Well you know what they say. "What comes around, goes around"! And so it appears with me. I have slipped back into wanting to do "wild west" wargames. As such there are 3 routes to explore. Firstly cowboy skirmish games. I already have enough figures (who am I trying to kid... there are never enough) figures for that. I just need a set of rules I really like. Maybe a few more apaches.. would be nice, but who knows.

The second thread is 15mm mass battles. I know we tend to think of small skirmishes with up to 1/2 a dozen figures on each side. But Bigger battles did take place. Think "Battle of Little Big Horn!" for example. Peter Pig *(
http://www.peterpig.co.uk/) Have just re-released a set of rules for that and to be fair. I am interested. It should be better that the "Hey you in the Jail" set I have from them. So that is something I shall definitely be looking at.

The third option, is to go non-historical. Yes we have Dracula in America,( Best place for him I should imagine). But we also have Westworld. Before anyone asks NO I have not seen the TV series! And this is an old conversion (way back about 6 years ago!) but I could be very tempted to do more.
So if I do Westworld I shall use the 7TV 2e rules. And shall buy some more "Fembots" just for the heads better to make conversions.
So in the future expect me to re-make my wild west terrain in bother 15mm and 28mm.
That's iit for now back to the paint table and the miniatures mine!
Oh the inner arguments we put ourselves through for our hobby ! " Wouldn't it be cool to do . . . . ., but do I really need to start another project ! LOL
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of doing Westworld, either new or old version as it gives a whole other dimension to the wild west genre with rampaging robots going off script and trying to kill the guests. I actually watched the original the other night, and would also give you another option of mixing in other time periods as well if the robots crossed the park borders
Thank you Dave, lets be honest it is not a new idea for me. I have already 1 cowboy robot after all. Yes I could have Roman world and medieval world (and future world) as well. But better I think to start on one!
DeleteThat westworld guy looks just great!
ReplyDeleteThank you Skully. Who does not like the idea of cowboy robots!
DeleteI think you can guess what I'm going to say! Forget 15mm and concentrate on 28-32mm scale skirmish gaming. Westworld does sound like an intriguing option. The beauty of Wild west gaming is that you have so many choices - do you concentrate on lawmen, outlaws, cowboys, bounty hunters, Mexicans, Indians, buffalo hunters, mountain men or go off on a Weird west or Sci-fi West tangent? Whatever you decide on, I shall follow with interest.
ReplyDeleteTHank you Bryan. I understand what you are saying. BUT I shall keep the 15mm going as well. In many ways the 15mm excites me more. At a club level I know it will be played just as often as 28mm perhaps more so.
DeleteI really like the Westworld idea Clint & yes I would agree for bigger games 15mm is better suited.
ReplyDeleteThank you Frank. I totally agree. 28mm (as I have them already) or 54mm for skirmish. But when playing club party games 15mm would be most suitable.
DeleteI have a fairly large 15mm collection of western figures, about 300+ [;ains Indians and about 100 Cavalry, whilst my civilians and other extras cme from my 15mm ACW collection. The thing with 15mm I find is that I can't identify with the smaller chaps and woul dgo for 28mms for 'skrimish; and 5mms for large actions !
ReplyDeleteBy other scale for western fights is 54mm and I can probably still name all the characters in my collection, even though they haven't seen a table in well over 30 years!
Thank you Joe my 15mm forces are small at present. They do not need to be HUGE as we would be playing 75-120 figures a side.
DeleteI had looked at 10mm but had not even looked at 6mm figures. That may be an answer. I shall look today.
15mm *and* 28mm sounds like quite a stretch. But if it interests you enough then anything is possible :-) . Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you C6. I already have 28mm figures al ready and painted. So I just need some adobe style Mexican buildings. 15mm is more of a stretch, however it is old stuff and already painted some but as before I need a few buildings and some general terrain but NOT a huge stretch by any means.
DeleteDefinitely 28mm for skirmishing but I do like a big battle or two!
ReplyDeleteThank you Fran. Not got a set of rules I REALLY like for skirmishes but all the figures are ready. So if the weather is OK tomorrow I may start!
DeletePOST script: Let me know if you think the Rejects would like some Cowboy action... make your own punch-line folks. Would the rejects like some wild west shenanigans?
28mm is my fave scale. West world gaming sounds cool
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy. I believe all scales have something to offer. A lot depends on the rules. IF I was starting from scratch (I am not) I think 54mm would appeal.
DeleteAs for West World, think High Valley of the West Chaparral Gwangi World! I am sure you get the idea.
West world sounds good! 28mm is best-est.
ReplyDeleteThank you Simon. as mentioned in Andy's reply directly above, I would if starting with nothing look strongly at 54mm.
DeleteBut for (as I am calling it) High Valley of the West Chaparral Gwangi World! 28mm is in my head the way to go!
15mm is most suitable for bigger battles than skirmish games. Say 75-100 figures a side. I am sure you get the idea.
Oh yes indeed. I dithered with 15mm for a bit but in the end storage is what one out and having to store two different scales worths of terrain.
DeleteI already have the start of 2 armies (well ok 4 armies) in 15mm so it is not a HUGE stretch. I hope to have something on the blog this week in 15mm Wild west (but not at this stage much as I re-paint!)
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