Showing posts with label Warlord games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warlord games. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

ECW again

This just about brings my excision into ECW to an end. Yes I still have a few figures to paint only 1 pore Pikeman and he is missing a pike. (I shall replace the pike and then get him painted) and 4 more with shotte, but I have enough for now and that is all I need. (For now). I will get the others finished at some point, just not the foreseeable future.

 So we have 2 more shotte and 1 more pike. I  have enjoyed painting them and that is a wonderful thing for me as I have spent about 40 years avoiding the ECW in all wargames. So you never know maybe it is time to dip my toe.

All the figures are 28mm Warlord games and come from a single sprue. They are intended by me to be for En Garde but may well end up being used for another propose , time will tell. They are on 25mm square slotta bases. I just used what I had and the overall effect is acceptable to me. And that is the main thing after all. I am not looking to win any prizes except my own happiness. Perhaps that is the biggest Prize.
 As soon as the weather picks up I do intend to start making some scenery. So as this is officially the first day of spring I hope to get on with that very soon. I checked in the shed yesterday I think I have enough mateerials for a 4' square board. If so I will document it step by step on the blog.

Thanks for looking today and more again soon I hope. All the Best Clint

Thursday, 1 March 2018

The Foot (started for ECW)

Yes only a start do not get excited there are only 4. Not that I will be doing many. The Absolute most I could have in "En Garde" is 18. And then they would be the least able and most lightly armed. The very cheapest troop is 4 points (and is shall we say "a Reluctant" soldier at best with no real skills) To give them either a pike or a matchlock (Arquibus makes no difference in the game) is another 3 points. So 7 points for the cheapest of the cheap. Which means for 100 points 18 troops likely to run for the hills at the first opportunity. So as I said I will not need many.

I do hasten to say I have already started some more. Another 2 with guns. I was going to do another 2 with pike as well but for now I have lost a pike.

They are on 25mm slotta bases just to keep them all the same, Clearly the pikes do not fit on the bases but they are stable enough to play with and do not fall over (Famous last words). That being the case I shall continue with this as the base system.

I have only purchased a single sprue at present but may get more in the future as to be honest I am enjoying them. So who knows I may et more, but at this stage I do not plan to.

The last pic did not really come out in focus but hard luck it is too cold to take it again I the snow. And it still gives an idea.

The basic uniform colour is green with cream cuffs. I have no idea if this is a specific uniform but I do know it is generic enough to be on either side. And I did want them generic so they could fight on either side. because that is the kind of guy I am firmly perched on the fence and happy to be there.

That's it for today as it continues to snow and is generally unpleasant weather wise. All the best and take care


Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Last ECW Cavalryman finished.

yes all finished for now. Yes I still have foot to buy and paint, but a show in 2 and1/2 weeks (Cavalier) so maybe I will spend some money then. But for now my least ECW Cavalryman.

Yes I know I am "light" on guns and holsters and that he should have some to be truly authentic. They are still on the sprue and the sprue has wandered off at present so for now no horse pistols. Sorry if that disappoints anyone but I have to go with what I have and not an ideal.

I decided to fit a different weapon. This one is holding a warhammer. Given he has a sword by his side already I decided a different weapon was most appropriate. That being the case I simply cut the sword off and added a warhammer. The hammer was on the sprue so I believe it to be contemporary and as it made a pleasant change from swords or pistol was the only real option. IF I still had the pistol holsters then I would have selected pistols. But as I am not at this precise time sure where they are that was not really an option.  Shame but what else could I really do without spending more money.

The 3rd pic shows them all together and quite a splendid bunch they are too. As mentioned in the first post they are not destined for an ECW army but for a few skirmish games in this period. Maybe Donnybrook (probably not) or witchfinder general or en garde.. I like the rules to each of them and I want to like the period. But I was put off at a young age by some "Friends" in the sealed knot. My hang up no one elses. I take full responsibility for my hang ups! 30 years war no problem but ECW leaves me cold. I know stoop[id but that's just my hang up!

