The country of Klintanistan (a made up imagi-nation Country). Has collapsed leaving a power void into which various leaders and factions push. And push hard. Never a rich country and never at the forefront of world politics Klintanistan was still valuable and had some assets and given the resilience of the people it was a country that could grow. Grow perhaps to be a world leader with as many colonies as Britain or Spain, who knows. All this is the future though and the now is a very different place.
The Location of the country is not needed for the game so feel free to think of it as anywhere you want. Maybe Central America, or the Middle east, Sub Saharan Africa, South east Asia Polynesia or even a country in Europe. (As all the game action will take place within the country it matters not where you think of it!). Just think "Back of Beyond" Somewhere.
Date also need not worry us exactly. The technology is 1930's so yes you can have cars and trains and planes and even submarines.... but you will not be starting with anything quite so flash! Horse drawn vehicles predominate although a few cars and trucks are about they are rare rather than common and most people cannot drive! (at least in this country). ) I am not setting an exact date as we all know that WW2 started in 1939 and we all know that will have a major effect on world politics. Before it happens (if it ever does you will not know). Which is only fair as it will stop people reading ahead and having knowledge of the future. (I do not care if you have Crystal Balls in real life, that is a matter between you and the Doctor!) In this game you do NOT have knowledge of the future..

There will only be 2 seasons (Summer and Winter) with each season being 3 turns long.
I intend to play for 12 weeks (2 years in game) and then asses the situation. Things will probably start slowly as players both find their feet and work out the rules, but with some people you just never know. One player may issue 5 attack orders in the first turn. Which I might personally think Reckless, but you never know might turn out to be the winning strategy.
So all I am looking for at this stage is for bloggers(or Lurkers) to let me know they are interested in playing. (Max 10 to start) BUT some reserves IF a faction rebels against its leader for one rason or another.... it may just happen and then again it may not!)
The Following players already have:
Ray http://onelover-ray.blogspot.co.uk/ Rousell
Fran http://theangrylurker.blogspot.co.uk/ Lee
Michael (the Glorious People's Democratic Republic of Millsystan ) AKA generalissimo Millsy Mills (NO Yamsin NOT GIMP, behave you!)
Roy http://nevermindthejankers.blogspot.co.uk/ Williamson
Bryan http://vampifansworldoftheundead.blogspot.co.uk/ Scott
Andy http://dagobbosgrotto.blogspot.co.uk/ Goboland (Real name Nash!)
Martin http://28mmheroes.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/house.html Cooke
Dave http://onemanhisbrushes.blogspot.co.uk/ Docherty Playing as The Peoples Undemocractic Republic of Docistan
Matt https://wargamesinthedungeon.blogspot.co.uk/ Crump
J http://lairoftheubergeek.blogspot.co.uk/ Miles
So as you can see there is room if you want to join in.
If you do want to play just leave me a comment below and we will sort out a starting position for you.
All the rules and setting are made up by me and I any resemblance to any persons or countries are purely a lucky guess on my part.
So feel free to make up any name that suits you if you want to play.
Turns will be every weekend so awnsers and turn details NEED to be back to me by FRIDAY at the VERY latest!
Bit of a read I know so sit down with a cup of tea and have a rest.
I have had a moment of stupidity and will accept the 3 reserve players as full starting players BUT there will be no reserves
This will mean if your economy crashes or your government gets ousted. all goods and belongings will be split among other players.
Clint this sounds fantastic adventure....just before I jump in with both feet, and not having experienced your previous adventure two questions which probably sound foolish. This is an entirely virtual game no figures required ? How do the battles actually play out ? Are these umpire driven or is there some other resolution mechanism ? 🤓
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt. All good Questions. So In order.
DeleteNo figures required. As you say it is a virtual game as much about politics and resources as about battles.
All the game mechanics will be handled by me and will usually involve me rolling d6 and interpreting the result. For example if you say you want to hire a team of Geologists to survey they land with a view to making better road. I would roll a d6. 1 would be a FAILURE, so maybe they just took the money and then ran away (Got eaten by lions/natives/fell off a cliff etc I would make up some thing plausible and tell you in the turn rsults.)
