Thursday 28 July 2016

Doll Drums.

Yes it comes to us all. AND I AM CURRENTLY in the painting Doll Drums!

Which is not to say I have stopped, but is to say I have slowed down considerably!

So slow in fact that I have only managed to get 1 British officer of the colonial period finished.  Many if not most will be looking and saying that is the wrong shade of blue it should be darker. And yes Cavalry and artillery officers should be in a darker blue.

However those attached to the Natal Native Light horse units wore sky blue and that did get faded in the African sun.   And I think he's a pretty good match for the African sky in the Picture.Or if you do not like that explanation just assume it id the uniform colour of Her Majesties Royal Navy Landship Squadron.

Thanks for looking today I will try to get more done and quickly for the next scheduled post on Sunday.

All the Best Clint


  1. We all sail through the doldrums from time to time, I have no doubt that a man of your talents and enthusiasm will charter a course to more creative shores before too long.

    1. Thanks Michael. I know all about the doldrums, been in them a few times before so I know they do Pass, and I think these will pass quite quickly. Just as soon as some new shinies arrive no doubt.

  2. He looks good to me and love the background😀

    1. Thanks Matt. I do have a number of backgrounds to suit the figures I paint. I was looking at doing some WW1 East Africa a couple of years ago but the project did not work for me. The background is left over from that!

  3. One is still better than none! Nice work dude I am in a similar mood myself at the moment I have half a dozen projects floating around the paint table and I don't know what I want to work on.

    1. Thanks Simon. As you say one is better than NONE! I think that may be the problem, too much started at present. So will attempt to finish something tonight!

  4. The dyes in those days were so unstable that they would fade in the sun or wash out in the rain. A lot of my redcoats have a washed out look and staining to the white trousers

    1. Thanks Andy. You are rigth of course the Mordents were not always strong enough to force the colour to stay on the thread/yarns. But I have come to like that blue and It will NOT get re painted!

  5. There's a few of us suffering from a period of 'the doldrums' that I know about - myself included.
    For me, I don't know whether to try and force the issue by painting something simple, hopefully to kick-start my enthusiasm again. But I know you can't force these things, so it might do more harm than good.
    Anyway, hope you pass through your period of being 'in irons', to continue the sailing theme, asap.

    1. Thanks Roy. I can already feel it beginning to fade/diminish. And am cracking on with more Burpas. % started with the possibility of finishing them on the weekend.

  6. As Brummie says, one mini is better than none, so even if your mojo is faltering you're still painting. Other people's blogs, movies or a good book can all help reinvigorate that mojo, or (as I try and do) returning to some long-shelved minis which are almost finished.

    1. Thanks Blax. As mentioned above I HOPE to get some more Burpas finished this weekend. So light is already at the end of the tunnel. (Just hope it is not a train coming the other way! Ouch!)

  7. A lack of enthusiasm does seem to affect a lot of gamers although never to me when it comes to painting or gaming. Card modelling is a different matter, however! I've no doubt it'll only be a temporary measure. For what it's worth I think you've done an excellent job on this figure and you certainly shouldn't repaint him.

    1. Thanks Bryan, I do tend to paint in peeks and troughs either up or down enthusiastic or lethargic. I know it comes and goes so I know it will pass in a few days!

  8. Its not dolldrums mate.. its called reserving the energies ( and projects ) for the annual paint off later in the year :D
    Great piece though, and hope the muse comes back soon.

    1. Thanks Kyle I should have 4-5 Burpas finished for Sundays post. They are going slow but they are slowly getting done. (Fingers Crossed).

      As for the Analogue Painting Challenge only time will tell and I do HOPE to beentering a 10mm Painting challenge at the same time BUT Both Comp/Challenge Insist on it being shown on their site first so one will be disappointed.... Sorry Curt but 10mm stuff will be on another Blog first.

  9. Happens to us all my friend, currently in my own doldrums!

    1. Thank you Fran. If there is anything I can do to lift you out of the doldrums PLEASE let me know.

  10. Clint... Make some fudge.. That might help!

    A fine chap by the way !

    1. Thanks Dave, Making Fudge for Skirmish show in September but not before...

      Had a VERY minor epiphany last night concerning painting. Will see how today goes before I can say any more.

  11. I wouldn't let your seemingly fading enthusiasm faze you, we all go through it (mine has lasted just over a year now), just paint what you wan when you want Clint.
    Figure looks good btw, even if a little lonely.

    1. Thanks Joe. No worries on the painting front, I will do what I can and finish what I can when I can.


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