Tuesday 30 January 2018

SCW 28mm Empress Miniatures

Slow off the blocks today. Took me a long time to get going. Sometimes we all have days like that. Anyway here are 13 28mm Empress Miniatures Spanish Civil War figures. They have been painted to be Very British Civil War (VBCW) figures for matt. The last pic does show them all together as I know by now that people do like a group shot.

broken down into one lot of 5 figures top and 2 lots of 4 figures each. Theer are more on the painting table and I plan to have them finished on Saturday (sunday at the latest)

Weapons are a mixture bur mostly rifles as well as 2 SMGs and a pistol and one I just do not know what! (Middle figure top pic)/ I bet some of you have taken a look just to tell me. Great if you have and even better if you have not.

All the clothes are civilian clothes and in a variety of colours. Well the helmets are old military but what did you expect. We could go into detail about what a Spanish Civil War figure should be wearing but the truth is that for a Very British Civil War all the rules are out of the window as it is a fictional war so seriously anything could have happened. It is all down to you.

The last Picture shows them all together and what a mixed lot they look too. As I know matt wants to use these as socialists I have put red ties on them where appropriate but I have tried not to over do the colour as then it looks artificial. Which honestly it is but as Walter Gropius once said "Less is More!" (which did start a verbal debate among architects to which my favourite reply was "Less is less", but you really have to read all the replies to get the full meaning of that comment some 80 years later.)

Guess who had to write an essay on it! yeah you guessed.

Not sure there will be another blog post in 2 days time. Nothing even nearly finished. But Japanese Tanks started (and abandoned until I get the correct colour paint.... I can't mix enough) as well as another lot of these and even another ECW figure. So no ideas what will come next. It really could be anything.

All the best Clint.

Paint if you an and the mood and the weather takes you.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Telegraph poles.

 let me take you back to November when I bought these. (23rd November 2017) . As you can see they are now painted and based.  A figure 20mm is included to show scale and the fact that if put about 1 foot-2 foot apart these will look most suitable for BoB wargaming.

They can also be used for anything up to modern in wargaming in the set scale. So Along with BoB they can be WW2 or WW1 20mm as well as modern. While I have not seen any pictures of them in Afghanistan that will not stop me using them as they instantly give height to the battlefield. (which most wargames are lacking if you were to ask me... thank goodness you did not!

As mentioned at the time they are 3D printed and they are a little rough. None of which bothers me in the slightest. Personally I think they are great and just what the BoB battle field needs.

Obvious scenarios include, stopping a message getting through, perhaps calling up reserves perhaps furthinging the campaign story. Maybe calling for a plane to rescue an important person or artefact. Maybe to chop down and use to stop a train, maybe to show a no fly zone (due to the wires) anyway you get the idea and I am sure there will be supplementary scenario ideas.

all 10 (more than I need) are now finished and will enhance the battlefield in due time.

Lastly some more strange Japanese WW2 tanks for my PBI forces.  I expect them to provide more of a laugh than a threat in games as let's be honest not the most potent of ww2 tanks. But they did exist and they were amphibious and were cheap on eBay. And they is good enough for me. I hope to get them painted this week. More about them then.

Have a good weekend and paint if the mood takes you.

Thursday 25 January 2018

My first ever ECW figure! (or border Reiver or Witch-Finder.... you decide)

Yes finished this week. And yes there are things I wish to change. However I am not unhappy about it.

I won't go into very much detail it is a warlord games 28mm plastic horse and metal rider. I bought the figure on a whim mostly because I have never painted as ECW figure before.

I hope to use it as a main character in an "En Garde" force but time will tell if it ever gets used at all.

That's it a very short update. I did ask Matt what he wanted me to put on next and he suggested this as opposed to some of his figures.

That's all folks have a good day and may The Witch-finder general stay clear of your endeavours. 

Wednesday 24 January 2018

FT 17 (20mm BoB)

There are currently a load of things on the painting table. There is some more VBCW in 28mm, some 28mm ECW (Don't ask going badly!) and more 20mm Back of Beyond stuff. However today here is the 1/72 nd scale (20mm to wargamers) FT 17.

