Thursday, 13 October 2016

Indians (Sikhs)

You may have thought I had gone quiet. No not at all. I have been painting away and here are the first results.
They are all Foundry or Empress miniatures for the North West frontier. All 28mm and all for matt.

I think these 3 and Empress and are most likely officer, although the 2 on the right might be anything from acheologists to explorers but most likely officers.

They weerre a joy to paint and really are nice sculpts.  I would be happy to paint them again. Perhaps Matt has too many officers now and not enough rank and file. Only time will tell.

 Then there is a gun and three crew. (maybe an officer will e with them). These I believe are foundry and have been colour matched with a few samples matt has lent me.

I do not know the calibre of the gun but It is quite small and can be easily carried over rocks and mountains. Easy that is as long as I do not have to carry it.

And here are some Rank and file. A real mixture of Foundry and Empress. Again too many officers for my liking but I am sure Matt knows what he is ding. Along with uniforms several have sheep skin coats to keep out the cold of the mountains.

The coats were the most fun to paint and I was in two minds whether to have black or white sheepskins but I went for white in the end as I thought they may be the most common.

Thanks for looking today and I have a few Burpas to finish (7 of them)and them maybe something for myself.

have a good few days and see you soon.


  1. Nice Work I like the fur lined coats the infantry are wearing.

    1. Thank you Adam, it was fun painting the coats.

  2. Corking stuff, Clint. You certainly deserve to be painting something for yourself after all these wonderful fur-lined infantry. Perhaps you should treat yourself to a Chibi or two? ;-)

    1. Thank you Simon. This is a chibi free blog. But maybe I will paint something for myself next. But Burpas are already started so perhaps them first.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Gordon. Burpas finished tonight!

  4. Very nice work, Clint. I'm not going to be as cheeky as Simon and suggest you paint some Chibis next, instead I'll put forward a suggestion for starting work on your recently acquired Judge Dredd figures.

    1. Thank you Bryan. Feel free to be as cheeky as you like. I do have several options for painting and it might well be a mech next... or Zulus or some 15mm Stargrunt or maybe some 20mm Vietnam... (I still have 3 helecopters to build and paint!)

  5. I really like the uniformity of colours, and I think that green on the bases really works well with the khaki on the men.

    Seeing these has reminded me of an upcoming figure from Stu, entitled "Taking the Pith".
    A British officer on the lav. Whatever will he think of next!

    1. Thank you Roy. As for what Stu thinks of who knows! But I hope it sells for him.

  6. More lovely figures I have the foundry figures but have them slightly more military in style in fact the officer on the right is the famous colonel Cavendish just returned from adventures in the east....and soon to be sent to Zanzibar 😀

    1. Thank you Matt. I will take your word about it being Cavendish I know VERY little about it at all.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Fran. Burpas are now finished as well so a lazy night for me.

  8. I do like these Clint, well done Sir.

    1. Thank you Michael. I feel something quick and easy needs to be painted next.

  9. Lovely job again dude. I love the style of these minis very much so!

    1. Thank you Simon. some of them were a lot of fun to paint but none were terrible so all were quite enjoyable.

  10. Tha's quie a large chunk of figures there - very impressive. I think i's the khaki hat put me off the later years of he colonial era. There's nohing quie like a neat line of red-coats mowing down the locals imo. ;-)
    Great brushwork as always btw and I've just realised that the brown and green bases will alos look good in a NW frontier hill setting.

    1. Thank you Joe. having done sand on the Burpa bases the green and brown now does not look arid enough. But as I want the Burpas to be in desert as well as hills I will stick to my guns.

  11. Some good work there Clint. I love the guy with the sword, he looks great.

    1. Thanks Andy. Despite there being several with swords (and sword bayonets) I am pretty sure I know who you mean.

  12. Sorry mate I was on a night shift and not very coherent....

    1. No worries mate. I am hardly coherent most of the time.

  13. Very nice indeed Clint! A period I am constantly tempted by.

    1. Thank you Millsy. I am constantly tempted by so many periods and settings so I know the feeling very well indeed.

  14. They look beautiful, excellent job!

    1. Thank you Phil some more later in the week.


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