard "armies" Both of which were split into 50 point forces. So I would Reff and those with Tasches would be on one side and those with beards on another (I am clean shaven so you can see the logic!) I gave everyone a 50 point force! Everyone had a leader with "Commander" attribute at either rank 4 or rank 5.
First off we spayed a straight skirmish! The light of the day was fallinand range and vision would fade to 12" vision range in 2-3 turns, the weather was overcast but dry and not windy. the Blues (BOB and Pete) approached the village from the left and Tim and Matt (the Reds) approached from the Right.
Blood Alley. Where in Peters heroic named character
manages to fend of Tim's Reds 1 at a time without difficulty
Pete only had 3 figures in his force but the named
character did take up 38 of his 50 points and was
incredibly good at the killing!. |
Tims had many more troops but all far weaker and was flanking around and
DID manage to kill Peters Guard and Servant!
On the other side of the table Matt was holding his own against Bob's Blues.
Knowing that Matt had a pistol Bobb was overturning tables
to create barricade at first but finally
charged in with sword and dagger..
The first game ended with bob and Matt on Wavering Morale and Tim with just one man left and also wavering. Peter also had one man left but had an ability to callously ignore his own dead and wounded and stay in the fight! So the game went to the Blues and beards were banished! At least on that occasion.
Tim's luck had returned and he rolled double 1and imeadiatly lost
a guardsman in an equal fight.
he was run straight through. |
The blues came quietly into the town.
The alarm was soon raised and the reds rushed into the town centre!
Matt set his matchlock up at a high window ready to "snipe"
(well snipe with a matchlock you kind of know what I mean!)
But Naughty Bob had different Ideas about that.
he sent his highest rank around the back of the building and without warning
pummelled all kinds of hell out of Matts Character!
Game 2. At this stage we had all learnt but not Mastered the rules! and we had enough time for a second game so we did. This time it was dawn and the light was rising on the town. The Blues had the task of freeing two chaps from the stocks who were going to be forced to grow beards! (OK that may not be the reason they were actually in the stocks but it kind of works!) Some Reds were up and about in the town while many others were still waking up so the Reds were outnumbered until the alarm was raise. Some VERY minor changes were made to some force lists Matt's Reds had now got 1 Matchlock and Bob had changed figures round so that it was less clear which had the greatest rank!.
Overall a fun set of rules and plans and ideas are formulating in my mind. While they do work perfectly well for 3 Musketeers there are just so many other options I feel may work better with regard to how the club functions.
And As I have just received a new book through the post for the period I will say no more until it starts to happen
Thanks for looking today, with luck some more burpas next time. (Wednesday... fingers crossed!)
The bles rushed to the stocks and started to free the prisoners.
As small fights broke out among the other troops.
As the Reds slowly got more troops into the fight |
Bobs main character (in what was called "Council worker Yellow"
puts a grievous wound into another guard
and then runs to help the escaping prisoners.
Tim manages to kill the Servant again and peter just has one figure left
as he kills the guard as well with a succession of light wounds which escalate
to a grevious and then out of the fight. . But Peter unleashes his main character and
first kills one then anoth of Tims troops.
At this stage everyone has but a single figure left.
Bob is on Routing Morale peter is immune to Morale checks.
And Matt and Tim are both on Wavering Morale
Then Tim Does it again and rolls another double 1.
His Morale is shot through. Matt has but a single figure Peter is OK morale wise and
Bob is already routing.
So the Game ends. |
A great couple of aars Clint and quite a thematic set-up; sometimes the simplest scenarios can be the most fun and it does sound like you and your players had a lot.
ReplyDeleteIhave a lot of 'Musketeer' type figures but have been looking for a suitable set of rules to use with them so may have to look through some reviews of En Garde (My En Garde rules are from the 70's and bare no realtion to these current ones).
Thank you Joe. They are a good set of Skirmish rules for use in up to rifled musket periods but they are NOT a dedicated 3 musketeer set of rules. Indeed I hope to use them for another period.
DeleteThe book does have several army lists including 3 musketeers but several more besides. Aztec and conquistadors, Ottoman Turks, Ecw etc. quite a variety really and ideas for several, others. If you can snag a set of these rules cheap do so, but remember they are not 100% Musketeer rules any more that they are Settlers vs Woodland Indians in America!
Nice batreps Clint and it sounds as though fun was had by all :)
ReplyDeleteThaNK You Tamsin. There is an awful lot missed out in the reports. But the games were fun. And I am sure we will use the rules again.
DeleteIt all looks like a lot of fun. I've always enjoyed seeing Three Musketeers style games and played a few myself many, many years ago.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bryan the rules are generic pre rifled musket skirmish rules easy for everyone to grasp and not too serious, but neither slapstick. they were the kind of rules I most like.