Let us be honest the FT 17 was never a "Good tank" it had a crew of 2 (driver and Commander/gunner). It was designed as a "Mosquito" tank were swarms of them would take the battle field.  Despite not being a food tank it sold well to other counties. (Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renault_FT). And saw action in many different wars and settings. So it is totally suitable for Back of Beyond wargames.

This one is armed with a 14.5mm HMG while others were armed with a 37mm cannon.  Personally I prefer the HMG as there is no way you would want this to fight other tanks, but it did in a you use what you have kind of way.

The model by HAT comes 2 in a box and is very easy to assemble. There are 7 parts so it goes together without issue. Instructions are printed on the box but generally you do not need to look at them as the pieces are pretty much fool proof. Unless you decide to musk it up you wont.

One of the interesting things about the tank is that the front wheel is actually made from hard wood in real life. While the tail at the back is designed to help cross trenches.

All in all a great gift and very welcome in the back of beyond universe were tanks should be very rare indeed.

Thanks for looking today no idea what next time I will need to start getting things finished and not new things started on the painting table.

All the best Clint

Monday 22 January 2018

Yesterdays game at the club.....

At the club there were 3 games, a large "Shako" a small "Dirtside!" and a small "Chain of command." As I had things to do I left early and did not join in any game. I know I would have been welcome at any of the games and did indeed have offers yet somehow I declined and still returned home full of enthusiasm. How on earth did that happen!

I am only going to look at one game, as many will know I am not a Napoleonic's fan so you may have already guessed it is not that. I returned home feeling enthused by the "Chain of Command!" game.  The ONLY problem is the guys playing tend to buy everything on eBay already painted ad sell it a few months later. Which gives anyone a very short window of opportunity to get involved.

Battlefield BEFORE
Any Patrol arrives.
Also while at the club Peter gave me these two kits. ! FT 17 and one Ford truck both in 1/72nd scale and both for my BoB or Back of Beyond collection so I am very grateful. The tank only had 7 pieces so was very quickly stuck together and is already in the painting queue. Thanks Pete They are bother Brilliant.

Back to the game:

Firstly I like "Chain of Command!" I know it is not everyone's taste but I like it and it is for me. WE had an encounter patrol of Germans attacking (Kevin) and British (Relfie) defending.

British occupy the building and set up the Bren team on over watch.
While Relfie takes the area close to camera
Kev develops a 75mm Infantry gun in the corner of the walled area
back of picture.

Germans Hustle into another building and fire is exchanged.
Relfie by now occupies 2 buildings
and kev 1 a wood and a walled field and the building shown above.

Germans continue to press forward
However Concentrated fire from 2 positions
force the Germans in the wood
to fail morale check and retreat and eventually unable to rally in time
the Lmg team flees.

By the time I leave it is not looking good for the Germans.
Relfie uses his 2" mortar to drop smoke on the Infantry gun
which severely limits what it can see and shoot at.
Kevs unit in the walled field fails to close the distance and is shot at close range.
british Morale is 11 at this stage and German has dropped due to losses to 3


 So as I leave it is not looking good for the Germans.  I suspect an English win but one can never be sure. the British light mortar was out of HE rounds and was in retreat. Both the buildings and the wooded area had taken casualties while Kevs Unit in the building was still pristine. But as the Platoon was now on low morale very little would be needed to break morale.

From what I have seen of the rules I do like them and feel I need to dust of my 28mm ww2 figures.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Miner Gun Team

Well here is the "other" gun team I was talking about. They are 28mm "Ironclad Miniatures" (LINK) miner Gun crew. This now allows matt to use the same guns but with different crews as a wide choice of forces may be fielded. Being Ironclad miniatures they are 28mm and as such will tit in with the rest of his VBCW collection. Which by now is quite large.

I have painted them all in dull colours to best reflect the miners of the period and the clothes they would wear. I am not saying they never wore yellow and orange suits just that I have never seen it. The miners helmets are a common theme but in reality I am sure a miner unit would also have people who did not work underground in it as well. So maybe it is as much uniform as practical clothing for working underground.

The final Pic shows both new gun teams together. Miners on the left and Fascists on the right.

Thanks for looking today more again soon. maybe an AAR on Monday. Until then take care have fun and paint if the mood takes you.

