With a name like "Rochester Games models and Railways" You enter the store with an expectation of what is inside. Firstly I must say "it does what it says on the tin!"
Quite a large store contains a variety of wargames model kit and rail model items and paraphilia. While I cannot in all honesty say it has everything for any of these hobbies it is a fine place to start looking for things.

One of my friends asked me "How hard would it be for you to spend £50 in there?" Obviously this is completely subjective as we all have different needs at different times. However I must say I would find it very easy to find thing I would want coming to that price range in no time at all. Not that £50 is a huge sum in wargames terms but there is a variety of things that would float my boat very buoyantly. Indeed on this recconisance trip I spent £12 without having to look for things to buy at all. In fact I had to limit myself as I was about to go food shopping directly afterwards.

In the first week of opening some local thieves stripped lead flashings from the roof, so if you see buckets on the floor in the pictures you'll know the reason.
The shop splits itself in half, as you come through the door model kits are to the right and railway stuff to the left. in the centre is the checkout and sales staff. Once you proceed past this sales pagoda wargames items are mostly on the left.

The sales are is so large that the shelves look a little sparsely stocked. I urge you not to take this at face value there are many hidden gems which at first glance you may miss. For example there are some Foundry Blisters for street violence and Argonounts. It would of course be an amazing capital outlay to even attempt to stock half the foundry range. This small selection does go to show that they may well be willing to order things for you though. Additionally this is the only shop I have ever seen which stocks "Frontline" in blister packs on shelves. As well as another company I have never heard of making 28mm dungeon scenery totally suitable for Dungeons and Dragons. (in the yellow packs at the bottom of the picture.)

In addition to the wargames companies including West Wind, Wargames Factory, Forged in Battle, Victrix, Plastic Soldier Company and Warlord Games, the shop stocks 3 different paint ranges ( Humbrol, Tamiya and Games Workshop!) as well as brushes and dice.

The construction kits are by the usual suspects (Revel etc.) as you can see to the right and cover a wide range of topics from cars and planes boats and toy soldiers. Add to this variety all the Railway items (of which I know nothing about) and all the peripherals both plain and embossed Plasticard, brass fixtures and fittings and glue. And you have while not quite yet a one stop shop for hobby needs but a shop that I hope will grow into one in the time to come.

The shop is run and owned by Tori and Jim (or James and Tori if you prefer.) A married couple with many years of retail experience in these fields. Indeed they are both very knowledgeable on their stock as well as wargaming in general. Do not be fooled by Thinking Tori is a girl (she is) and therefore knows nothing about wargames, she really does despite the fact that she (I hope) has nothing dangling between her legs! They both have a good sense of humour and are very helpful. Tori will email me, for example, next week when the next West wind order arrives, as she knows I might be looking for a thing or two for Xmas (so I will say no more about it now.
As well as carrying stock they have several 6'x4' games tables and for the modest fee of £1/hour will supply not only the table but also the terrain. At present the terrain is geared up for Warhammer 40K as that is the most popular game for non club members in the area to play.

These tables can be booked from their face book page.
www.facebook.com/RochesterGamesAndModels .

Overall I would say if you are in the Medway area you could do a lot worse than to pop in and see this shop for yourself. I know I will be going back.
Lastly. I should let everyone know that the Broadside Webb Site has been reconstructed. It is still being populated but
Click Here to wing your way there.

That's it for today. I hope to see you all again on Tuesday. Until then, take care have fun and if possible check out a local games shop. They welcome your custom and if we don't use them they will all go under eventually! All the best Clint.
What a great post, Clint. I love to find shops like this and it's a shame there aren't more of them about. When I was in hospital my local Model Zone store closed down and I mourn its passing. If I had a store like the one you're promoting, I'd certainly patronise it.
ReplyDeleteI think this is now the only model shop in the Medway towns. There are a couple of toy shops that sell models like Toys R Us. But nothing for a serious hobbyist.
DeleteTori and Jim have big plans and I am sure I will do a few other post about this store.
Thank you Bryan.
What a great looking store! I love places like this as you say have a good look round and find some hidden gems.
ReplyDeleteIts one thing I miss about my old job role doing Retail IT I used to go to all sorts of town centres during the weekends theres a fab little shop in Corby that sells used computer games but also has a horde of miniatures from all sorts of maunfacturers I'd never heard of it but just happened to be going to a job 200 yards further down the street.
I like your new Avatar!
DeleteI know you would be happy here, they not only stock west wind, but also in her majesty's name as part of their normal stock.... I will get some of it now as well. So feel free to let any other IHMN Bloggers know where they can buy over the counter in Kent.
Thank you Simon.
I can feel my wallet haemorrhaging just looking at those shelves - good luck to them both!
ReplyDeleteThey are about 1 mile from Fenris games as well, so I imagine they will soon stock Fenris! It would help them both.
DeleteBest news for me is that they stock everything I need at the moment from Plastisctuct to paint! All the things I usually run out of!
Thank you Michael I will pass your best wishes on to them.
Just amazing! A little piece of heaven for gamers!
ReplyDeleteA great shout out and I do wish them good luck!
Thanks Johnny. It is a growing shop, not in size it's already big enough but in stock which is what we all want. Hopefully local readers may give them a try.
DeleteWell, good luck to the owners - but I thought that most such shops found it hard to stay afloat. You'll need to go there often!
ReplyDeleteI think you are right. There did seem to be a steady foot fall of people coming and going though so fingers crossed.
DeleteThank you Colgar.
Fantastic store! Lots of goodies. I wondered why they had that blue plastic ceiling - the things some folks do. Interesting that there was lead in the ceiling/roofing. Here in the States, folks steal copper. Best, Dean
ReplyDeleteThey will steal copper here as well. I pretty much blame the people who buy it as well, if there was no market they would not steal it. It's still a pretty good store and only a couple of weeks old, but been in the planning for 3 years. Thanks Dean.
ReplyDeleteAre these the same people from the high street in Rochester?
ReplyDeleteYes. The high street shop will become toys while this one will be dedicated to hobbies. Thank you Fran.
DeleteGosh and I well jealous as only one shop is here in Leicester and its the usual fair of GW and Warmachines/hordes and CCGs
ReplyDeleteA shop has to have ranges that sell so it is inevitable that the more popular ranges are stocked. But let's hope this one can strive to be a little different.
DeleteThank you Peter.
Even more motivation for me to get a car! Medway isn't that far away.
ReplyDeleteFrom your part of Kent it will still cost you in petrol and parking so it may not be quite as easy as you might hope. But if you make it to Medway I'll always make you a brew.
DeleteCheers Brian.
I'm very jealous of you having access to such an emporium of shiny goodness.
ReplyDeleteOur very own Model Zone closed not long ago, which leaves us with a well known workshop of a shop.
Thank you Jo. It's always good to have a local games and model shop because sometimes mail order can bee such a chore and I am impatient and don't like to wait for things.
DeleteJammy sod Clint. So miss these type of shops and nearest one to me is in Cambridge but overpriced and so commercial it has no real character to it.
ReplyDeleteCheers mate. I have had a rough day today and I needed that.