Combat will be slightly different. For that I will roll 2 dice. 1 for the attacker and one for the defender. The Difference in the dice roll (with modifiers) would determine the winner and looser. Which would result in either territory gained or in the worse circumstances territory lost as the enemy counterattacks. Very much depends on what you are attacking and the purpose of the attack. For example suppose you want to cut the enemies money next turn so they cannot improve their army. And also suppose they have a coal mine and next turn is Winter. Your attack might not be a simple land grad, but might be Just to capture or Destroy the mine. So while you may not take much territory if they have no coal in the winter they may have to buy and not sell coal which will effect the economy.
It is hard to limit exactly what players might do and to give 100% definite answers. But I hope that gives some idea how combat will work. It will also depend on the size and loyalty of the army and that of the enemy and how technologically advanced they are and several.
I will confirm it will all be moderated by me who acting as the umpire will try to be fair and impartial and while like everyone I will make mistakes occasionally, (I did in the last game) I will try to do my best to get it right! And if/when I cock up will try to rectify any errors.
I hope that helps. If you have any more questions please do not hesitate.
Matt, the type of game that this will be is, basically, a Play by Mail (PBM), though in this case a Play by eMail (PBeM). There are a few sites giving explanations as what these are, if you do a google search.
DeleteOn my blog I regularly feature posts [Agema's Swashbuckler] which I play as a PBeM.
At its simplest explanation, all that game is is a rules book and me writing out a set of turn orders with pen and paper. I send my turn back to the Games Master (GM) and he does all the hard work of coordinating each players turn orders into that turn's events.
A rules book. Pen and Paper. The player's imagination and logical thinking (or not so logical, in some cases). That's all that is needed to play.
Thank you Roy for the added information.
DeleteI will send out email explanation of the rules this week (I hope and barring Accidents!)
I did reff play by mail games back in the 90's. So A LOT to re-learn.
Clint, this sounds fun. I'd like to give it a go
ReplyDeleteThank you Martin good to have you involved. I will send out starting info before the end of the week.
DeleteNot sure I have your email so I will leave my email on your blog and delete it, that way you will get it as a private message.
Cheers Mate.
I'm very much looking forward to taking part, Clint. The kingdom of Scottlandia is raring to go.
ReplyDeleteWill you be creating a map of Klintanistan to show where the 12 kingdoms are relative to one another? I'd like to know who my neighbours are.
Thank you Bryan. I am in two mind about creating a map. Without a map everyone can attack everyone without worrying about crossing another's borders.
DeleteBut if players decide they want a map I will concede and make one. But have a look at the India/Bangladesh border before you strongly decide. It is a very interesting and confused border.
But if players want/need a map I will make one. And maybe update it each turn! I know that would look good, but it would be more work for me.
All Hail Scotlandia.
Yes, I can see the pros and cons of creating a map. I'll go along with whatever you decide.
DeleteI'd just like to announce that I don't possess any crystal balls.
ReplyDeleteNor are mine Golden, like David Beckham's.
Though I do, currently, have a sore arm from having a flu jab.
Clint, a map could aid you in dice roll decision for trade or communications. If major roads, rail networks, hills, forests, mountain ranges were shown then possibly it would help the game. But, as you say, its more work for you, and isn't (probably) necessary.
I know I'm playing, but if you need any help at any time I'll do what I can to help out, but remain impartial. Maps etc.
Thank you Roy I am still pondering over maps. Or lack of maps. But another idea is for each player to create a map of their own lands. All ideas are open for discussion, as mentioned I have mixed feelings about maps in this setting. But maybe there is a use for them.
DeleteTry it without the map, and if it doesn't work you could alter it next time or mid-way through.
DeleteMaps, as you know, are restrictive to players and that would only slow the game down. Though giving the chance for everyone, everywhere, to throw invading armies all over the place might make it harder for players to try and develop defences, with there being no stated borders. But then that danger of not knowing who, how many, or from where, might just provide a strength to the game, as players will be more cautious before launching invasions and, should the rules allow, creating a need for alliances or non-aggression treaties between players a necessity.
