Saturday 15 June 2013

A few Apaches More

 The paint brush called and I answered. I am really surprised that I have managed to get anything done, post BROADSIDE and with overtime every week day. Anyway enough of that here are 4 more 28mm Apaches from Foundry, These were purchased before Broadside and I am happy to add them to the Wild west apaches in 28mm. (I still have 8 more to paint which I got on eBay on the night after the show...... It is some kind of madness.

I have talked previously about both the lack of traditional weapons and the lack of knives in their belts so Now that I have mentioned it again I feel I can move on. They are all well sculpted and cast as we have come to expect from foundry. They also produce quite a variety of figures so as long as your warband is reasonably small you need not keep repeating the posses which adds to diversity and variety. I have a couple of repeats here but I am not overly worried as they are painted differently and wearing different coloured clothing so it will not be apparent straight away.

When I get the next 8 done I shall do a group shot. At this time though It will not look very impressive. It really does need a few more bodies to bulk them out.
Sunday is a club day and I know there is a choice of game for me so I will just play it by ear and fit in where I can. So expect the normal club AAR on Monday. Until then take care paint figures roll dice and have fun. All the best Clint.

Post Script: Thanks for pushing the hit count over 30, 000.


  1. Hoorah on the 30k mate, The Apaches forces is building up nicely. You'll need to get some Us Cavalry to help out and perhaps a gatling gun. :D Have fun tomorrow

    1. I may get a box of Perry ACW cavalry, but I might get Mexican Imperial Army..... The uniforms are nicer! No Gattling guns, far too Hollywood, (Which means I will no doubt get one next week!)

    2. If you get a gatling gun, you can launch a warwagon, or even better... an Outlaw Josey Wells campaign! ;)
      Nice Apaches,Clint!

    3. I say again I have at this time no intention of getting a gattling gun, maybe in the future, but not yet.

      Cheers David

  2. Congrats on hitting over 30000 mate. Cant belive only year and half blogging and iv nearly hit 20000!! madness. Anyway cracking looking Apaches there Clint.

    1. It snowballs fast It seems barely 2 months ago and I was on 20k hits. (Maybe a slight exaggeration). Cheers Carl.

  3. Nice work Clint, they a colorful bunch!

    1. I maybe did them a little bright.......... opps to late. Cheers Guvnor!

  4. Congrats on the 30k Clint and lovely Apaches :)

    1. Thanks Mate. (Every one likes first nation troops)

  5. Really nice figures, colorful and impressive!

  6. More lovely looking apaches and heartfelt congratulations for the 30,000 milestone - well done all round.

    1. Cheers Michael. More Wild West 28mm by the end of the week. (Barring accidents)

  7. Ah, Apaches are on my wish list too! They would go well with my Mexican bandits.

    1. I bought some Mexican bandits last weekend, so they are on the list. It might be a little while but they are coming.

  8. Great addition to the Apache band Clint.
    As for US cavalry, I'd opt for hats not kepis.
    Have you considered US soldiers for opposition ?
    (You know too, that secretly, deep down you want a Gatling gun)

    1. Cheers Jo. Cavalry is not on my current wish list. Maybe by Christmas I might change my mind, but not at the moment.


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