Saturday 8 July 2017

3 more

I blame the hot weather. It has been hot in the South of England okay not compared to some countries but for England. The consequence is that I am not sleeping. The follow on Is I have been painting when it is still light but not too hot. Like 4am. As such I finished these 3 this morning. At 6am, and then went and varnished some of the woodwork in the garden!

Yeah I know.

 The figures are Redoubt again and finish of the Archers I was painting. I should now have a suitable woodland Indian force for "En Garde" the rules by Osprey. So maybe we can start doing some new world adventures.

Colour wise these should fit in with the rest and while the two on the left look at first glance to be the same if you check their head attire they are clearly different. So I painted them about as different colour wise as I thought I could get away with.

I was going to put some VSF on today. (They are now finished) but as I get less post  views on a weekend I thought they could wait until the middle of the week.

Thanks for Looking. And tomorrow at the club I will be trying "Mantic's The Walking dead -all out war!!" At least that s the plan. It may  change you never know.

Another post on Monday all the best Clint


  1. Wonderful work, Clint. I especially like the warpaint - very nicely done indeed, Sir! :-)

    1. Thank you Simon. I suspect the War-paint is OK as I only ever use 4 colours (Black white, red and Ochre!) The colours I can Imagine Indians had access to.

  2. Great job Clint, the war paint is very effective again as is the skin tones

    1. Thank you Dave. Itry to keep any warpaint patterns quite simple along with a limited palate.

  3. That;s quite a band you've got going there Clint, great additions.

    1. Thank you Joe. I have 2-3 left unpainted as I type this but I think I now have enough.

  4. Once again, great paint jobs, Clint.

    1. Thank you Bryan. As mentioned above I now think I have enough done, at least for the present.

  5. Lovely work. Really like the warpaint.

    1. Thank you Simon. I feel I may have overdone th warpaint. But I am not going to change it.

  6. 4am this morning, we were still on the road from last night's gig in Eastbourne, so a) I know it was hot "down south" and b) I was watching it get light with you.
    Great paint job as usual Clint, and I hope you get a game of TWD at the club - I'd like to hear what you think of it :-)

    1. Thanks Addict. I did get a game of Walking dead or 3 at the club. Maybe I can do a report tomorrow.


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