Monday 20 May 2013

Rule 17. Don't let Clint Drive.

  Club day and Kev was running a zombie game.
I had to join in. We used the "Flesh Wound" rules for the first time. The rules are incredibly simple yet still gave a challenging and fun game. So simple in fact that even I understood what was going on..... well most of the time!
   The situation was that the army had cleared out and we (the survivors) had emerged from our basements and met in the centre of the street to decide what to do next. the decision we came up with was to get some fuel from the petrol station fuel up a vehicle and get out of Dodge (ok town). Before I lie and tell you how heroic my character was and how naff everyone else was, I had better point out that Tim supplied most of the zombies, Dave the majority of the terrain, and the survivors came from different sources. Which is the good thing about clubs in that quite often the burden of supply is spread among several players.

   OK the Lies start from now. With no real plan we set of. Kev (playing an ex military serviceman,) moved first and jogged towards a building, Patrick (a conspiracy theorist) went a different direction and activated the first load of zeds. So the rest of us thought better of going that way and quickly followed Kev. Taking it in turns to play the zombies I had to roll a random event. And the dice told me that each player was seperatly attacked by a previously unnoticed zed. This was actually a good thing despite the fact that me and Patrick each got a wound. (We could take 5 so no biggy.) Anyway next turn we quickly dispatched the 3 zeds inside the building Dave with his starting equipment of a Banjo (Dave was playing a kid) me with a 2 handed Garden tool (I insisted it was a shovel). Ian with an Axe and Relfie unarmed but with some armour. Myself Relfie and Ian all played Scholars Ian insisted he was a female physical education school teacher in a mini skirt. Hey whatever floats your boat mate. Not wanting to be left on his own Patrick sprinted to the building while we all searched for useful items. Someone found ammo, another (Ian curse you) found a sniper rifle, Relfie a Shotgun, and I found a satchel...... that's my luck for you. As I was saying Patrick followed us inside the building with a train of 6 zombies following him. I heroically broke a window and climbed out the back. Relfie did the same at one side of the building and Dave (Hallo Dave) decided to block the doorway with his body and supply us all with a meat shield. A kid blocking a doorway from 6 zombies, yeah right good luck Dave I thought as I got out the back of the building. yet somehow he beat them all! No I don't believe it either, not in any zombie game I ever run that's for sure!
   I reach the petrol station first. Ian in his mini skirt gave me covering fire with his sniper rifle. Patrick was with us. While Kev and psycho Dave looped round the other side of the building killing anything that moved as he went and started looting the petrol as fast as they could. When three of us had petrol we headed back the way we came in order to get to the vehicles and get away. Relfie was having fun on his own and had not made it as far as the petrol station but was slowly picking his way to the car and lorries which were our target. Everything was going well I thought. Ian said something along the lines of "there's not many zombies" and then the night fell and they started to come out in force all of a sudden. Typical! Ian was intent on looting just that little bit too much. Remember mate "Need before Greed!" About now the general wear and tear of zombie brawling (and the fact he was fighting 3 and 4 at a time Kev lost his last wound and joined the ranks of the dead. Our first casualty.

   I made it to the car first. Fuelled it up and waited for the rest. Relfie Jumped in the car and Patrick and Dave both added their fuel and got inside. You can't really use a shovel that well when you are sitting in the driving seat of the car. Not that I have ever tried in real life but I can imagine how hard it would be. Ian was the last to arrive and Patrick handed me a pistol (he had two at this stage) and everyone tried to kill the zombies which were now attacking the car. The car would start on 4+ . Patrick said don't roll a 1. I rolled a 1. The car took some damage.
They guys kept shooting the zombies which in turn were attacking the car in more and more numbers.

   26 zombies attacked the car needing a 6 to inflict damage on the vehicle. But it was my turn so I rolled the dice again and rolled 2. The car did not start! The car was still intact but near destruction and I realised that I had another chance so rolled the dice, another 2. Therefore the rule 17, "Don't let Clint Drive!" The zombies tipped the car over and we were in a desperate situation. The following turn I squeezed out of the upturned vehicle and started to run for my life. The others had no other choice but to either follow or stay in the car and perish.
   Ian and Reflie made it of the board and were safe. dave copped it as did Patrick who twisted his ankle trying to leap onto a high place and falling. I also escaped but was the last to make it out alive.

