Monday, 17 October 2016

A Thank you and a Thank you.

I forgot my Camera at the club yesterday so no AAR, which is a shame.  So no The men who would be Kings pictures although I was wiped out to a man in the first game but was still in fighting shape by the end of the second which was counted as a draw.

But that is not the reason for todays Post. Firstly it was not my Birthday (that is still to come this year). I did however receive 2 very welcome presents.

Here is the first.

A gift from Roy over at which is the Colonel Bills blog run by Roy.

This is a Beltfed miniature and for me will fit right into the Very British Civil War Troops I have. very nicely painted I do not think anything needs changing at all she will fit right in.

So many thanks to you Roy very much appreciate.

My other gift was from Matt the guy I do a lot of painting for. Having seen my blog  and the Judge Dredd figures a couple of weeks ago he donated another Ape gang. Unpainted of course but this does give me enough Apes to put together a proper Large Ape gang. And we all like ape gangs don't we... Oh yes we do! This could be a subtle way of him saying that he wants some JD games in the near future and I shall try to make that happen now.

The picture shows my UNOPENED ape gang boxed at the top and then Mats opened and very welcome gift underneath.  This should give me more than enough apes to cause a couple of Judges trouble.

So while no AAR there is at least a pile of lead and a well painted figure. All of which is good as far as I am concerned.

Thanks for looking today and with luck more goodies to show come Wednesday.

All the best Clint


  1. oh man I do love Ape gangs, come on Clint enough teasing get this lot on your paint table dude!

    1. Thank you Andy. It will happen but not yet I have a few other plans following the game yesterday.

  2. Look forward to seeing an AAR of The Men who would be Kings

    1. Thank you David, I did find there were some issues with the rules. they work and work fine BUT the points system did not work particularly for the Tribals. So terrain and scenario are also important factors. The British need to move as if they forn a square UNLES the tribes hae FAR more units the square will never break in these rules. That said the rules are good so will be used again and again.

  3. Terrific gifts Clint, which as always shows what a top little hobby we are in :-)

    1. Thank you Simon. While I have met a few mean spirited wargamers most are very kind and considerate and that makes our hobby so fantastic.

  4. Awesome nice prezzies and its not even Christmas!

    1. Thank you Simon yes I am very fortunate indeed. And to be honest better that I deserve.

  5. Two delightful surprises for you, Clint. Just think, if you win my 2000AD prize draw you could end up with three Ape Gangs!

    1. Thank you Bryan. Three Ape gangs would be brilliant but it is too much to hope. I am delighted with both the gifts though and do feel very lucky.

  6. 2 lovely pressies Clint! You are a lucky chap!

    1. Thank you Ray I do feel privileged to have received such lovely gifts.

  7. Happy un-birthday then Clint.
    I met Roy at the week-end and he's a very nice chap (though I think his blog is a bit more independent of Col. Bill's than you believe).
    Great figure, though I suspect you'll be doing abit on his base and the apes are a great gift.

    1. Thanks Joe. Roy also said I would most likely want to change the base. At present I would choose not to.
      As for the blog, maybe you are right, And yes the Apes are great.

  8. You lucky person! :)

  9. We certainly do have some splendid people in this most wholesome of hobbies.

    1. Thank you Michael. I could not agree more.

  10. The generosity of friends is a lovely thing. Ape gang gets my creative juices flowing

    1. Thank you Martin. I am humbled by their gifts.

  11. Good people, all I ever had was Ray!

    1. Thanks Fran. Not ever, you had Smiffy, Surgit, Izzy, Postie, Big Lee... Oh I see what you mean, perhaps Ray was the best of the bunch!

  12. You can never have too many apes in your ape gang, can you :-) ?

    1. Thank you C6. If there is such a thing as too many apes in an ape gang I have yet to come across such a thing. The more the merrier as far as I can tell.


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