Friday 10 May 2013

Keep Calm....

Two parcels arrived this morning. In the first is my "Bloggers" Tee shirt. Pictured to the right. AS you can see it is fairly straight forward with no gimmicks or bells or whistles. Just simple and straightforward. I will admit it took me ages to decide on the exact wording but in the end I am very happy with it. I overthought it! Dice or Die (singular), 1D6 or 2Dc, Roll or Cast, The dice or some dice... you get the idea. I am not saying I considered EVERY combination but I did come up with about 25 possibilities. In the end I went back to the very first one.
 I had already decided that I did not want black because at shows pretty much everyone wears black or faded black. The company had a choice of about 15 colours for tee shirts and as many if not more colours for ink. Some combinations I just knew I was not going to use Pink tee shirt with leopard skin ink for example. Perhaps I could have been a little more adventurous, without going that far. Maybe next time I will.

As you can see I finally settled on Navy blue shirt with white writing. Very safe, conservative and not likely to hurt anyone's eyes! I hope it will both blend in with the other bloggers and yet among that crowd next year at Salute be slightly more colourful than the average "black clad blogger".

  Across the back at shoulder height a simple and effective reminder of the blog name and still in keeping with the message on the front. "KEEP CALM AND ROLL THE DICE.......anything but a one" Overall I am very pleased with how it came out. I think the colour is right for the slogan as is the type face on both the front and the back.

The second parcel was far more interesting to all you wargaming types. It contained figures. Not only did it contain figures but they were the right scale, period and make. All this is normal you would think. And so it would be IF and I do stress the IF I had ordered them. The truth of the matter is that David Crook at A Wargaming Odyssey very kindly and generously sent them to me. I think I have only met David once or maybe twice in real life so I feel the gift was a fantastically generous act. It has made me realise what a kind and wonderful bunch we are in the wargaming community. Therefore the important point I wish to make today is how great it is to be in a hobby where people support each other. It does not matter what scale or period you play, and let's be honest most of us will play anything/everything, what does matter is that we all support each other sometimes with gifts or kind words or information or encouragement. I am a wargamer and proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of you.

Thanks David (here's the swag!)

Until Sunday and I write this again have fun

anything but a one.

All the best Clint.


  1. T-shirts are great and you'll stand out in the crowd (you did want that right ?) and you're right about the blogging community as it's the second time this week I've heard of a similar thing.

    1. Yes I thought to stand out, but not out on a limb!

  2. Make sure you add "Clint, not Colin" and "Anything but a one, not Don't roll one" in second edition of that T-shirt! Just to be safe! :P

    I approve the colors and poster abuse! :D

    1. Are you sure Mathyoo..... that's a lot of words.

      Glad you approve. :-)

  3. Very smart, but you may have missed a trick with regards to the Pink T with leopard skin type - very stylish!

    1. Maybe next time! Isn't it funny that men don't wear animal print! Maybe I could start a trend!

  4. Hi Clint,

    No problem old chap! I hope they will fit in with the rest of your set up.

    All the best,


    1. Not sure the Xebecs will but everything else id top notch. Thank you sir very much appreciated.

  5. Nice one Clint!!!!! Very posh!

    1. Perhaps not as posh as the Rejects shirts. Which are really posh.

    2. Nice work Clint, I like the blue but Ray wanted black on our posh ones because of it's slimming effect!

    3. Thanks mate. All dark colours have a slimming effect. Blue is actually the most slimming colour. (Because you don't get blue food naturally!)

  6. They are great looking Tee Shirts there Clint and I love the logo

  7. Nice T shirt mate Kudos to mr.Crook very generous of him.

    1. Agreed It is very nice of David Crook to send me the ships. It is really appreciated.

  8. Not Sure where your comment has gone Carl, it's in my Inbox but did not make it as far as the blog somehow.

    Still in Reply You did wear the pink well at Salute. So well I could not follow it.

  9. I love the T-shirt, Clint. You are so right about the generosity of our gaming community. I have lost count of the number of times I have been overwhelmed by the kindness of others. Stories like yours are always a joy to read.

    1. We have a wonderful hobby/community full of genuinely nice people.


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