Al the best Clint

Thursday 18 January 2018

VBCW Fascist Gun Crew

yep some Empress miniatures gun crew. Officially these are for the Spanish Civil War but the double up very nicely to be Very British Civil War figures.

I know boring background as it was taken on the dining room table and not one of my usual backdrops. I shall rectify that for when they are seen next. (Probably Saturday).

If they were SCW you might expect grey helmets and not very very dark green. That is one of the joys of VBCW you can change the colours to suit as you want and perhaps make new uniforms.

Again 28mm and painted for Matt. I have another gun crew on the painting table and they should be ready in a day or two.

Post script: My ECW figures have turned up and I shall start one as a trial today. No spoilers though but I have been working out the best way to paint the Family Tartan.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Mixed bag

Yes a mixed bag today. A REAL Mixed bag. Infract a liquorice allsorts type of post.

Let me explain. Matt dropped of some figures on Sunday and they are based and undercoated and I HOPE to show some in a few days. But this put me in a position where I was starting afresh with nothing ready to share on todays post.

BoB Back of Beyond.
Having looked at the prices of Trains on eBay suitable for BoB wargaming I was quite frankly alarmed. A single locomotive ranged from £30-500. (Plus postage). But this was for a train to go around a railway track. I found that a cheaper option was to go for a "STATIC" model, which in this instance cost £5.95 inc.
postage. Which if a far more acceptable price. The model is only a little bit smaller and once taken from the base (4 screws) and weathered shall I deem make a very acceptable wargames piece suitable for the Back of Beyond.

Roman Necromunda.
Well not quite but still a good set of rules and one that allows you to play ancient skirmish games quickly easily and with a minimal of fuss. Yeah but it's Fantasy...... Well yes it is but my argument would be it is true to what was believed at the time. Okay that is only partially true. It is a bit like saying that people today believe in ghosts or the Loch ness Monster or UFO's. And True some people do and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I am not going to criticise anyone for what they believe or don't believe.

Several differs types of "warband" are featured in the rules but any enemy of Rome could be featured if you were willing to do some background reading and approach the rules with an open mind.

If you want a review of the rules let me know. Personally I like what I read, but it does mean you have to have an open mind and or like Fantasy games.

This project has come from the back burner to the front burner. Two Christmases ago my Secret Santa (Blogger) sent me some 15mm Peter pig figures. I have felt guilty ever since as I had not used them at all. As Tim (at the club) has 2 10mm WW1 Middle east armies nearly finished that project fell of the burner altogether. Which opened up some space. Some of you will be aware that I used to be in a Dark age Re-enactment group, as such I have an interest in this period. As such I did have a VERY old DBA army (I actually had 4 at one stage but only kept hold of one). Therefore I an repaimting and rebasing a force to sit in with the Peter Pig rules "Longships". I hasten to add than no new purchases are at present planned (Ok some are, but only loosely and no money has parted hands so far.

One of the good things about the Dark ages is that once you have an army it can be used for multiple opponents.  Seriously there is no difference in what a Viking wore or fought with or an Anglo Saxon, or Scots or Welsh or... you get the idea.

14/400. yes tis is 14 points from 400 needed for a game. The figures are old, very old, they are about 35 years old and were the first army I ever bought. Re-painted now . The two with bows are "Minifigs" the 2 with slings are "Tabletop games" (A company no longer in existence at all.) Each stand in the Peter pig rules is worth 7 points. They are skirmishers and a Viking army historically did not have many of them at all.

I will not flood the army lists with skirmishers but it is useful to have 1 skirmish unit if no more. Having NO skirmish units is I have found a disadvantage.

When I finish another unit I will tell you both the points of the unit and the total paints for the army. Remember it if out of 400. so as mentioned this is 14/400.

That is it for today more again soon. Matts crew next I hope.

As always any questions, comments or observations are welcomed.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Even more Burpas

Yes only 4 more Burpa cavalry. But at the end a group shot of this BATCH, which is all the Burpas I have painted since xmas.

As with the rest they are all either Foundry or Empress Miniatures and all 28mm and with luck they should all work together.

The one on the far right is some kind of leader and the background makes him appear darker than he really is. The 2 in the middle shall carry flags or banner. However Matt knows I do not enjoy doing these so he will kindly do them for me. The one on the left is not special in any way  in that he is rank and file and not leader or standard bearer.
 Lastly a group pic of all the ones done SINCE Christmas.

