Wednesday 3 April 2019

The Hills are alive!

Firstly a repaint. If I knew  what I was doing a re-paint would not be nessercary as I would have bought the right thing to begin with!

Back in February I purchased these 2 hills from "the Scene" in a desert colour! Why desert well I was going to do western desert PBI (by Peter Pig). All that has gone out of the window so these have now been re-painted. They will still remain for PBI but now I am concentrating on the Pacific! (Both 14th (forgotten) army as well as Japanese and American.) As the Pacific islands tend to have "shallow" hills and not steep ones (yes I know there are exceptions) re-painting seemed to be an obvious step.

So now 2 re-purposed hills ready for action. Which is all good as far as I am concerned.

Ok now for the pre-salute orders.  Firstly the Crooked Dice kickstarter has finished. So with luck I shall have those before the end of the year. This is very likely and I can start the new year with some "!Pulp" shenanigans! At this stage I am most keen on the monkey idol scenery piece! I am already looking to use that 2 years hence so the chances are we will all have forgotten about it by then.

Elsewhere my Alternative armies Order has arrived so I can sort out my Peter Pig cavalry army for "Wild west!" As mentioned  previously I am doing 9th or 10th Cavalry AKA Buffalo Soldiers. I really think this would be a grand Ammerican TV series as they fought bravely and are often (at least in the UK) overlooked.


  1. Good to see you keeping busy, Clint. Actually, you shouldn't have too long to wait for the CDG Kickstarter to arrive. June of this year is their delivery date.

    1. Thank you Bryan. I appreciate the heads up about the CD delivery, BUT best I find NOT to hope for things too soon as I am happy to wait.

  2. Nicely done Clint, which reminds me that I need to crack on with some terrain.

    1. Thank you Michael. I feel we ALL need to crack on with terrain almost all of the time.

  3. Nice repaint Clint, and the goodies keep rolling in

    1. Thank you Dave. I feel I may start some of these cavalry this week as well.

  4. Nice hills Clint. I like the sound of the Buffalo soldiers!

    1. Thank you Ray. Some Buffalo soldiers are already prepped and I shall start them this weekend. (I Hope). The Hills were all because I changed my mind and am no longer doing 15mm Western Desert.

  5. Loving the idea surrounding your Buffalo soldiers, and the "Crooked Dice" kickstarter was very tempting wasn't it; especially for the freebie extras.

    1. Thank you Blax. I freely admit it is the stretch goals that made it for me. I already have ideas for them. As mentioned I went for the Heroes figures simply because there is more of them that I have an immediate use for.

  6. Whlt I don't approve of buying hills, they do look good.
    I foresee a lot of work ahead - good luck !

    1. Thank you Joe. The hills were but £4 each so one in a while not a problem, and it saves me some of the huge amount of work I have ahead.


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