Sunday 9 December 2012

Loud Zombie Hunter!

Many games have zombies attracted by loud noises. This zombie hunter is not so worried about making noise as getting the job done and getting the hell out of there. Firstly let me say I have no idea who makes the basic sculpt. It has a Copplestone/foundry quality to it but I can't locate it, in any quick search of the listings, which is a shame a I would like a few more of them. I have had to convert both arms. The left arm started on a Gripping beast Viking but with some green stuff and a HUGE amount of luck I finally managed to make it fit. The Right arm with the sawn off was a much easier job. It came without any clothing so I just added a ragged sleeve to the leather jacket. I won't dwell on how the leather jacket got ripped so badly, we shall just gloss over that and pretend it looks right. Sssh don't mention the sleeve! I have decided that painting motorcycles is a pain. In the end I settled on a bright red single colour having first tried black which looked too dark and green which was meh! I did consider putting some flames on it, but after a very quick trial on a piece of paper decided that painting hot rod style flames was really not something I was any good at (And that is an understatement, I was utter rubbish at painting flames).
The left arm has as you can see with a quick inspection had a small "filler2 section added between the wrist and the sleeve. His hand was not long enough to reach the handle bars other wise. You don't notice it from more than a foot away, unless you are looking for it of course. And this is also why the bike is turning as opposed to going in a straight line. As I type this I am thinking myself foolish for highlighting all the mistakes. But as I think I can get away with them on the table top I am not all that worried and it is the overall feel of the figure that is important, as it is in no way a competition piece. Although I did at one stage (before I started assembly) think I could use it for the ZOMBIE BLOGGERS ASSOCIATION Christmas competition. That idea has quickly faded! You can also see a V patch on the left sleeve. The Motorcycle club ("not gang of course it's only a club 'cos our Lawyers sez we gotta call it a club") is called VERMIN with purple and white gang erhm I mean club colours.
The right arm shows a deep scratch on his forearm (a happy painting accident) and a better view of the sawn off shot gun. The combination of sawn off shot gun and chopper is bound to attract attention from all the zeds in the area and pull them towards the figure. So he will be a Zed-magnet in most games, but if used cleverly this could be a good thing. Collect all the zombies in an area up and get them to follow you and the other players can happily loot the area, just don't run out of fuel!
That's it on the painting front for today but I would like to thank Irqan at for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Having thought long and hard about it I have decided not to pass it on. I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone, least of all the nominator by doing this. But it seems to me that everyone whom I would choose to give it too has already had it. As such I feel at a dead end with it and perhaps it has run its course. At least that's my take on the situation.
Lastly, I am very interested in the Painting competition being run by Carl at Analogue-hobbies. I very much intent to participate next year assuming I remember and can stock up on things to paint. Yes I know I have enough unpainted already, but everything has to be historical and the key to success seems to be in numbers painted with larger figures getting more points than smaller ones. But I see this as an opportunity to start and finish a whole army (or two) from start to finish in as short a time as possible.
Final thoughts about the figure above If anyone can positively identify the manufacture I would be grateful. All the best keep up the blogging and hope to post again on Tuesday.
Cheers Clint.



  1. Clint, I can put your mind at rest about who makes this biker. I recognised him immediately as a West Wind biker from their Road Kill range. This set is great value for money as it comes with 10 bikers on 10 bikes and you can customise them to your heart's content. The bikers come with separate arms and heads and the bikes come in two parts. All have the same body but they come with a choice of front parts. The set retails for £20.00, so they work out at just £2.00 per bike and biker. I'm seriously thinking about buying a second set, just because of the variety of parts. Note that you get more parts than you can use. If you want a large biker gang, get two or three of this set and no two figures need look the same. By the way, your conversion has worked very well.

    1. Fantastic, I shall wait til after xmas and then get some. I really appreciate you telling me. I think 10 will be enough.... unless I get sidetracked into making biker gangs that is. Cheers Mate You have put a huge smile on my face.

  2. Great looking biker and Bryan has beat me to it with his identity.

    1. I shall take that as confirmation of source then. Now to get some more and creat a whole chapter!!!
      I have Overtime tommorrow so Ithink I know where that money will end up (after I'm paid of course!)

  3. That is an amazing figure and a great paintjob and thanks to Vampifan for telling me wear to get them too.

    1. Cheers mate I am itching to get some more now. But will have to wait until after Crimbo..... boo hiss.

  4. Great looking figure and I actually like the simpler paint-job on the bike, flames are passe.
    I've wanted the West Wind bike gang for ages too, hope to see your's in the near future.

    1. Won't be NEAR future, but I hope within 6 months or so.

      Yes flames are passe, at least on Enlish choppers, but strangely not on American ones. They are stil very popular there. But the idea of doing an English paint job, like "snakeskin" for example was just too much of a nightmare!

    2. If you want a closer look at what you get in the West Wind Biker Gang set, check out my review from my blog. Here's the link -

    3. Cheers Again Bryan. Have checked your review and now feel all inspired! Zombies and Biker gangs.... nuff said .....for now.


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