Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Secrety Santa Update.

Yes I have news! Firstly my "Secret Santa" gift has arrived. So who ever sent it was very swift at the dispatch. If that was you many thanks I found it quite exciting and NOT the usual mail I get through the door, that tends to be fast food leaflets and occasionally a leaflet from a man offering gardening services or a builder trying to drum up work. So who ever sent it Please know that it has arrived, and I do not know what it is, but I suspect it to be figures of one kind or another. So who ever you are you have put a smile on my usually grumpy face!

I had best get my act together and send my SS out as well.

All the best folks and I can now start looking forward to Crimbo!

I will try to post again tomorrow with some painted figures.

 Cheerio.... Clint

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Secret Santa Hints

Firstly I hope my secret Santa brings me something nice.

Secondly her are a few hints of things I would like. But Most importantly I am sure I will like anything I receive so feel free to get me something unlisted if you like.

Starting with 6mm figures. I have decided to carry on with a project from about 20 years in my past. As such I would be interested in 6mm ACW stuff. Blues or Grey and any make. Most of the stuff I already have is Irregular, but any make is fine by me as at that scale it is more about the base than the actual figure. What is more everything is useable by me so by buying 6mm ACW stuff (Figures and or resin buildings) You just cannot get it wrong. But I realise not so very exciting to see someone else paint and play with.

15mm. In this scale I would like either Western European Dark age figures. (Normans, Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Scots, Welch, Frankish etc) You know the type of things. I do not need hundreds of figures as it will be for the "Longships" rules by Peter Pig.  So a whole force could be as few as 100 figures so variety is preferred over quantity. I do like most 15mm manufacturers so again select what suits you best. And I have no objection to Infantry or Cavalry. So that is also quite broad.

Additionally in 15mm I am slowly collecting a late war 15mm WW2 German force for PBI. I have enough infantry. But am lacking in Artillery, Transport, Anti Tank and so forth. The only thing I would ask is no Panther tanks (I already have a few and more would be redundant as in the PBI rules you only need 1 or 2 as it is mostly an infantry game. But again anything would be interesting for this.

20mm (can you tell the scales are getting bigger) Sorry folks I am still stuck on WW2.I am thinking
Western Desert either Italian or British circa 1940-41. Absolutely anything is brilliant. Talking to family I would be very likely to get something out of scale and out of period, but to a wargamer I know I can be quite specific so do not need to worry at all. I do like almost all metal castings so manufacturer is not an issue. Just remember the date and the 2 sides and know that this is for 20mm Chain of Command and we are all golden.

And in 28mm I am still looking to play some 1920's Lovecraft wargaming. Last year I dot a fantastic monster and I do want to expand the possibilities. I will possibly be using the 7TV rules (with some tweaks) . So anything from the 1920's period or the Horror period would be vey welcome. I do have some gangsters (but can always use more) but Police, investigators and citizens would also be nice. Cultists and villains are also welcome should that float your boat.

Most importantly you cannot get it wrong. Anything I receive will be welcome and appreciated.
The above are just some hints about what I am currently thinking.  feel free to select something else as we all like a nice surprise. There is no pressure and no expectations just have fun and enjoy the giving. Yes I know the pictures are all sexist.... but only once a year so I hope you will forgive me.