Well the title sums it all up reasonably well. I Have struggled with any form of motivation at all recently. I have not as yet finished the Klintanistan turns yet. (They will be done soon I hope, about 1/2 way through them). And yesterday at the club we played "EnGarde" again with two players who did not know the rules or have forces or well you get the idea. As in the club it is now customary to drop out of a game and reff if another player does not know the rules or have a force I did just that. So I cannot give an AAR as I just did not take many photos as I thought I was going to play right up till about 2pm and by then the game was about half way through and as I thought I was going to play had not taken any pictures.
So I settled for a brief description of the forces involved.
My troops
All old Games Workshop
That I was using as Border Reivers
on this occasion
Had of course I been playing
So Used instead by Colin.
The force was
2 rank 1 croossbowmen,
2 rank 2 Halberders
2 rank 2 Sword and buckler men
And one rank 5 Chieftain.
total was 99 points. |
Matt using ECW troops
Lots of Militia with Pike and matchlock or musket.
Tim using the Pirates list
And yes he did have a "Swivel Gun"
With both a captain and a petty officer |
Graham using Tims Figures
Using a Cardinals guard list.
Some Guards, some Ruffians and one Captain |
We all as it happened settled for different army lists in a "Hollywood" type game.
With Matt and Colin against Tim and Graham.
I cannot give a better report as I was busy refing the game and not playing and it was at times like herding cats. The rules are very simple and Graham picked them up fast but Colin was stil unsure even by the end.
The Result would have been a Matt victory if we went on longer as Colin (his ally was all dead) Tim was all dead, and Graham was mostly dead. And Matt was about have dead troops. But Graham was not in a position to take the objective and Matt was. So a MARGINAL Victory to Mat. Well done Matt.
Sorry things didn't go as planned for you. By the way, that's a big baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad ass sheep facing Matt's forces!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bryan. You are right it ids a very large sheep.
DeletePersonally I thoroughly enjoying Refing, but not at the last minute as this situation would seem to suggest; and certainly not when I was anticipating playing the game. A noble gesture on your part then Clint, and hopefully one which was appreciated by your fellow gamers :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you Blax. I was expecting to play and hoping to play, maybe next time. (I am secretly making scenery for it as well... but I will say no more of that.)
DeleteWas anybody not dead?
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray. Matt had the most troops left about 1/2 his starting force was willing and able to fight Graham had about 1/3rd left willing to fight but he was very close to a break test.
DeleteSorry to hear about the motivation - I hope it comes back soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you Edwin. I am sure it will, it usually dos just give me a few days and I will be right as nine pence.
DeleteI am sure everybody who has been in similar situations will feel your frustration....with age I have become both more and less tolerant. I have less time so for me it about taking control....whether I am playing, running supporting etc doesn't really matter as long as I am in control, when I loose control it can feel challenging. As gump says life is like a box of chocolates....😀 And don't worry about Klintistan......every single player is chilled about the time it takes..
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt. Like everyone some days are better than others. Not a disaster by any means and 2 playes have gotten back to me and mentioned thet they liked the game. As I say maybe next time I will get a game... And then I will no doubt complain about looing it! LOL
DeleteSounds like a very frustrating day. It does sound though that youwereeuqally frustrated not paying as having to Ref two noobs.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe. A lot of the problem came from the fact that I could not read the rules prior to the game which meant it was slow and mistakes were made. Ad that to 2 players just learning and yes it was frustrating.
DeleteStill next time I will not be reefing no matter what.
Motivation comes, motivation goes. I blame it on the increasingly dark evenings and generally gloomy weather...
ReplyDeleteAt least you got a game in, even if you were just umpiring (and in many ways, I prefer to umpire).
Thank you C6 I do like to umpire when I have warning and time to prepare. But when it is just dumped on me when I was expecting a game let us just say it was not ideal.
DeleteCome on Colin for fecks sake.......
ReplyDeleteThanks Fran. In most skirmish games it helps to KNOW the force you have and what they can do and not do Colin did not have this luxury as he was taking over my force. Let us just say he probably did better than Surgit would have. So about as good as Ray with a modern (20th Century) force.
DeleteThat bad?
DeleteYou did a grand job, it was a day well spent with laughs and lots of caualties (wish I could have got in another shoot with the swivel gun). Colin being slow gave me the time to read up on what banners were used for and why my captain attacked Matts colour bearer in a last diched attempt to swing things my way. Sadly Matts three pikemen pinned my captain with their long pointy poles, tad unfair as he only had a sword.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tim, your kind words are appreciated.