A downside to using maps, from my own experience, is in one of the PBM games I'm in now, set in real countries. I'm located in Zimbabwe, 1701 AD, and, apart from the chap playing Portugal having a colony at Mozambique, I'm not in contact with the majority of the other players as they're all located in Europe, the Middle East or Asia. Most of my time is spent playing against NPC countries controlled by the GM.
When I've been playing around at PBM developing, the maps have always been a stumbling block. So I'd love to see how a game played without there use. But if you do feature them then I won't have a problem - it is your game after all.
Thanks Clint for the explanation I think then the small self governing province of Penrithistan should be formed. 😀 I'm in.......
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt, Yes you are in and may Penrithistan flourish under your guidance.
DeleteI'm in, if your still colonials like myself!
ReplyDeleteThank you Miles I think I still have your email from the ship game.
DeleteOoh. That would be good Clint count me in if have a place left.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dave, always room in any game I run for you.
DeleteThe Peoples Undemocractic Republic of Docistan
DeleteThank you Dave. Countries do not have to end in Stan at all. Mine did because it was different of Frans Blog. But if you want it to end in stan that is OK as well.
DeleteLOL. I thought I'd be a little "subtle" and infer my lack of democratic government when in fact I should have just said it up front! :-)
DeleteThank you Millsy. While titles are fun it will all come down to how the game is played. Will you be supporting the countries workers or the wealthy land owners or even the army. If there is no balance there might be a revolt or a coup. So enjoy the nice names but they mean very little. Muhahahahaaha!
DeleteMillsy ... Docistan is the true country ... Millsystan is just splitter... Viva El Presidenta...the country will be united !
DeleteSounds fun. I'll give it a miss but i'll enjoy reading your posts about it :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Simon. I hope it is fun for participants and observers both.
DeleteThe surname is Nash but I believe Nashville is already taken as a place name.... Happy to go with Gobboland!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy. Name added (see above)
DeleteSorry I can't take part this time. Struggling to keep on top of things as it is without committing to more. I look forward to watching the action from the sidelines though. Good luck everyone!
ReplyDeleteThank you Lee. To have you involved would have been good, but one should not commit themselves too far.
DeleteFranonia forever!
ReplyDeleteAll hail the great Franonia.
DeleteDang, missed the cutoff. The spots filled up before I'd finished my first cup of coffee at breakfast. Please put me on the reserve list with Soviet Canuckistan.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Peter
Thank you Peter. It did fill up fast. Far faster than I expected. It would be great to have you involved even as a reserve player. Soviet Canukistan sounds just perfect as a faction.
DeleteThis sounds very interesting and I'll gladly just watch it develop.
ReplyDeleteShould you need any more reserves, I heard a revolt is brewing in one of the staring factions as Banana Export/Import Union is sick of unlawful surcharges on banana trading and declared one of the docks and or train stations a free Banana Republic.
As their motto goes - Banana et mon droit.
Thank you Mathyoo. I am sorry that you were too slow to get a full place but like peter and Phil (who emailed me privately) if places become availiable or factions get split it is possible that I may squeeze all three of you in.
DeleteGood luck to all involved with this. I'm looking forward to some regular updates :-) .
ReplyDeleteThank you C6. I am just hoping it will work! I always get jittery before a game and always have second thoughts. I suspect most if not all feel the same.
DeleteI had a further thought. I really want a map but there are as you said a couple of problems with this
ReplyDelete1. It makes it very difficult to attack people who aren't your neighbours
2. It's a lot of work for you
So here is my solution. Once we have a starting information why don't we all make our own maps of our regions (empires). That way you don't need to know who your neighbours are and you can design it as you would want. Think of it as your home ground. Thoughts
Thank you Martin. I will get some more info out to players today (Thursday)
DeleteI may make a map or I may not. I have no objections to players making their own maps. And will send details out of their starting territories.
Good luck with this ambitious campaign Clint, I'll follow with interest.
ReplyDeleteThank you Joe. Work goes on in the back ground!