Well trying to post regularly here is my first vehicle for "Gaslands" . Some of you may have already bought the rules while others have yet to hear of them. Now for me I needed cheering up so I ordered them and will get them at Christmas. My Mother will give them to me then, she cannot get out and about at the moment and even if she could wargames rules are not something you can buy in many high-streets!

I did watch a few vids on Youtube and did decide they were my cup of tea. As such they were purchased. After all which very boring wargamer does not like Mad Max. There must be one but I have not met them.
As such I thought to start building some (OK 1) car(s). I still have not decided is I will stick at 20mm (1/72nd Scale) or leap up to 28mm. We will both have to see how it plays and if I like the game and if the upscale is worth the effort as the rules are meant for Diecast cars of a certain size.

However here is my first car. Nothing very special at all. Just a reinforced front bumper and some spikes and possibly 2 gun ports facing forward. Al in all a very quick and easy conversion, but better than just a bought car from a supermarket, at least in my opinion!
I was going to put more spikes on, but I am glad I showed restraint. There are enough to make it look aggressive but not to many to stop it being undriveable. But even if there were too many it would not be a problem as it is for a game and not real life!
The Grill on the front and rear windows was also hand made and just some spare "Plasticard" so nothing very exciting. Having said that it did need something to make it look more survival than road use. That and a tarpaulin on the back (tin foil painted ) and some dents and scratches on the roof and the beast is ready to go.

For a base it is on an old credit card! Fear not I have about 20 more that were used as door opening devices at work and were thrown away when new doors were fitted. So I recycled them and they are no use at all for anything other than scrap.... or anything a wargamer can model out of them. They have NEVER had any money on them and they can no longer open any secure doors!
That's it for today. With a little luck I am now back to posting normally. next time will most likely be more BoB unless I get carried away and make another car! (I bet somewhere a child is weeping that I have done this..... I also imagine several jumping up and down and loving the idea!)
Always worth showing the intention! |