Showing posts with label gripping beast.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gripping beast.. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Dux Britaniarum skirmishers.

Well the title says it all. In Dux Britaniarum missile troops do not play a major part. Nor Historically should they. A unit, this time 4 (and not 6) represents the young warriors perhaps on their first raid. maybe they are not considered strong or brave enough to be in a shield wall or in a main unit. But they still have a purpose they act as harassing and missile troops.

These are 28mm hard plastic dark age missile troops. I cannot tell you who makes them as they were bought unpainted/2nd hand on eBay. I have kept the coulours as realistic as possible and put patches where they have been repaired. Given that there was about 3 miles of thread in a tunic (I am told, not measured it myself) and they were often in a persons will when they died patching seems not only likely but also nessercary.

That is another unit finished for Dux Britaniarum. The smallest unit I grant you but it did need to be finished. One more warrior unit to go. (yes there will be a group photo when all are finished.

Now the painting table is "Almost" cleared I can start to look at the FFL again. More of that NEXT week, I am sure.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Another 6 troops (Dux Britaniarum)

Continuing the dark ages at least in my mind. here are the next 6 figures which makes a unit in Dux Britanium. just 2 units to go and one (the skirmishers is started.) these are warriors, which is a step up from levy but still not likely to set the world on fire. But as they have had to catch the boat from their own country and cross the water they are not too poorly as a unit. Again I stuck to easily dye-able colours and as many patches as to make them look feasible.

So they should mingle in quite well with the others. For convenience I went for plain red/brown shields just so the unit is easy to identify and NOT for any historical reasons.

 I have shown everything finished so far.
  • 1leader (with dog)
  • 1Champion
  • 2 sub(lesser) leaders
  • 2 units of 6 (16 shown) hearthguard warriors
  • 2units of general warriors.
Still to come:
  • 4-6 skirmishers
  • 3rd unit of 6 Warriors
  • Additional warriors to bulk out each unit.

No cavalry are planned as until they have lands of their own transporting horses is too much time and effort for this raiding force. It is possible they may have a cavalry unit in the future, but VERY unlikely. (Unless you buy me one... no I though not!)

Sorry no fancy back drop today I can gleefully say I have been distracted by an eBay find which was swiftly purchased. But I digress.

Enjoy Sunday I have a LOAD of painting to get finished now! best wishes Clint

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Another unit. (Dark Ages)

I am of course talking about Dux Britaniarum where a unit starts as 6 figures. So yet a whole unit finished.  Why do I think this is strange when 12 figures could be 480 in Napoleonic wargames? I don't know.  NO whole army picks just yet. but one is planned but I still need to do 3 more units. (2 units of 6 and 1 unit of 4 Skirmishers). They have now all been purchased and indeed the next unit is already started.

I did not put them in the same order when taking the front and back photos but still I am sure you will forgive me. the colours are authentic, (Red Dyed with Madder (in real life) and Blue dyed with Brazil Wood (again in real life.) Most (BUT not all) colours could be dye in dark age Europe as long as you steer clear of PURPLE and dark colours. Also remember that paint and cloth dye are very different.

Well that is a quick post for today. More again soon. All the best Clint

Saturday, 2 September 2017


Yes that sounds like a music album title for a cheap band from the 60's) I apologise if this was an album title, but you get the idea.

Firstly here is the remains of my German Aeronef fleet. You may recall I forgot to paint one when I did the rest. so that has now been rectified.

They are Van 7 German patrol nefs. (LINK to shop) They came as part of the German starter fleet and are now painted and with the others. (still trying to sort out bases I am happy with.)
But they are done so nothing to worry about too much for now.

The bottom pic is some figures I sent off for from Gripping Beast. I must say the service was exemplary.  They arrived in their own card board box very fast indeed.

I have started the next unit and with luck I will finish them  pretty soon but not this weekend. Generally the figures are very good and well suited to Dux Britaniarum. Buying direct from the maker was cheaper than eBay as well So expect to see the first unit of 6 middle of next week. Over all I am excited to paint them and assembling them was a pleasure and not a chore.

Hopefully an AAR on Monday, until then take care have fun and paint like crazy if you get the chance.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


Well almost (sorry Joe ). Personally I did not like SAGA, I know many people did and that is great, but for me I could not get to grips with troops that could do something one turn and not do it the next. I am sure they could not have forgotten it in a space of 10 minutes. Anyway I like the period and setting and already have the figures (well some of them at least). Now Dux Britaniarum is currently played down the club so that makes sense as the "way to go!"

Dux Britaniarum is set about 500 years earlier than SAGA. This could be a problem is set later. But earlier the armour and weapons were pretty much the same. OK there is less chainmail and less Dane Axes and less hauberks, with almost no need to split he front for mounted knights. But there were more bearded axes and more Van Dyke mail shirts. (Get your wellies on if you want to get into the deep bullshit about exactly when and where they changed.... it was an evolution and not overnight at one battle)But generally it was similar if not exactly the same.

So I raked out my Saga Figures and started to have a look at what I could use and guess what!  Here they are!

From left to right
Lords champion. Full metal jacket, 2 weapons and a shield and ready to take on another champion if asked.
Lord (with hunting dog on base) Originally a SAGA Welsh lord, but quite happily acceptable for Dux Britaninarum
2 lesser/younger lords Nuff said really

 8 elite warriors for the Saxons. No one give me a hard time about the shields. I went for simple colour combinations so we could easily see who was in each unit. While it may not be historically correct it was something we did do in re-enactment so it is something I am happy to continue with.

As you can see there are 2 units of 8 figures each. While you only need 6 figures to make a unit the unit can increase to 8 figures in a campaign. Therefore it was easier to make the units 8 figures at this stage and not 6.

These troops could Be British or Saxon (only 1 unit for British), or at a REAL push Sub Romano British, but then we are stretching the figures a bit.

Rather than re-base I did stick with 20mm square bases it makes no real difference in the rules so no need to change them. All the figures are Gripping Beast and with the exception of the dog and the lord are plastic which makes them a cheap force to put together

I have already sent for the rest of the troops so that I may make either a British or a Saxon  force. While I shall not be able to field 2 forces I suspect there is anough players at the club who can already field a force so I am happy to just have one.

That's it. Thanks for looking today. I suspect it will be more 15mm Pacific war items in a few days time.