Saturday 3 August 2013

Stupid man!

Actually that's not aimed at you. It is aimed at me! Why is it when something is staring me straight in the face, leaping up and down and waving it's arms in the air I still fail to see it? The answer of course is in the title! Yes I am a dumb ass at times! (Only times not constantly no matter what you or others may say!)

I have to work in full circles to arrive back at the beginning and waste a load of time, money and effort to no effect!

Should I explain now? Or continue the verbal self flagellation.

After a further 10 minutes of yelling at my self! (I knew you would pick the latter option). I now will explain, go and get a cup of tea and a biscuit and settle back down.

Ahh your back now, good. Comfy then I'll begin.

You may remember back in the new year I said I wanted to do some cold war wargaming. You may also remember that I have been thinking about making some scenery/battle boards for it. Additionally I have been thinking of Arab Israeli wars either 1967 or 1973. yes I know this is cold war era and had considered it as already part of the project. Well the Eureka, break-through, slap forehead, epiphany moment arrived this morning. (About time too!)

Can you guess what it is yet? (Imagine Rolf Harris saying it!)

I already have a 1/300 scale desert hex based modular scenery. Now I grant you my two existing forces are not very Middle eastern........ but what a fantastic starting place. I can no doubt use some bits and bobs with a bit of a repaint!

I even have some spare foam board to make some more desert  hexes. And the rest can be tidied up! I may set up a board later in the week and offer some pics!

So I have the scenery already done, the scale all sorted and I am about ready to start! I think I even have the rules (found free on this inter web thingie). And the fly in the ointment is that I am now on a "figure fast!" so I can't buy the extra bits I need.

And this is how my life goes.......

The only question now is 1967 (October war) or 1973 (Yom Kippur War)? I am edging towards 1973 Yom Kippur as it starts with the Israelis on the back foot.

Thanks for reading I just had to bombard some poor unfortunate with it!

TAR7AN board update tomorrow I am still going to work through that before going off on a complete tangent!. This is just me venting as I realise the blindingly obvious! Which I am sure you saw 8 months ago and were too kind to point out! And for not pointing it out I thank you!

Hope to see you again tomorrow, so until then, eat some ice-cream and stay in the shade!
All the best Clint


  1. It could be just me, but I still don't get what you're so upset about.

    As for the wars Yom Kippur probably rings more bells.

    1. It is because for about 3 months I have been trying to solve a problem when I already had the answer. And it dawned on me today all the wasted time and effort I had gone to when a simple piece of clear thinking in the first place would have solved the problem.

      Yom Kippur roger that.

    2. Ray did say that, Yom Kippur for me too.

  2. Don't beat yourself up so much, we all do it.

    The Yom Kippur War has far more interesting possibilities imo.

    Roll on the next stage of the Tarzan project

    1. Next stage of Tar7an board is tomorrow.

      I'm not really beating myself up about it. Very happy to have found a solution. Even if it was staring me in the face all along.

      So it's 1973 in the lead 3 nil at present.

  3. It always happens all of a sudden and yet after seems so simple you can't understand why you didn't think of it sooner. I think we always over complicate projects at the planning stage and then it steers you in circles. Glad you got it sorted and you can progress with it now :D

    1. That has hit the nail on the head. Thank you Simon a very clear take on the situation. Now to make it happen! Thank you mate.

  4. I don't really know enough about the two wars, so I'm no help....sorry!!!!

    1. No problem I was thinking some bright spark would say 1983 because it was the first time the Merkeva saw action. But not a very balanced war.

  5. Chap we all have those moments and beating yourself up over it doesnt always work but to the question in hand, I would say Yom Kippur as it is a far more interesting war and some amazing tank battles that were had.

  6. Go for it, always loved the six day war. Fav general is Moysha!

    1. Gonna use modified FOW rules as both wars were tank heavy compared with WW2.

      Thank you Irqan.


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