Just for Roy who wanted a top down view is the last pic. In awnser to your un-asked questions. I first superglue the figure to a base. Then add filler (£! land does one I use most). The filler stops the "Step" between figure and base. I then add sand (usually only attached with paint.) When dry I give a coat of paint. (Black for Urban bases). Add a brown area (usually quite small). Dry brush with 2 different greys (on the Black and 2 different browns on the brown). Then static grass is added (again with supereglue). Then when all is dry (which does not take long) varnish with a spray varnish. Finally Photograph them and put them on the blog.

Well that is my bases procedure. It really is a case of finding what suits you.

That's it for the day. Weather is horrid here, Hope yours is better. next time some ODD WW2 tanks.

Until then, take care have fun and paint if you can. Best wishes Clint

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

More ECW Cavalry < well just 1 more.

Yes I only have 1 to go. Which considering there were only four is not a lot of cavalry. I started to get together a small force for "En Garde" and as 3 other club players already had ECW forces It made sense to get something that would fit in so I could swim with the tide and not against it. Hence I started an ECW force. First I knew I needed a leader so started with a Mounted plastic sprue. I only wanted 1 mounted figure so as this was still one of the cheapest ways I took the plunge. And having got them they wee quite nice so I decided to paint another figure..... and now I am on 3. You see how this goes. I will do some foot troops soon I promise, and you can count on that.

here is all three painted and together. Not an impressive force but a fun one and easy to get done. I am still looking for the sprue as I have finished assembling the last one (with a different weapon!) but need to add some pistol holsters to it just to round out the corners.

Lastlty. 10 d20 all the way from China. Cheaper to get them from China than to travel to my local shop and get just 1. Sad but true. But why am I buying any D20 dice?  The short answer is that I wanted some dedicated "Dieselpunk" dice. You see these little things go on behind the scenes without notice and I will very soon start painting for the project. A couple of things to clear from the table first, but things are starting to take shape. Price wise 10 D20 cost £2.71 including postage from China and I got to select the colours (as long as they were all the same..... in this case Grey and Coffee) so naturally I selected colpurs of diesel and petrol and rust and well I say no more.

Have a good day and thanks for popping by for a quick look.

All the best  Clint

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Another ECW Cavalryman. 28mm)

yep 1 more English civil war cavalry man. I must admit to buying 4 so you may expect to see all 4 together sometime. (indeed all 4 are now started with the foot to follow in due course).

While I was only looking originally for 1 it is a shame to have 4 and not paint them so 4 it will be.

The second pic shows them both together and a handsome pair they seem to make. Now this is only the 2nd ECW figure I have ever painted so any mistakes you notice should be minimal but I am sure there are a few as I am not yet too complacent. Although I am sure that will come in time.

28mm Warlord games a joy to paint and to put together and I must say I am rather pleased with them both. (So please don't rain on my day by pointing mistakes out!). The other 2 are already started but I am not expecting them very soon to be finished (Just stuck together last night).

I do have the feeling that I might buy a sprue of infantry (possibly Scots although painting my Tartan will be hard.) But for now just 1 more ECW horse finished. I really don't are if they are cavaliers or roundheads so feel free to choose and when I use them they will be just what I need.

Have a good weekend. All the best Clint (Cold and Chilly atm)

Thursday, 25 January 2018

My first ever ECW figure! (or border Reiver or Witch-Finder.... you decide)

Yes finished this week. And yes there are things I wish to change. However I am not unhappy about it.

I won't go into very much detail it is a warlord games 28mm plastic horse and metal rider. I bought the figure on a whim mostly because I have never painted as ECW figure before.

I hope to use it as a main character in an "En Garde" force but time will tell if it ever gets used at all.

That's it a very short update. I did ask Matt what he wanted me to put on next and he suggested this as opposed to some of his figures.

That's all folks have a good day and may The Witch-finder general stay clear of your endeavours.