 Thanks for looking and more again soon. Just give me a few days. Perhaps Tuesday.

All the best on a 5am Sunday morning.

Friday 12 January 2018

Warg Rider.

Yes another LotR figure rolls (or should that be gallops) of my painting table. To be honest I do not have VERY many more to do.

The figure is a Games Workshop Warg rider. . It is a 28mm figure, and was an eBay purchase. Following "Fantorical" blogs posts about Songs of blade and heroes Lord of the rings posts. So feel free to blame or praise him for the inspiration   (Link to BLOG). I do have a couple more to do so you have not seen the last of the Lord of the Rings figures just yet.

The shadows are present on the pics due to the dullness of the weather so kindly forgive that unless you are powerful enough to change the local weather here, in which case I would ask you to do that instead.

Consider this a short interlude as I carry on with more Burpas. Which I hope to show next time.

So until next time, take care have fun and paint like crazy.

All the best Clint

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Mounted Musician Burpa 28mm

Yep just 1 figure today. The weather here has been dull and overcast. so much that it has been a "Challenging "time to paint. As such just a single figure finished.

It is of course a Burpa Musician for Matt. As such it is a 28mm figure painted and based to fit in with the rest of his troops. I strongly suggest he carries a trumpet/horn of some variety. I am not up on the technical terms so I will leave it at that.

If the weather had been favourable it would have been nicer to paint. I am not complaining but let us just say it has been a struggle to paint at all recently.

There are 4 more mounted troops on the paint table and I hope to finish them by Sunday. But It may well take longer.

I suspect a LotR figure will be the next thing finished, but that does depend on how things progress.

Elsewhere in the Projects:

Kevin from the club gave me these. 2 "Golden Compass" airships.
The idea being that they could with a repaint and on suitable stands be used for "Crimson Skies" Time will tell.
But none the less a big thank you to Kev. Really appreciate it.

|Additionally a quick chat (is that a chattette?) with Tim reveals that his WW1 10 mm armies are very nearly finished. The Turkish is finished and the Imperial will not take long. This being the case I have put my WW1 project on the back burner. I will see how his turns out and then decide how, if at all to progress. Maybe I will turn into Arab Revolt... who knows.

That's it for today. I really do need to get my DIY head on and patch the wall left in the kitchen by the gas fitter.... GRRRR!

Monday 8 January 2018

BoB first game.

The Archaeologists are just to the right.
One of the things I like in games is not knowing what the other player is supposed to do. In other words hidden objectives. In reality no battle is won if both players know ALL the facts. It is enough to know what your objective is and IF you can deduce the opponents objective things SHOULD go easier. But there should be an air of Mystery at least at the start. So when I set up the "Back of Beyond " game I was expecting 4 players .But only had 2! Rather than being a hindrance I tried to look on it as an advantage. Thus Graham played the Russians (they could be white or red Russians depending on what he wanted, ) While Matt played the Indians.

Rolls Royce armoured car arrives for Matt.
From grahams point of view: The Indians had invaded his area and needed to be sent back across the border with their tails between their legs, the Dogs!

From Matt's point of View: the Esteemed Archaeologist had found something vital to the crown while travelling in the BoB and needed to bring it back to British control.

A HMG and a lorry load of infantry reinforces Graham
It is worth mentioning that all vehicles could ONLY
 move on the road or get bogged down in sof sand.
The Rules were "Triumph and Tragedy" set some where north of India in the late 1920's. Matt had the only hero "Henry Simons-Parker" an archaeologist who will no doubt turn up in further adventures . As in the rules Heroes do not die unless the GM (me decrees it so! I did not decree it so! (That's not a spoiler as he could still be captured or wounded or anything else I could think of if he did actually die in the game.

Each side started with 2 units on the table. Two of Grahams choice but Matt only had 1 choice, the other being the rabble of diggers that seem to accompany archaeologists everywhere. The diggers were the worst troops in the entire game. with the hero being (by far) the best.

The first few turns saw matt leave the dig site and head to the large compound where he had some Punjabi troops waiting in cover. Graham was fortunate enough to bring on a HMG from reserves and move up into better positions with the rest of his troops.