Victory points were totted up, Ian got 26, Relfie 24 and as for myself.... also 24.

Overall a good fun game with half the players dying and 1/2 making it out alive, if not in a good way, but survive we did. And survival in any Zombie game is it's own reward.

Thanks for reading and I should post again on Wednesday. Cheers For now Clint.


  1. Great write up. Zombie games can be frustrating but great fun.

    1. Shame you can't get Ray, Postie et al involved in a few zombie games.

  2. Poor Patrick and Dave, we've had two zombie games with the Rejects that I put on and they all loved them including Ray! Good batrep by the way my friend.

    1. Don't forget Kev, he died first.

      Ray liked a zombie game? Was it 18th century zombies ranked up on a battlefield? Ok point taken not all the Rejects are as ridged as I tend to think.

  3. Great batrep, Clint. This is what I love about zombie games - you never know what is going to happen. Their unpredictability is what appeals to me so much.

    1. Yeah me and dice rolling, not the best of friends. Next time maybe you should drive. It was fun and even those that died seemed to enjoy it.

  4. I do enjoy reading the zombie batreps. The games seem so fun and I like the terrain on them.

    1. Thanks Anne. Zombie games do have an atmosphere of there own. They tend to be less adversarial then most wargames.

  5. Nice Batrep, I'll have to commit that rule to memory if we play any more Play by Blog games :D

    1. I must admit I am tempted to run a play by blog game. Now that's a scary thought!!! At least if I drive the seat belt rule need not apply in the first turn!

  6. Really nice read, excellent Batrep.. :)

  7. Great read, you can almost feel the tension from the very start.
    You and dice don't mix it seems.
    I'm intrigued by the buildings and can't recollect seeming them elsewhere, any ideas of their origins ?

    1. The buildings are from the game "Dust Tactics" I think. Dave has given them a quick repaint/spray. They sit on hardboard sheets which have been sprayed with a "textured" paint.

      Like I said in reply to Vampifan "Yeah me and dice rolling, not the best of friends."

  8. Fantastic read! Loved the story, what happened, and the Hero.. it was that kid with the banjo right? :)

    1. The kid with the Banjo (AKA DAVE) died I am afraid. But he was fearless in combat, (He killed at least 16 zombies but probably over 20 I lost count I'm afraid).

      Glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to right and to play.

  9. That sounds like huge fun Clint and a great looking set up. I really must get a wiggle on with my zombie game, but I keep getting distracted!

    1. Distracted.... yeah tell me about it! I'm supposed to be painting WSS figures. But that's not happening very fast. Then three club members tell me their latest plans and I get side-tracked and another two talk about a new kickstarter.... Where on earth does the madness end!

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    1. Deleted this comment due to repetition... What's up with Blogger!"

  11. Nice rep mate,
    Two new pieces of knowledge there to take in there. A) don't let you drive and B) children make good meat shields lol

    1. Thanks Dave. I know what you mean with B) but I do wish you had phrased it better. And I can't disagree with A) at all.

  12. What a good game and time you seemed to have had, nice one.

    1. Everything about the game was a laugh. And that's why I play games.

  13. A shovel!? Thankfully I have a sledgehammer and many flavors of axes and mauls in my shed! ;)
    Still, I will take shovel over a mini skirt in a crisis....or I'll just raid my gun safe!

    1. A shovel has a more comedy aspect. I could have had a garden fork as that would look more dangerous. But I went for a shovel as I thought it was funnier.

      The average person in England does not have a gun safe and as a game we were only allowed one random item. The shovel seemed a better option that a helmet or a banjo as well so no complaints.

    2. ;)
      I was watching "shaun of the dead" now "hot fuzz". But the duo raiding the garden shed for combat weapons was pretty funny, of course my wife thinks me in a mini skirt would be funnier. I think most people would find that disturbingly scary to see!

    3. I am not saying you shouldn't wear a mini skirt! It all depends if you have the legs for it!

  14. Nice report Clint Great looking board too.

    1. Cheers Mate. As mentioned above most of the terrain was from Dave's collection so credit for the board goes to him.

  15. Certainly was a fun game and worked really well considering nobody had played it before, but you do yourself a disservice Clint - you only needed a 3 to start the motor! :)

    1. You are right Dave I only needed 3+ on D^ in three attempts but could I manage it..... Not a chance!


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