Friday, 25 October 2013

Big Guns

Gun and prime mover
 I wanted a change from zombies and Samurai and as I still have a couple of things for ww2 (by Couple I mean a load). I purchased some peter pig ww2 US artillery crew at the SELWG show a couple of weeks ago. Surprise of all great surprises I managed to get them painted and based in (for me) double quick time. So today I have finished 2 pieces of artillery there crew and two prime movers.

Both guns
The two guns , another eBay Bargain, are 155mm howitzers, used by the US army in WW2. I am not sure of the manufacture but as I do not believe they are QRF I am happy to think they are Battlefront, although being honest I am not 100% sure. They were already painted and assembled, and while I think his choice of green was totally accurate it did not fit in with the rest of the force. Additionally there was some very minor assembly issues resulting in bent wheel positions. Therefore I chose to pull it all apart and reassemble and re-paint as well as re-base. And here are the results, Two guns with crew and bases all of which marry up with my other troops.

Both High Speed Tractors
Also in the eBay order were 2 M5 High speed Tractors. These were also repainted to match my US troops. I must admit I do like the term "High Speed Tractor" it brings tractor racing to mind and that just sounds like too much fun not to enjoy! Anyway these add some totally unnessercary heavy artillery to my PBI company. While I do not know if they will ever get used they do allow me another option on the table top and have taken me away from what I was doing and as such were a welcome change.

That's it for today, thank you for looking. I plan my next update on Sunday and yes it will be a Zombtober post! So until then take care, have fun and slap some paint about!

Cheers Clint


  1. They don't come much bigger than 155mms do they ?
    Really good additions to your force if you ever get them onto the table-top !
    Unusual seeing the prime movers to, beats the pans of 6 x 6 's.

    1. Not typically bigger than 155mm in the US Army of this period. I must admit it was the prime movers which pushed me to get them.
      Thank you Jo.

  2. What's the table range on those beauties?

    1. PBI works in squares for movement and shooting. At 15mm squares are about 6 inches a side. They have a minimum range of one square (NO SPLASH BACK) and a maximum range of anywhere on the table. (corner to corner would count as 14 squares as you are allowed 1 diagonal square!). The same as 105mm Howitzers.

      Thank you Fran

  3. Nice job Clint. I have to admit seeing those tractors remind me of my days playing the pc game Blitzkrieg where you had utilise all sorts of support vehicles.

    1. We all like the kooky vehicles they are so characterful and unusual. Thank you Simon

  4. Great paintjob, and I like your work on the gun bases, nicely done!

  5. Great work, a punch is always welcome.

    I have to mention I love those little tractors, too (and RSOs and Stalinetkas etc etc), but I haven't yet justified a purchase of them. I wouldn't mind an army of .50 cal armed trucks, if that'd make any sense in gaming. I need to get myself a LRDG or something :(

    1. Well if you want LRDG or similar there are a few options. Most countries have something similar From Russians in Aerosans to British Paras in jeeps racing for Arhnam bridge.

      Having seen a M% High speed tractor in real life I should reienfore the fact that they are not "Little!"

      Thank you Mathyoo..... you now have me thinking about an Aerosan force! Like I need to get sidetracked again!

  6. As a Gunner in real life, I heartily approve - Ubique!


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