Despite telling ALL players that vehicles had paper thin armour and could be destroyed by normal small arms fire Matt bought on a Rolls Royce armoured car and as it drove up the road spraying bullets from its HMG. Graham in a lucky shot was able to destroy the HMG and kill the gunner with his very first shot! Thangs were not going Matts way.  The armoured car was targeted several more times and eventually lost a tire and the vehicle commander so by the end of the game it was just a bullet magnet and mobile baracade or at least that is how Matt used it. But in reality without a commander or a gun and with only 3 properly functioning wheels what other choices did he have.

Player who had never played before
quickly picked up the rules
despite my mistakes.
(Which were mostly rectified)
matt did bring on another Punjabi squad. these on paper were better troops than Graham had. but Graham had the dice gods on hid side and the noose tightened around he Archaeologist . having set his troops to advantageous positions in the first few turn from then on the HMG and 2 squads were able to bring a consistent and withering fire on Matts figures. Both sides learnt the use of cover in the rules very quickly and while both did play well. The loss of the armoured car was a telling blow to Matt.

Matt separated Henry Simons-Parker from the unit and kept the unit closer to Graham thus providing a meat shield of protection. As Graham had to target the unit as opposed to the individual.

 None the less there was only one avenue of escape left to Matt (if escape was the plan.). Matts Punjabi troops left the compound and took to the road. using as much cover as they could. Which was actually mud brick walling, and wheat fields (hard and soft cover)

Graham was having the best of the shooting but not by much. Grahams troops tended to want to shoot at the Rolls Royce even when Graham would rather they shot at more fleshy targets. However Mastt was able to get a little relief and forced one of Grahams units to run out of sight and "Recover". Matts Tactic with his slightly superior troops were to take the recovery option in view of the enemy and risk routing from the table. Luckily  for matt he was always able to make the morale test and his officers were able to steady the troops nerves.

In the final turn Matt escaped most of his troops
Towards the end of the Game Graham bought on the artillery . This was a Secret mission for him . It was considered by high command to valuable to loose  or even fire and it was just included in the game to scare Matt. It had no other in game purpose. But Matt never knew this. The idea being if more players only the controlling player would know it was not able to fire and a minor argument among allies might result when it was not used to "save" the Day, the game or his troops! In reality its only purpose was to give the Indians another target. Graham being sensible never allowed it to be targeted, and as all of his side (just him in this instance) knew it was just a distraction a lot of the sub plot was missed.

Conclusion: \Matt was able to escape with most of the diggers and Henery Simons-Parker. Some of the diggers no doubt would die of their woulds and other end up in erhm.. "detention". Having been casualties. Most were un harmed. Like wise many of the Punjabi's did not make it back across the border either captured or dead in battle.

The rules worked quite well and I anticipate another game. I will of course need a further read of them and a minor study of them. Overall I was very happy with the game and how the rules worked.

Graham lost less troops and was awarded a minor victory. A major victory if Simons-Parker was stopped but as he made it across the border and later went on to publish his results in the Royal Institute papers. being of a military mind you paid the results of the dig little heed but you did glean something about the Ice age animals not dying out as far in the past as previously though... All a load of pseudo-scientific hog wash of course, now where is that waiter with the brandy?

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Yet another 5 more Burpas

Well the title says it all. I believe they are a mixture of makes including Foundry and Empress miniatures. (But just don't ask me who is who!)

3 Have been left without flags on the poles as I have asked Matt to do them from now on. I was getting in a frightful mess with them.

Clearly there are 2 Officers/tribal leaders and 3 flag wavers. As they would all be men of note at least as far as the tribe is concerened I have tended to go for some bright colours, Including a dark blue as I so rarely paint the Burpas in dark blue. He should stand out nicely.

needless to say they are 28mm tall and should fit in with the rest of Matts troops. We have been lucky enough to have a game in early December, but being a numbskull I forgot my camera. Despite this I will do a game report soon as 2 other club members have sent me some Pics.

That is it for today. 5 Cavalry to do for Matt and they are now undercoated so should get started tonight. Only base horse colours but It is a start!

Until next time take care, have fun and paint if you get the opportunity!

Kind regards Clint