DeleteWhat a cool couple of games Clint, sounds like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy I think we shall use these rules in a show game sometime and as you live in the same neck of the woods I am sure you will get a chance to see it.
DeleteBrilliant! Let me know where and when Coint and I'll do my best!
DeleteI have games lined up for the next 2 shows. (30 Corp Arhnam game and Zulu war in Febuary.... yes LOADS of Zulus to paint (hundreded literally) but Maybe Broadside next year. Depends on how I get on with the project.
DeleteSounded like good fun old boy, I must admit I like the musketeer period!
ReplyDeleteThanks Fran. I have never had a bad musketeer game! (That should open up the flood gates for many to come.) The rules are simple enough for any (even the most challenged) Reject to grasp quickly and are very versatile. They cover everything from Pirates to Border revivers to Murgul Empire! (And even a little Fantasy just to make Ray feel at home!)
DeleteBoth a game and a genre I know very little about. But which once again you made particularly interesting with your write-ups, Clint. I'd certainly be happy to read more of these from you - though less snake eyes would probably be appreciated by your games' participants :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Blax. Both Tim and myself both have a reputation for bad dice rolls in the club but 3 double ones in one short game where he probably only rolled 12 dice in total is shocking.
DeleteI am inspired to start a couple of forces dedicated to these rules, Musketeers will not be my primary choice though as they are a little one dimensional. I have 2 firm options which I am looking at.
Cracking stuff and with the fencing on TV as well
ReplyDeleteThank you Martin. I did watch the foil fencing on the TV and did so very much enjoy it.
DeleteBoth games look pretty cool Clint. Ive got the rules myself and quite fancy a little dabble....all for one!
ReplyDeleteThank you Ray. I could see you playing these rules with some Donnybrook Tangiers figures, or with Border revivers or with American Indians vs Settlers or English Civil war or.... it is your favourite period after all so I am sure as a skirmish set you will come up with a good idea.
DeleteNot tried the rules yet ....but you never know, thanks for sharing😀
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt as I said to Joe, if you can get the rules cheap enough really worth a look.
DeleteThis looks like seriously good fun Clint, looking forward to more of the same.
ReplyDeleteThank you Michael. No bat reps of tis for a little while.... I think next club I am playing Franco Prussian war. But that may change.
DeleteGreat reports!
ReplyDeleteThank you Martin the rules worked better than I thought they would, and yes I got a few things wrong but it was equally wrong for all players and I will correct it next time. And because the rules worked so well I have to miss a lot of the game details out. But most importantly thank you for the comment as I do not recall you ever commenting before and I have no idea who looks at this blog unless people comment. So cheers mate.
DeleteI've starts my own blog and am friends with brummieswarganing blog so been going through his blog list and having a good read. Can't wait for more ☺
DeleteAhh a friend of brummie. . I will try not to hold that against you. JK
DeleteWhere do you get so many hairy players? If this was done at our club when I'd still visit, my two facial hairs would have to count as a beard so it wouldn't be all versus 1!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mathyoo. The facial hair was just how it turned out on the day. We do have another couple of guys at the club with beards but most of us really are clean shaven.
DeleteZulus! Or some such other African adventure.
ReplyDeleteThat Versailles drama program on the BBC had a West African prince turn up to see Louis XIV, recently, I can't help but think about an African scenario and gold. Though, if it was me, I'd have to shoe-horn the Zulus in there somehow (no idea how, though!). Possibly there wasn't even a Zulu clan back at that time, never mind a tribe. Hmm, just shot down my own idea :)
Thank you Roy. Zulus will be coming along in a few months. As I bring my 10mm Zulu force up to full muster. And I do believe there was a Zulu nation back then that would be pre Shaka Zulu who did change the way they fought and the weapons they used.
DeleteSounds like a hoot. Interesting to know what rules you have had arrive. I heard En Garde is a bit like the Ronin rules would you be able to elaborate a bit more?
ReplyDeleteI am tempted by doing something musketeer as I loved the BBC tv show that has just finished. I am trying to make my mind on where to get minis from at the moment.
Thank you Simon. I have sent you an email letting you know where to get Modern 3 musketeers. Mine are all years old from Redoubt. If I was starting now I would get Warbases figures.
DeleteThe rules "Ronin" and "En Garde!" are pretty much the same. there are minor differences but owning both "En Garde!" is the better set for my club who (other than me) have no interest in Medieval Japan. And consequently they would play "Ronin" in a westernise way.... I know most players will. "En Garde are mulit period with no SET Back ground so you can do Pirates and Fantasy or Aztecs and Conquistadors. Or anything from the War of the Roses til about American Civil war. AS LONG AS YOU DID THE RESEARCH.