Friday 2 August 2013

By Crom!

 Only 1 figure, but a book and TV classic. This figure called "Brom" by Reaper miniatures is fooling no one. We all know it's really "Harry Potter!" Ok maybe not a certain teenage wizard but before JK Rowling started writing probably one of the most famous fantasy characters of all time. There are many other famous fantasy characters of course, Elric, Frodo, Red Sonja and many many more. However Conan is so synonymous with pulp fantasy that just about everyone knows of him.

I read Conan  novels in my early teenage years and in many ways they along with the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings were what pushed me into playing D + D. Although I actually prefer to play clerics as a class, as they have all the power. This is debateable of course and all character classes have their uses, but if you ever have a character die you'll need a high level cleric to "Res" the poor unfortunate and if that is not power in D and D what is. SO for me Clerics were the ultimate class.

But I digress. When I first started sorting out the TAR7AN game it actually could easily have become a Conan game. That being the case I hunted round for some figures and settled on this one from Reaper to be the main protagonist. I was still going to set it in the jungles of Kush or perhaps the deserts of Stygia and maybe it will get another lease of life when Tarzan has had an outing. Don't think I won't re use the same board with different figures because I surely will. Most if not all of the evil cast can be used which means just swapping the Heroic cast and maybe adding something which can be summoned. With lots of old Call of C'thulhu  miniatures finding a suitable demon will not be hard. SO after the Tarzan game expect another AAR with sword wielding barbarians!

I think this is one of the few sculpts that has hairy armpits! So thank goodness he has some kind of animal skin around his waist! He was actually a pleasure to paint, very pronounced muscles and a generally nice sculpt. There are always a few things one would do differently of course but other than his face I am very happy with how he came out. Nothing all that wrong with his face just a little lop sided and with a moulding line which needed a bit of cleaning up which has left it with a wonky eye. It is only me that will worry about that. Not complaining though overall a very nice figure with much to commend it.

I should be able to do a TAR7AN board post on Sunday. so with a bit of luck I shall see you then. Take care and catch you later. Clint


  1. I love this guy! It's so nice to see someone besides me posting Reaper. He's a real man with his hairy armpits too!

    Looking forward to the AAR. This pulp stuff is so cool. I'm hooked!

    1. The Conan AAR is a LONG way off just yet.

      I am a recent convert to Reaper, but I like them so far. I just don't have enough use for most of the stuff they make...... the key word is most!

    2. I like the babes sculpted by Ridolfi and Keith the most. Also I've got some of their Chronoscope Pulp and Steampunk.

      I've got some small servo bots on the painting table right now. I didn't realize just how much Pulp encompassed and I'm finding that I like it a great deal.

    3. I don't know the sculptors you mention but I do look forward to your servo bots. And yes "Pulp" is so huge.

  2. It's like they based the sculpt on me!

    1. I had not thought of that, but now you point it out I can see the resemblance.

    2. Don't let it go to your head! Modesty is very desirable..

  3. Quite an interesting figure, not one of Reapers that I've noticed before, but I couldn't help thinking of him saying "I've got the Power !", from He-Man (I think). He's a great addition to your current pulp fetish and your paintwork on him is top-notch. I also think he'd make a great nemesis for Tarzan, but I'm sure you're already off on a different course for his use in games.

    I have to agree with AL too (whom the sculpt obviously does resemble apart from the lack of spectacles, and beard).

    1. He may have the power, but I hope he does not wave a sword around like that in a thunderstorm! As for his in game use it was to be a pure "7th Voyage" Conanesque adventure. But now, who knows, most certainly not me.

  4. Great work on Conan! Can't say I'm too nostalgic about him, as I really only watched movie when I was really young and probably haven't seen it whole. I never understood the popularity, beyond it being starred by Arnold :D

    1. The first movie was quite good but as a teenager it was the books that got me into D & D as much if not more than Lord of the Rings. That being the case Conan will always have a space in my heart.

  5. I devoured the Conan novels, and still do on and off, and they are indeed the epicentre of sword and magic: classic post indeed!

    1. Thank you Sander. I may have to make a Stygia Battle board sometime in the future. Or maybe the Pictish Wilderness. So much background in Hyboria might be hard to select just one!

  6. Great figure once again mate, look forward to seeing a Conan AAR.
    Also word on the grape vine, I hear Arnie is set to do another Conan sequel in the near future!

    1. I had hear rumours of another Arnie film. But I don't follow Hollywood so I'll only really know when the trailers hit the TV.

      Thank you Dave, as mentioned above A Conan AAR is a long way off just yet.

  7. That is a great Conan figure and I too read the Conan books and played D and D though I preferred playing bards as they are the real jack of all trades

    1. I have a great Red Sonja still in it's packet too. Maybe later this month, but not just yet. I think many of us played D+D and we will all have our favourite character type. Thanks for contributing it's great to know what people like to play and why.

  8. I know exactly what you mean about the Conan books, I was exactly the same. I was even tempted to restart reading them when I saw an omnibus in Smiths a month or so ago. Nice figure, I love this project and can't wait to see/read a batrep. Keep up the good work.

    1. I will do a board update tomorrow. Still lots to do of course.... but slowly coming together.

      I to am thinking of re-reading them. Maybe They should go an a Xmas list

      Thank you Irqan I really appreciate the encouragement.

  9. Great job Clint, I really must get me some barbarians to paint at some point.

    1. Be warned Barbarians are all skin and furs. So not too complicated and can be fun to do but doing several would get dull quite quickly. Not trying to put you off of course. So get some.


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